The team's orthopedist might not get recognized outside a TGG signature but I think the guy did a helluva job today in two appearances. Saw him walk off the field with Greene and Harris, threw up in my mouth during both injury scares but, both guys came back healthy. Maybe he Miyagi'ed them, maybe he rubbed dirt on them - whatever he did worked.
He's been with the team forever, so he has to be good. But I tip my cap to luck, the toughness of those two players, and modern medicine.
that. Hershman is probably very good at his job, but those guys still have to want to go/feel healthy enough to do so. Obviously neither injury was extremely severe, because if it was they wouldnt have been able to go back in.
Wayne Chrebet's headaches thank him as does Al Toon's migraines. This has all to do with the training staff and nothing to do with this hack, that should be nowhere near a professional athlete let alone any patient.
It's a low down dirty shame this wasn't a KOZ thread. He's the biggest Hershman supporter in the fanbase. His orthopedist.
A long time ago, watching the game with my mom, we saw him run on the field for an injury and she thought he was a personal injury attorney.
You do realize that team Dr's were ortho's and as such did treat head injuries. I was wrong about this particular Dr but not about Ortho's treating head injuries. BTW I am well aware of specialists and such, thanks..........
The team's orthopedist might not get recognized outside a TGG signature but I think the guy did a helluva job today in two appearances. Saw him walk off the field with Greene and Harris, threw up in my mouth during both injury scares but, both guys came back healthy. Maybe he Miyagi'ed them, maybe he rubbed dirt on them - whatever he did worked.[/QUOTE] LOL! :grin:
Harris seemed like it was minor. Greene was feeling it yesterday... I think they would have had to strap him to the bench to keep him out of the game. LT didn't look so good on the sideline, I though he was gonna puke when he was kneeling there.
Joe Bornstein Couldn't find a football one, so I went with my UMaine Black Bears