Come out cowards. Wheres the media rapage of Freeman and Flacco, and even Matt Ryan? Wheres all the fucking people that rip Sanchez? where the fuck are you? hiding under your god damn desks right? Flacco right now is worse than Sanchez in his Rookie year. Freeman has regressed completely. Matt Ryan has melted and looks like a 2nd year QB, yet Sanchez the only one that has improved is STILL being criticized the most. Fuck Joe flacco, I dont want him mentioned in the same sentence as Sanchez ever again. Flacco has more in common with Jamarcus Russell than Sanchez. I witnessed the most pathetic performance in the history of the NFL tonight, yet im sure he will get a free pass. All the haters and naysayers will make up some excuse for him and keep their target locked onto Sanchez. Go ahead and hate, Mark Sanchez has 14 TD(2 rushing)and 6 picks yet Freeman the one who throws 4 picks in one game, (something Sanchez hasnt done since his rookie year) is a top 10 QB? RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT.
Pretty dramatic way to put it out there Soxxx, but there's truth in what you say. I haven't seen anyone bump the "Would you trade Sanchez for 2 #1's?" thread since Sunday's game...
Freeman has regressed. Ryan with the addition of Julio jones has played poorly. and Flacco...really Suggs.
It's like 1 or 2 guys with opinions worth reading then retards. Anyone else who criticizes him likes him but can also see his flaws.
One half decent game, which he was getting mocked by half the people on this board in the game day thread for the first half, and he's back to worth two first round picks! Incredible!
The game day thread is 90% retarded. If we went by the gameday threads the entire team would suck according to half of them.
The point is that it's still Sanchez who gets the passive aggressive barbs thrown at him - see MMQB from yesterday for an example. In a piece about how well Plax did, Peter King still finds it essential to toss in a line about how shit Sanchez is. Ryan, Flacco and Freeman don't get that level of hostility.
While he certainly had his best game of the season he still made some poor throws and decisions. Nobody wants him to succeed more then I do but it can't always be unicorns and glitter. This ain't a Progressive Insurance commercial. And while Flo would probably jump his bone she ain't making his flaws go away. If he plays like shit he's gonna get called out and how you can criticize Matt Ryan after what he did yesterday? really? Take the blinders off man. Every single QB you named has good games and bad games. This one performance by Sanchez doesn't elevate him above any of those guys as just like Sanchez they're all extremely inconsistent with Ryan probably being the best QB of the bunch right now. If Sanchez plays like this the next 9 games and through the playoffs then this thread is warranted but his biggest problem has been consistency. If he can maintain it we'll win a lot of games but that's a challenge for him.
This week off could have come at a better time. I think the Jets are on a roll...and we've seen how they do after some time off.
don't forgot Matthew Staffordshire China now currently injured once again turns out the Jets got the GEM of the 2009 quarterback crop unquestionably and got him for a second round pick and three scrubs (all three no longer playing in Cleveland)