i get to use my $30 gaming coupon from when i bought Arkham city... and then get another $20 coupon for getting this game. kmart is awesome when it comes to game promotions. amazon is close but they stopped giving $20 amazon credits and now only $10
Big games like this always have tons of copies. I haven't pre ordered anything in years and always get a copy on day 1 if I want it.
At the gamestop by me they only had 1 copy of Madden but it's a pretty shitty store, I have like 3 or 4 by where I live so I may have to go road trippin a bit but I want this shit
That is a shitty store. The day madden came out the GameStop near me had copes all over the place. I saw like 5 guys with no pre order get one while I was there.
i could've sworn i pre-ordered this one... haven't heard anything though. i guess i'll just have to see if i can pick one up. the first two were great.
Yeah same, I don't think anything I read here is gonna change my mind this game has been incredible reviews, 93 on Metacritic atm
the last one was one of the best games for the PS3... even if its a step down (which would admittedly suck) it would still be a very playable game. so yeah, i agree. there's pretty much nothing anyone can say to make me not want to play this one.
i've been so freakin' slammed at work, i played batman for a few hours, then stopped. i jsut played again for a few last night... i'm still very early in that game... fucking work. too many good games come out this time of year.
IGN review of this is 10/10, "a masterpiece". Might have to break my habit of being a cheap bastard and pay full whack for it.
Wife has gone downtown to sign contracts for her new job she's starting next week, so I'e taken advantage of her good mood to ask her to stop by the store and get me Uncharted 3. Any initial thoughts from anyone who's got it?