Brainlessly bash former Jet employee, Brian Schottenheimer

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by ThunderbirdJet, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Good play callers get the offensive into a rhythm. Good play callers help with the rush by keeping the defense off balance and guessing. Good play callers take advantage of the defenses weaknesses or set-up plays.

    When you talk about drop passes or bad throws or bad reads this all comes together with good play calling. If you are always in 3-6 that puts a lot of pressure on your quarterback and offensive line.

    You always hear the announcers like Simms, Gruden, Jaws talk about play design you never hear them talk about Shotty's play design.

    In todays day and age the first fifteen plays are scripted to give the offense an idea how the defense reacts to different formations and patterns Shotty does not seem to learn from them.

    You do not not need to fire Shotty or demote him to make a change what needs to happen is somebody else calling the plays. This happens all the time in the NFL.

    Rex needs to step-up and take over play calling duties himself or have one of other offensive staff start doing it before the Jets lose the season.
    #3421 cval, Oct 10, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2011
  2. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    I don't believe that there are many here that wounldn't admit that there are problems beyond the playcalling. Nobody is saying that Schottenheimer is the only problem, it's the fact that his pattern is not putting the Jets in the best position to win. It's as simple as that. Are there execution problems? Definitely. However, if you consider what Schottenheimer brings to the party you have to conclude that the Jets O is less than what it could be.

    I liken it to the point about penalties. There are holding / PI calls that you can understnad when you beat on a play and then there all the mental mistakes (offsides, illegal procedure, etc.) that will kill you. Is Sanchez the most accurate thrower of the ball? No. Is the OL creating enough holes in the running game (like it has in the past) to be successful? No. Did the Jets drop some critical passes? Yes. There were execution problems, but the offensive brain trust didn't take advantage of the situation.

    The Jets didn't try any long passes against the worst pass defense in the league. This type of issue (not playing to the weakness of the opponent) has been a consistent thread for the Jets for a while. The offensive playcalling has much to be desired and it hasn't been in just one or two games. If the offense is having problems converting third downs then it's even more imperative to try to get some long passes to get into scoring position.

    This is why many people (not myself) are giving the benefit of the doubt to the defense in this game - even though they were in a position to make a stand to give the Jets a chance to win (and failed). Rex has shown that he knows defense and has a track record of success. Schottenheimer, on the other hand, has a history of mediocrity and therefore doesn't get any leaway after a performance where the Jets had only 2.5 good drives in the hole game.

    Playing against the Patriots you have to think that the offense is going to have to score 30+ points to win the game. However, I saw nothing in the offensive play calling (with regards to getting some quick scores) to show me that this was an acheivable goal.
  3. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The offensive coordinator is responsible for how effectively his unit plays.

    You're saying that it's not all on the play calls, that the excution is also causing problems. Well, guess what? Brian Schottenheimer is responsible for how his unit executes as well as the play calls he makes.

    Frankly, the Jets offensive unit right now is a huge steaming pile of crap incapable of winning games and often capable of losing them.

    Guess who that is on?

    Brian Schottenheimer.

    I don't care if the receivers are dropping passes and the QB makes bad reads and throws and the backs aren't consistently running hard and the line is blowing calls and getting the QB killed. The fact is that it's Brian Schottenheimer's responsibility to have a unit that does not do those things consistently and he is failing at that responsibility.

    I kind of hope that Maddenbaum takes his last shot and brings Carson Palmer in here because then it will become clear what's really wrong with the Jets.
  4. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    I would call Plax more than a disappointment. Hell, I wanted him to shoot himself again yesterday after he dropped a pass that would have been at least a first down, and the camera hit him walking back to the huddle laughing.

    I'm tired of these guys on offense thinking every single fuck up is one big joke. But no one ever points at that. No one ever points at the multiple penalties either. No one ever points to a shitty locker room despite all of these "captains." No one ever points to big mouths who come up little.

    What do those things have in common? They're all the responsibility of the head coach to fix.

    Koz, I'm really tiring of this. You want to talk, then talk. Otherwise, keep your insults to yourself.

    This is exactly what I was thinking after the game last night. Screw it, fire him. It doesn't matter. All it will do is prove once and for all how much Sanchez sucks. Then the Schotty haters will have to face that.

    Do I think Schotty's doing a great job? Not at all, but then, I never did. You wouldn't know that from the clowns who choose to insult me rather than have a discussion, but whatever.

    Great post. Right on the money. Though unless we get an elite coordinator in here, and a complete turnover in receiving talent apart from Holmes (due to money) and Kerley (who looks like a player) it's not going to matter.

    I agree with this. Granted, I've been attacking Sanchez mercilessly, but as I've said, at his best he's an average QB, and a good game manager. We can win with him, but he needs time and wide open men to hit.

    That's done via play-action (which seems to work almost every attempt). You get traction for play-action via a good ground attack. You gain a good ground attack by being 100% committed to it. Like you said, make them prove they can stop it.

    I'm not of the belief that it would fix everything, it wouldn't, but it would help. There just seems to be no true plan though. It always seems hacked together on the fly.

    And this is what us "Schotty Defenders" have been saying all along. How does Rex get no blame here?

    Oh stop making sense junc. It's all Schotty's fault when receivers drop balls that hit them in the hands. It's also his fault when a line minus Mangold doesn't give the shaky QB more than a two-step drop to throw.


    Shhhhh, making more sense is forbidden.

    And this is probably the part that infuriates me about yesterday (and the resulting posts about it) the most.

    Everyone was up in arms to go back to "Ground and Pound", including Rex. Well, Schottenheimer did.

    Shonn Greene gained 86 yards on 21 carries. That is a 4.095 yards per carry average. Against the 13th ranked run defense. Yet everyone is somehow satisfied that Greene had a "good" game.

    In addition, the players who supposedly (disputed) went to Rex about Schottenheimer, dropped balls that hit them in the hands. Not hard passes. Balls right in their freaking hands!

    See Victor Cruz yesterday for how a receiver should make plays at wide receiver.

    But it's all Schotty's fault. Clearly it's all him and none of the blame lies with the awful execution by the players.

    I'm all for firing him right now. As a matter of fact, I want them to promote Callahan. Then when we don't even finish .500 Woody can clean house and we can start all over. Again.
  5. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    The biggest problem with this is that Rex put out a mandate in line with what all of the Schotty bashers have been demanding. "Go back to Ground and Pound."

    There are three problems with that.

    1) You don't reveal a stout commitment to the run a week before the game. Against Bill Belichick.
    2) You don't commit heavily to the run against a team that can't defend against the pass.
    3) The running back for this team sucks. 86 yards on 21 carries is Thomas Jones. As I've been saying.

    Blaming Schotty for not doing what he should have done, when his boss mandated otherwise, seems a bit nonsensical.
  6. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Don't make me root for the dolphins!!!!
  7. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Wow finally, we're all on the same page. Now fire this imbecile
  8. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    That's a touch irritating.

    Again, I'm all for firing him, but not because he sucks. Simply because it would show all the bashers, once and for all, that it's not him. We just suck.

    The window is closed. We needed to win last year.
  9. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Again,the Schotty Haters can't seem to see Ryan's part in this, and by his "part in this" I do not mean why didn't he fire Schotty in the off season.

    So the running game sucked with Mangold out. Okay, he came back. Greene didn't put the ball on the ground for a change, either. The result? Upgrade the running game from terrible to mediocre. In fact I think Thomas Jones did more for the Jets than we saw yesterday.

    But the main point is, the plays the Jets ran yesterday were what Ryan wanted them to run. They reflected his philosophy.

    And BS does what Ryan wants, and the Haters want him drawn and quartered. Nonsensical indeed.

    In the post game Ryan was actually talking about how the O looked better. Wow. 70 yards passing by Sanchez through three quarters, against the Pats' woeful pass D.

    I like Ryan, but he's got to take responsibility for htis nonsense.
  10. JetsUK

    JetsUK Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    Why do you say the window has closed? All our best players are in their prime or coming into it and are subject to long term contracts, Sanchez is improving (slowly) and is still very young - Aaron Rodgers did not start a single game until his fourth season!!

    I think the window for this season is closing rapidly but there is no reason to think we cannot be competitive for another 3 or 4 years yet.
  11. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    it did look better, if the OC had made the right calls Jets would have been playing video games in the end zone
  12. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Again, I am not saying Brian doesn't deserve blame but you guys are acting like all our problems are b/c of the OC and we will magically be great if we had a different one. That's simply not the case, we have many problems on O which include the OC and the players.
  13. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Hahaha at blaming a few dropped passes on several years of incompetence.

    Didn't the Pats (?Aaron Hernandez) drop a pass that should've been a TD but instead landed right in Cromartie's hands, resulting in a turnover? Seemed to me that their Offense was able to overcome that drop.
  14. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    The excuses need to go, or nothing is going to change. To defend shotty at this point, is the only thing that is brainless....

    We just played the leagues WORST pass defense, who was missing arguably its best player(mayo) and their starting safety and we threw just 25 times.


    in a league were colt mccoy threw 61 times last week! that is the fewest attempts sanchez has had in 15 games! vs. a team having a historically bad season defensively vs the pass!

    you can say excution is bad, you can say the team is beat up, you can say sanchez isnt cutting it.... but the bottom line is, before the first snap even happens, we are in a poor position to succeed because shotty isnt giving us game plans that have a chance to work.
  15. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Such a clusterfuck right now.

    In past years I took issue with putting a poor performance on "schotty sucks" because it wasn't that simple most of the time. This year that seems pretty accurate to me.

    It looms like the buresss signing is a complete bust. He can make some nice plays but he gets no separation. I'm sure that could be blamed on schotty too but he I dont think it's the case. I think he just isn't that good anymore.

    Mason should still be solid but obviously isn't adjusting well. I think cotchery would probably be worse talent wise but would have made more plays this year. He doesn't anything in Pittsburgh besides ride the bench so that could be wrong.

    Hunter managed to get worse during the offseason. He was solid in some of the most important games of the year last year and now he can't block anything. Going along with this, green seems to hpbe showing that he isn't explosive as the #1 guy. He may be another Lamont Jordan type in that he looked great spelling a true #1 but can't be the main guy.

    All in all schotty needs to go just to get something new going. I don't know that the offense is really capable of being better than mediocre with the issues at key positions. Seems this s the year where every worst case scenario is happening all at once.
  16. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2009
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    Also, I believe the Jets scored a TD right after the Plaxico drop.
  17. WWWestonC

    WWWestonC New Member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    Does the fact that this thread has 3,437 posts in a little over a year naturally lend to the fact that we may have identified the problem here.
  18. AarontheJet

    AarontheJet Active Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    The players aren't executing the gameplan, but isn't that the OC's job to get the players prepared to execute on gameday? That's the only argument I don't understand from the Schottenheimer Defense Force. You guys will blame the players and what not, even though the past 2 years we had more talent and had the same execution problems. Hell, we've had the same execution problems since he's gotten here. So either his playbook is so complicated that 6 years worth of rosters couldn't understand it, or he's a shitty teacher and is too lax on them during practices, OR every single player on the offense sucks shit.

    I'm going to say the onus falls on the teacher.
  19. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    The mob almost always gets it wrong.
  20. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Cosigning this.

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