Kris Jenkins made some telling comments in his entry, and not all about the Jets' offensive struggles. You combine frustration about not being re-signed by the only team you want to play for with a laptop computer, a bottle of wine and a pain killer for your aching knees and back, maybe you end up with a similar entry to what Jenkins submitted. I do not disagree with a lot of what he says about the offense, but you have to wonder about motive.
Pretty bad when you hear stuff like that, even though he's right. I know it's reactionary, but it's 100% right. We'll see if the coaches make any changes in the next few weeks, otherwise it's hard to maintain faith in this team without a proper offense. And it's not just losing Mangold either...
I have not seen a single post here and I read plenty of posts where anyone, not once, blamed Sanchez for all the Jets problems. Perhaps you can help me and everyone else out here and point to one?
i agree with most of what he said, but the money is not in the skill positions ... the only highly paid skill position players are sanchez and holmes most of the money is in the linebackers
I find it amusing how different posters take away different things from Jenks's post. Focus on some, ignore others. So I thought I would attempt to deconstruct it: 3 step Shotty about time.... That's all you got. Yes, a criticism of Schotty for not realizing something before, but what the "all you got" means is with the line in its current condition, there will not be time for anything more than 3 step drops. In other words, a diss on BS, but more on the OL. You have to play 2 strengths. Where is the sprint pass if the oline is horrible. Obvious point here. Jets need to call more sprint passes. Is he right? Don't pull Baxter. Well, I agree, but at the time the OL was in a shambles. Pulling Baxter made it worse, mostly on VD (heh - I am going to call him that from here on out, which hopefully will be a vry short time), but also as noted below on Slauson for being the backup center now and apparently not knowing the calls. (Slauson has been spending too much time taking shots at Namath to learn the calls, I guess.) Jets got rid of the players with the heart. End of story!!!! Since he didn't name anyone here, who he is talking about is subject to conjecture. My own view is he HAS to be talking about Ellis. Probably Richardson. After that, I am not so sure. Cotch? Maybe. Edwards? Well, so far there are already other reasons they should not have gotten rid of him. I kind of doubt it was Brad Smith, but I could be wrong there. Still, this is a criticism of Ryan and Tanny, no doubt. Sour grapes? Maybe, but it has the ring of truth. Why Vlad. He will get Sanchez killed. Baxter wasn't that bad. They should be helping with calls anyway. Another diss on VD, but also introduces the lack of calls coming from the rest of the OL. And explaining partly why Baxter is not making more of a contribution. He doesn't know the calls, and should be focusing on the snap and his blocking assignment. He'd be better able to do so if someone else were doing a good job making the OL calls. Baxter doesn't know the line calls. Mangold and Turner had that job. But Brandon Moore, Matt Slauson, someone else could have learned them and put the time in so Sanchez isn't shaking in his boots. With Turner out and Baxter starting, Slauson is the backup center. So that's a fair shot on him, no doubt. But he's only a second year player, and was not the primary backup center before Turner went down. So this imo is more on Moore (heh). Rough year for Moore so far, this added to his mediocre play. Here is the honest truth. Sanchez is a good quarterback. But the Jets can't afford good. They need exceptional, and they need exceptional play calling. The money is in the skill positions. So the lines need to be good enough to let the money players get the job done. That takes exceptional coaching. Or just fold the tent and prepare for next year. We can win but the team needs to evolve. Can't bank on last year. First off, Sanchez is no better than good. He is not what the Jets need. Um, WOW. That right there is a thread starter for several hundred posts, imo. Also imo what Jenks is doing here is focusing on an implied understanding that the focus has to be more on getting the ball down the field to the receivers. In other words the Jet O is now more on the passing game than the running game. But Jenks doesn't only blame Sanchez and the OL. It's also on the CS. In short, the interplay between Sanchez and the CS is deficient. I blame the o lineman for relying wayyy too much on Mangold and Turner. Nobody else knows how to call the game for the line. That is why Sanchez is scared. In terms of information from Jenks that I at least was not previously aware of, this is the most informative part of all, but also quite damning. No one other than Mangold and Turner know hte OL calls???? WTF??? Again, this is mostly on Slauson and Moore (can't expect the tackles, who are not backup centers and are on the edges, to call the OL plays, right?) But it is also on CALLAHAN. Players are lazy, but if the CS is not on top of this, who is supposed to be??? The OL is Callahan's responsiblity. This is ultimately on him (for all those who want to replace Schotty with Callahan, ponder that one). Can't blame that loss on Baxter. He is a rookie and there are other lineman who could have made the line calls. Mangold is missed, Sanchez should have that o line living at his house for the rest of the season so they know everything that has to do with protecting him and the RBs. More it's not on Baxter but the others. Also a prop to Mangold, followed by a subtle dig at Sanchez for not doing more to get the OL together. I know he's got other responsibilities, but it's legendary around the league how some of the better Qb's hang with their OL, like Mannning and Brady. Makes sense to me. They did one sprint pass with a one man route to the sprint. The offensive play calling was horrendous. You play to your strengths, Shotty clearly has some issues with making adjustments in real time. Referring back to the OL troubles, Jenks again emphasizes his preference for running sprint passes. Fair enough. The rest is a diss on Schotty, especially for not makng game time adjustments. Failure by the offensive coaching staff. Who in their right mind puts Vlad in the game. He doesn't have a shadow cause he can't even block the sun man geeeeezzzus. Yet another diss on VD, but also on the decision to put him in there. I don't know who decided it, and wonder if Ryan was in on that. The front office put all the money in the offense. So the offense needs to win it. We can stop the run but you have to spend money on pass rushers and we can't cause we spent it on receivers. That isn't bad except we can't keep Sanchez alive enough to get the ball to them. Although this is a collection of tweets, it actually reads like a narrative analysis, with this being the money paragraph, pulling it all together. It's almost legalistic. This is the big picture here. Some have wondered whether Jenks has a personal interest here, and I think to some extent he does. After all the Jets put big money on Harris and Cro this year, and Revis last year. Wilkerson was their first round pick. But... there were more moves on O, and Holmes was given a huge contract. (And Mangold deservedly so was also resigned for big numbers.) The real heart of this is a criticism of the FO for not getting in a better pass rush. Fair enough. So the Jets are vulnerable to the opponent's pass rush, and have not much of one of their own. Well, that's not all that's wrong with the team, but it is a huge chunk of it. Okay that game was terrible. I am going to sleep, I have a headache and its because I want them to win and right now they are giving away games. Jets are better than this. Patriots game is a MUST WIN. Speaks for itself. Nice work, Jenks.
Bullshit. If that was all he was upset about he could have just mentioned the Jets front office. Instead he tore into the coaches (O-line not being prepared) , Shotty, Sanchez not being "great", and Vlad. Even if he is pissed he was cut, a lot of what he said rang true. It's not this Namath bullshit.
And the more I think about it, if he were truly disgruntled wouldn't he be talking shit about Pouha or, at the very least, the front 3? He didn't. Agree with you, what he said rang very true. Hope someone who matters is listening.
This is all pretty damning stuff, especially for shotty. If Jenk is saying this in public now, you know the D has said it in private before. For those who are high on Bill Callahan for O-Coordinator, what does it say that none of the linemen were ready to make the line calls?
That's the biggest condemning of Shotty imo. It's not like Jenkins woke up on Sunday, watched the game, and decided for the first time that Shotty sucks. He was here for 3 years.. he was here with a HOF player like Favre running the O, he was here through Sanchez's first 2 years.. he has been around long enough to build an educated opinion on Shotty over time. And I sincerely doubt he was speaking just for himself. He can't be the only player who was here the past few years who got sick of watching Shittenheimer sabotage the offense.
BINGO!!!!!!! Funny how people tried to equate the 2..... Jenks has been in THIS locker room - he actually has a POV I want to hear..
I'm going to take exception to the notion that you must have an exceptional QB to win it all. The NFL is very cyclical and recently there have been two Super Bowls won by exceptional QB's in the absence of a strong defense, Indy in 2006 and New Orleans in 2009. We also however have had two Super Bowls won not too long ago by exceptional defenses with an average QB in Baltimore in 2000 and Tampa in 2002. The idea that Sanchez must be exceptional for the Jets to win is just not rational. If the Jets defensive backs didn't thin out in the AFC championship game two years ago against Indy the odds are decent the Jets get to the Super Bowl there. The loss to the Steelers was a more clear case, however the defense totally collapsed in the first half and took the Jets out of the game. The Jets could plausibly have won it all in either season if the breaks had gone their way in Indy or the coaching staff had had the team prepared in Pittsburgh. Mark Sanchez was not the limiting factor in either situation, the collapse of an otherwise fine defense was. The Jets CAN win a Super Bowl with Mark Sanchez being just good. It will take a full team effort to do that however. The Dolphins, Steelers and Raiders all put together dynasties with a good QB, good RB's and a stifling defense. If any of those teams were around today with the same philosophy and updated personnel they'd be a threat to win it in any given year that their talent peaked. The key will be not how Sanchez performs in the average game but how he performs in clutch time when the Jets have to score. So far that indicator is very positive at this point.
I don't think he was making a general statement. I read it as, given the state of and personel on this particular Jets team, as well as the current state of the league, they need exceptional QB play.
Point taken. I disagree with him there also though, no QB could win a Super Bowl with the talent the Jets have put on the field so far this year. The offensive line has been mediocre at best and the defense has had major lapses. Peyton Manning probably goes 2-2 with exactly what the Jets have put on the field this season. No QB is going to prosper given the circumstances in the Raiders game (Cromartie, the defense in general) and the Ravens game (romper room by the Ravens front 7 on a weak Jets line.)
I took it to mean that to win in shottys offense you need an exceptional QB to pull off what he asks. It sort of goes back to the idea that maybe the offense is too complex: