DUDE! I couldnt bellieve what I was watching. It looks like he bought the suit yesterday and caught AIDS this morning
Is it bad that the commercial about the old lady who falls and can't get up reminds me of Tomlinson? It's probably bad.
on the not talking in good drives thing, everyone is so focused on whats coming next, they forget how to type. When we suck, its easier to type anger than throw things at the $1500 tv set, or the wife/kids. celebration is acceptable out loud or in type form haha
Guys just in case you didn't see his posts or give him any attention yet, deathstar hopes the Jets win.
I love that Pujols commercial. Too bad the commercials for Sportscenter are so much better than the actual product. "Now let's see what Luke Walton tweeted about the Pujols commercial!"
Friend's at game....says crowd is PISSED bigtime at Jets....most people blame Tanenabaum for the changes, not Shotty/Sanchez. Ryan getting a pass, too.