You can't grasp the concept that the record tells us how good they were. There will always be close wins and losses but you go .500 TWO years in a row that tells us something. MAYBE if it was one year I could buy that but over 2 years being exactly .500 each year? That proves they were medicore. Add in the humiliating playoff losses and that team clearly was not very good. The Chargers lethal pasing game got them wins over all bad teams w/ the exception of one game. I don't care how lethal the pass game was, they don't award W's and L's based on passing games. We had 2 HOF players on our 1993 and 1994 teams- were we better than our records? The Oilers should have been able to beat a bad Miami team w/ any QB and Bob davis played the week before at Oakland so I can't buy the injury excuse. Their QB must have gottne hurt in that Oak game. It is nonsense b/c I have been discussing the road to the SB, the playoff teams records mean nothing and beating SD twice means nothing b/c they had a good record b/c they beat BAD TEAMS. They were 1-1 against the ONLY quality teams they faced in the reg season. So if the Raiders were that clsoe despite playing the week before and travelling across Country then it's logical to believe they would have most likely won in oaklnd, right?
Heh Junc do U realize that outside of JWN & DM & Weeb the NYJs have NOBODY in the HOF. That says a whole lot about there management, coaching etc, etc etc since that win in SB3 up to today BTW? :jets:
I didn't realize that. Thanks champ- I thought ken O'Brien, Wesley walker and Kyle mackey were in the hall. Thanks for clearing that up!
I didn't realize that either. This is a HUGE point in terms of making a compelling argument that Jets teams and players and coaches since 1969 are not what the '68 team was. Talk about using statistics!
I would have thought WW would be in the hall, but neither of the other two. But maybe Emerson Boozer and Joe Klecko I could see.
The current era is the first continually winning era in jets history and we'll have HOFers in the future w/ Curtis, possibly Mawae, revis, Mangold. You win you get players in the Hall. 1960-1997(38 seasons) we only had 7 postseasons and 5 playoff wins 1998-2010(13 seasons) we had 7 postseasons and 7 postseason wins 7 in 38= 18% 7 in 13= 54%
This brings up interesting speculation. Who (from this current team) will eventually wind up in the HOF? Revis? Mangold? Ferguson? Certainly not Sanchez, unless his numbers improve, but winning a SB might help.
Revis is a lock if he stays healthy Mangold is a good bet Brick is on a borderline pace Obviously LT will make it but for his SD years
I will concede that this team SHOULD produce more HOFers than any other era. But you are right, they also need a SB win to seal the deal. This is not to say this team has more outstanding talent than other teams, just more outstanding talent than previous Jets teams.
If you want to talk coaches, RR could possibly do it, but it's going to take more playoff appearances and a SB or two.
I want to see a Mike Francessa interview with Revis on the day Revis makes it into the HOF: "Well now, I see ya got yawself into da hawl of fame deah, Dawelle. But what about dat intaception back in 2011 weah it shulda been called back faw pass intafewence? Don't ya think dey shoulda taken dat into considawation and how do you feel about dat?
Their record does not tell the entire story of that team. Was our ’99 team just an 8-8 team or were they in reality better than an 8-8 team. I tend to think they were better than an 8-8 team that suffered because of Rick Mirer. How about towards the end of that season? Were they mediocre towards the end of the season? Not everything is black and white. The Oilers got smoked in the playoff game by a team that was head and shoulders better and was one of the greatest teams in the AFL. That’s not shocking and it doesn’t prove that they weren’t better than their record in ’68. The Chargers played tight games against the Jets, Chiefs and twice against the Raiders. The Jets and Chiefs had to score 4th Qtr TD’s to pull out games against the Chargers. The Chargers defeated the Raiders IN Oakland (apparently it was possible to beat the Raiders in Oakland) and in the 2nd game against the Raiders the score was 24 – 19 going into the 4th quarter. Comparing the 1993-94 Jets with the 68 Chargers is ridiculous and is actually nonsense. A – Bob Davis was terrible. B – he played 8 minutes in the game before when the game was out of reach down 24-9. Beathard did not get hurt in the Oakland game. He did have to have emergency appendectomy 3 days before the Dolphin game however. You don’t think losing the QB who was preparing as the starter 3 days before the game made a difference? You can pigeon hole your case all you want because you are trying to diminish the 68 Jets’ accomplishment. I’ll put the reality check to the argument. The reality is that the 68 Jets DEFEATED teams whose combined record was 46-10; 5 times in 6 games. The Jets travelled out to Oakland a few weeks earlier and were within a disastrous collapse away from winning. Why is it so hard to think they could have gone out to Oakland and sealed the deal?
You can't be serious?????? Rex hasn't even won a Division title, let alone a Conference Championship or Super Bowl.
There's nobody currently on the Jets that you can project to the hall of fame. Revis and Mangold are the closest but Revis needs at least 5 more seasons to get there and Mangold needs a Lombardi Trophy or about 5 more himself. Obviously Curtis Martin is pretty likely to get there, although every time I hear Peter King talk about his prospects he seems farther away. Leaving the Pats for the Jets is a cardinal sin in King's mind and he will work against Martin at every turn. Kevin Mawae is 50/50 and maybe going via the veteran's committee. No Lombardi's makes it hard for an offensive lineman to get in.