I really disagree with the #8 choice...What a tool pick there. How is he a nice guy??? No issues with the rest.
Yeah, a list of the ten highest profile players in the NFL would have included mainly players on that list. Also, according to that evidence quarterbacks are on average much nicer people than players in other positions.
More proof that Sanchez is a dick- he didn't make this list. BTW, I DISAGREE with #3. Peyton is a dick too!
Aaron Rodgers is an arrogant asshole...moreso than Marino was. GOAT QB, though... Megatron is a pretty swell scro
Brees is a tool and Rodgers is a pompous ass. Stupid list. What are the reasons these guys are the nicest?
You guys realize that they surveyed NFL players, right? I think they know these guys a bit better than we do...
You read my mind - as I was reading these comments I kept saying to myself that this is the result of a poll. There's no agenda going on here at all. Probably the 53rd guy on a roster doesn't get chosen because most of his own teammates don't know him, let alone players on other teams. Maybe people who've played with and against Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers, and Drew Brees know a little more about them than fans do?
This might be the dumbest "list" article I've seen. Nicest guy? That aside, they polled 272 players. There are 32 teams in the league, each with a 53-man active roster, for 1,696 players. Less than 20% were actually asked.
Um... Looks like you don't know how polling works... You take a sample of the entire population...Based on the confidence level and sample size, you are a certain percent confident that the sample is indicative of the population... Cost makes it impossible to poll any entire population...This applies to anything...
I know how polling works. I watched the Family Feud as a kid. But this isn't Rasmussen or Gallop. This is a finite group of individuals, not a population of hundreds of thousands of registered voters, and call me picky but I think <20% of NFL players is a little weak. EDIT: It's also kind of ridiculous to expect NFL players to be that friendly with each other at any level. Do these guys really know the players they're voting for? Doubtful, I think.
Don't underestimate the solidarity of the players' union...a lot of those names on that list are leaders held in high regard among their peers for the recent negotiations of the CBA, imo