Francesa will never admit that he was wrong, it's impossible. There are dozens examples of this phenomenon on youtube and some have already been posted in this thread already. Off the top of my head, there's the Troy Aikman video, the 35000 squayah feet video, duh lawr of fungibility video, and now you can add this one to the list. When he gets caught BS'ing, comedy ensues. WAITASEKENT!!I nevah, EVAH said dat, okay, what I said was....[insert BS] [YOUTUBE]qUk8bTBeeFI[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]ayfclrC4O2M[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]2iFhZSy2Cno[/YOUTUBE]
I must live in the ghetto. 2000 Square. Of course he compares "us" to Jeter, and Westchester County. My 4-2 is a dump according to Mike..
I live in Westchester and do not live in a house anywhere close to a 3500 sq ft house. Closer to 2000.
mike - waitasekent. i nevah said dat! caller - mike, check the tapes mike - i don't cayuhh about duh tapes. mink, did I say that? mink - uhhhhh.....ummmm mike - mink did I say it aww not? mink - no you didn't mike - yah see!! now get lawst! get dis guy outta heahhh.
"Den guess wat!! Yoor not da average American!! Yoor Paw!! OK?! Cuz where I live da homez are dat got a smawl house, so yoor paw!" back afta dis
Novembah 27th - Haw Hay re-signs with the Yankees caller: mike, looks like you were wrong. you said posada wasn't returning. you said he might go to the marlins. tank: now waitakasekent, i nevah said dat. foist, fist, foist, first of awwwl, i said dat posaderr would be playin duh first game in da new mawwlins stadium. it's an exhibition game. a rehearsal in late mawch whey-uhh duh yankees travel tuh florida to play a spring training game. he's gonna be dare. datz awwl i said. i knew he was gonna be a yankee awwl along. ok, now get lawst. undah-stand me next time i say sometin, ok? I was duh only one who knew Haww-Hay was returnin. everyone said he was a gonah. i was duh only one. ok folks.
guess who Tank picked in his NFL game picks? That's right, the New York Jets AGAIN! they're so bad. they tawwk they tawwk they tawwk. they ahh lucky. dey nevah get a real win! dey only win cuz divine intuhvention. Yet somehow he winds up picking them most weeks. To be fair, he did say the Jets wouldn't win, but they would cover the 9.5. It's still not the point. Why does he have to always be right and play both sides of the fence? Just pick against the Jets or don't pick them at all.
I have to laugh at Tank's telling us what a legend and great man Al Davis was. I don't care if he just died. Look at the facts. What he's been for this generation is a senile and crazy man who believed there was an NFL-wide conspiracy against him, and who destroyed a once proud franchise because he wouldn't let anyone else make decisions. The last time Oakland finished higher than third in the division? 2002 season.
phil simms interview is the best. simms is not afraid to tell francesa he disagrees. when simms disagrees francesa has that stunned look on his face 'WTF? you disagreein with me? mike francesa? da pope? leada of 3 numbah 1's? ahh you crazy? hand wave! get outta heah and get lawst! oh waitasekent, youah my guest, i can't handwave you.
Some guy Gary just called up and said that he doesn't think a ground and pound team can win the SuperBowl. Fatty disagreed yelling and screaming and then gave his example of "Well the Jets could of won it two years ago" After all this bullshit how the Jets aren't that good and got into the playoffs on a fluke, didn't deserve to win, etc, etc, you choose the Jets in this example. FUCK OFF