If you're playing on PC, 10mm and revolver (with explosive upgrade) are the two best weapons. I'd think it would be a little harder to aim on console so the autos and shotguns are probably more useful. The same can be said for any game where you fight various enemies who tend to be stationary (or maybe occasionally moving) while in combat. If you play GTA, Mafia 2, or whatever, on PC, it's pretty much headshot city. Either way, the upgrades you can put onto the sidearms make them extremely deadly. Hiding behind cover, popping out and headshoting your enemies is probably the easiest way to dominate in the game.
I've gotten alot better at this game, but quite honestly I find it really boring. Maybe its just not my style of game, but there are alot of things that bother me. Story-wise the game is just slow. The entire hide behind boxes is annoying. The controls always get fucked up for me, as I'll of a sudden be staring at a wall, not knowing where I am before because my movement of the analog stick made me face an odd direction in direct site of my enemies. I really see no point in having all of this hacking shit. Idk, I just feel like there is zero substance. I am not involved with the game enough. It draws out no emotions. The game is more tedious then fun
How far in are you? Still in Detroit? There is a big learning curve at first so things seem tedious/boring for the first couple hours while they start getting into the story. The game becomes good once you've got some higher level guns and augmentations.
I really like this game, I'm about 2/3 of the way through it I think, just about to finish China. However, I definitely see how you can find those things annoying. It's a great game, but it could have been legendary with just a few more elements.
I havent played it in a couple of days. I just got to china and Im in that brothel of sorts. How much more time do you suggest I give it to make sure that I don't like this game??
To each their own really. Theres multiple ways to play it though so maybe try a different style before you completly give up on it.
I mean i usually don't have the patience for these types of games as it is, I just thought I would give it a shot as the ratings were good and the preface seemed cool. I don't think I've actually beat a video game since like Pokemon or SSX tricky. I just get bored of games fast. In all honesty, it was too much reading for such lack of depth in the story. It just wasn't that interesting to me. I guess this is why I always stick to Sports games.
i was seriously all gung ho about the game for a few days. then... not so much. *** SPOILER ALERT **** once i got back to detroit i started caring a lot less, once i got back to china, i couldn't give a shit, once i was in singapore and the arctic i kept thinking why the game waits until the end to give you all the good weapons, but there's no way to upgrade them, even though they're upgradeable (plasma gun - Jaron Namir's weapon, and the other special gun you get in singapore). and that's when i realized the game blew its load on teh first boss. he probably was the toughest.
The boss fights feel so out of place. Theres almost no way you can really stealth through a boss fight. If you're playing through the game sneaking around with no gun fights then you're pretty much fucked on the first boss and you'll have no clue what to do. And that really annoyed me about the good weapons. I was stacked with all these hardcore weapons assuming there would be some sort of epic showdown at the very end but nope. You kill a few robots and turrets and the game ends. Such a let down really.