2011 Fatcesa thread (Jets related only) - Revis owns fatty on 10/21/2011

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by LoyalJetsFan, Mar 15, 2011.

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  1. Sanpetejets

    Sanpetejets Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    As always with Chubby, it's not what he's saying, not the content (although many times, even if he has a solid point overall, his example in incorrect), it's how he's saying it. It's the pure, unadulterated joy he takes in killing the team when they are down, how he can be patently unfair and one sided in his analysis of the team or their actions (see, edwards, braylon), and the through gritted teeth, backhanded-if-at-all way he compliments them when they are doing well.

    I have, again, decided not to listen... but I would like to point this out. In the two local papers today, the same Santonio Holmes story is reported on. In one, he is made out to be a jerk, calling out his team. In the other, his comments are in context of being asked why the team has had trouble going down field, and are not incendiary. So which is it? Well, it depends on where you get it from. I am not looking for pom pom guys like Vacchiano on the radio or in the papers either. It's just with certain media types and the current Jets (your Francesa, your Cimini, for example) it's so clearly personal, that it sucks any enjoyment you might get from what is supposed to be entertainment completely dry.

    It's all spin, it's all narrative, it's all agenda with the NY sports media... That's why I have taken to utilizing podcasts and blogs to get my Jets fix.
    #1541 Sanpetejets, Oct 14, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
  2. Antoni

    Antoni Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2007
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    Bawdahline personality disordah? Where'd you get dis gawbage from? Oh Hawwwviid? Who cahez!! What he has is a big mouth and Terell owinz syndrome
  3. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Yeah, Fatty, the schedule makers sure have given us the easy path with a three game road trip to start the season. :rofl:
  4. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    Of course Fatty filibustered around his mistake saying Marshall diagnosed himself lol.
  5. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Lolol no way
  6. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Franncswa really hates Rex! Its ridiculous at the nonsense he spews and ppl let him get away with it. I guess they think it will lead to more ratings for him. For a Jet fan to listen to him, is sad.
    Yes he is ridiculously funny, becuase usually he ridiculously wrong, but we need to stop supporting a Jet hater.

    HE kills your team, and brings up lies to build his story, and we laugh. But are you gonna keep laughing while other fans believe franswa...

    F him and his show
  7. vajet69

    vajet69 New Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    A couple of weeks ago I e-mailed Mushnick a link to pages 57-59. He e-mailed me back thanking me for the laughs. I hope he checks in here for material.
  8. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    I'm not gonna pick da Jets again, but I just wanted to let you awwl know I dink dare gonna win.

    So lets recap.

    The Jets wah nevah a soupa bowl contendah befaw duh season. I nevah dawt dey wah. Dey ah provin they ah not. Dey tawy and tawwk and tawwk and it's time tuh shut up and play bawl.

    Yet he picked the Jets in his picks to

    week 1: beat and cover the pts vs dallas
    week 2: said they would beat JAX. didn't pick them in picks though. spread too high.
    week 3: didn't pick them in the picks, but said the jets should win, they are the better team.
    week 4: picks them to cover the 3.5 pts vs BAL
    week 5: picks the jets to cover 9.5, although he did say they would lose
    week 6: sees no way dolphins can win.

    so the jets are sooo awful and they wahh nevah soupa bowl contendiz yet you think they were going to win 5 out of their 6 games.

    More like 'I hate duh Jets, and will bash them at any cawst, so to help me vs my cawliz just in case duh Jets win'
  9. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    It was comical really, after the next commercial break Francesa filibustered for five minutes saying that 'Marshall apparently told people in camp he had bipolar disorder', never admitting that he was wrong to jump on the caller for saying it of course. He just went off on a tangent about how he (Marshall) diagnosed himself with it, and we can't excuse every little thing Marshall does because of it, and 'if' he does have it maybe he shouldn't be playing in the NFL.

    Can't wait to see the next Mushnick column, this is like the Al Albequrque fiasco, only even funnier cause it was so soon after that.
  10. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    i've never seen anyone just hang up on callers like he does. he doesn't even let them speak. if he doesn't think it's true, he immediately hangs up. it's like he's guarding against a prank call so he doesn't get embarrassed. kinda like the yogi berra prank call.

    this guy can NEVER be wrong or never be made fun of. that's why he's only a Yankee fan. how can you love sports like he does and you only have 1 favorite team? he couldn't handle being a jet fan and taking the abuse.
  11. The Mak

    The Mak New Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    I just remembered, isn't Tank supposed to have rolled out his "groundbreaking social medier interaction" campaign for da show by now? He said it was coming "in the fall".
  12. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    he did introduce it. it's a brand new voice control technology for radio hosts.

    for example, if you're a host talking to a caller you can say a word/sentence and the caller will be disconnected. the standard one is 'thanks for the call' and then the caller is disconnected. you can customize your own phrase to disconnect the caller.

    Francesa's magic word is 'wait a second'. Whenever he says 'wait a second', the caller is automatically cut off.
  13. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    Waitasecund waitasecund waitasecund. I never said that. You are wrong. How can you say that when you call me and make no sense.
  14. Antoni

    Antoni Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2007
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    The Friday footbawl show is usually a good one when it's not overwhelmed by baseball Derek Jeetah and Mickey Mantle tawk. My favorite part is at 5:30 when he gives us his picks. This is when the entire sports betting world comes to a complete stop, as all the bookies in Vegas and the rest of the world sit there sweating waiting for the Pope's picks, in a league where they play, fah pay!!

  15. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Fatcesa is the FOX News of Sports radio/TV. Making things up or slanting the truth because of his bias while the listeners believeing everything he says because they want to hate.
  16. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    You could say that about any of the networks today, not just Fox news.

    The bottom line is that Francessa is deranged when it comes to Rex Ryan, and the Jets. No one takes him serriously
  17. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Doctah Mikey letting us know whats up with Brandon Marshawl.

    Classic backstepping at its finest.....

    In the league where they PLAY.............................



    .............................FOR PAY! DUN DUN DUN DUN.
  18. vajet69

    vajet69 New Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    I was told that all bets at the Casino's and all drinks come to a stop until da picks are in.
    Da luckiest guy is Ray Catina. The whole world is listening.
    #1558 vajet69, Oct 15, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2011
  19. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    how about acknowledging the caller you hung up on? how about an apology?

    'Sorry to the caller who called about Marshall, he was right. I made a mistake'

    But nooooooo

    I don't cay-uhh if Haw-vid told duh guy he had dis dis awwda. I wasn't dare in da building when dey did da tests. How do I know he really has dis? Dis is some sawt of built in excuse faw Mawshall when he says sometin crazy?

    So the caller was right about his personality disorder so Tank somehow tries to dissprove that the caller was right by disproving that Marshall probably doesn't have it? ha
  20. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    That caller has to wait his turn in line behind the "Al Albequerque" caller...among others
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