I actually never had a problem with Namath as a Jets commentator. It was certainly more refreshing than having to listen to Paul "The Jet Hater" McQuire back in the day. The guy never had one positive thing to say about the Jets.
Why do you care so much? My only argument that was his timing was dubious, at best. Speaking for myself, since I'm obviously one of the homers you're pointing out, I haven't defended the team one bit, and called them mediocre myself yesterday morning, in this very thread. Abdul Salaam....when was Joe Namath ever on twitter, on Joe TV, or given a weekly radio spot on ESPN's NY radio outlet? If you think being a commentator for two seasons on MNF and on NBC for a handful more gave him an outlet to discuss a franchise that didn't mean dick back then, nationally, then you're the delusional one. It cracks me up that guys like BB want to ignore the whole Suzy Kolber thing. We can't have this both ways. He was wasted on National TV, the Jets were getting their fucking asses kicked by their biggest rivals at the time (while I was freezing my ass off in the snow, while all the Pats fans were acting like usual classy selves) and he actually said, "I couldn't care less about the Jets right now." Yeah, there's a guy that gives a shit. Again, I respect what he did for this organization but he's an attention whore. Nobody's answered these two questions for me: 1) What's Rex supposed to tell the team, they suck? 2) How do any people, other than those privy to everyday details of the team's activities, know he's not one of the biggest hardasses? Maybe we can go back to the Eric Mangini days when everything was a guarded secret or when guys got fined for parking on a yellow line. No? Maybe we can go back to Parcells when his major motivational tactics was telling everyone they sucked, or that one practice doesn't make Canton. No?
I never swayed.... From the time he came back I have said he hasn't brought 1 Good piece of Football info to the table.... There are way too many experts and people who have worked with todays game and players out there on Twitter and everywhere else to get real good info... REAL X's and O's.. Joe is standing on a pedestal now as if he saved this crap for 2 years and now, he thought was the right time to say Rex talks too much, whatever guy..... And if/when the Jets start playing well again the guy will trip over himself to tell everyone how good they are and how he knew they would do it.... I can write Joe's commentary for him... IMO he just brings nothing we as realistic fans who have been here thru it all, while Uncle Joe went off on binges for 2 decades, don't already know. BEAT IT OLD MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have a face for radio and a voice for ####'
The worst commentator in all my years of watching this sport. His hatred of the Jets was clear as day.
YOU KNOW WHAT THOUGH JOE SLOBBERER....... BRING IT..... BRING IT JOE.... Cuz, IMO, every time this guy opens his mouth he loses support and looks more foolish and opportunistic.... So BRING IT... Put a mic in this guys face and give him the platform - He's the genius here to tell all us unknowing Jet fans that we have a coach that talks to much and OL problems. REX IS LOSING THE LOCKER ROOM - way to tell us SCHMUCK. THANK YOU JOE!!!!!
Jet Blue, watch out, you're going to be labeled a homer because, God forbid, you have an opinion on the matter.
"Said Slauson about Namath's criticism: "We don't care one bit what Joe Namath has to say. He means nothing to us." haha poor Joe.
One thing I will say, even though I'm the biggest homer in the free World, is that Slauson should keep his mouth shut, too. He should be worrying about pass protection, not what someone who "means nothing" to him has to say.
I'll just leave this thread to you thin skinned homers. Even though Joe was right, you're obviously still in painful denial after that loss to the Ravens.
you don't answer ANY of my questions anyway, so what's the point of you answering in this thread anyway. I'm a homer because I think Joe Namath's rant was mis-timed? I think the team is mediocre, I've said it (What?), this is the 4th time now? I don't even think you bother reading, but I'm just gleaning that from your retorts.
You're not the only person posting on this thread, in case you hadn't noticed. JB's comments are all about how he doesn't think Namath has anything to say, which OF COURSE he would not be saying if Namath were of the same opinion as JB. Your point about timing means nothing to me. I answered that before on this thread. Just because you want to repeat the same complaint does not mean you deserve another answer, but I will give you one anyway. What's so wrong with seeing the Jets play poorly and say why you think they are? The Jets do not pay Namath to be a PR flack. He follows the team. How much he knows about football is an interesting question, but he knows something, I think. It's a free country. Get over it.
I hope the Jets get called out for their shoddy play. If I'm repeating myself so damn much, how have you not figured that out yet, since I've written it now 5 times? I don't question the fact that the team has sucked the last 2 weeks. My only complaint was that this franchise sucked, mostly, for the past 40 years, and Namath said nothing. The only thing I can remember is that he said he couldn't care less while we were getting thrashed, at home, by our biggest rivals. I was wasted, too, at the time, and I certainly cared, so what's his excuse. You're right, it is a free country, so I'm entitled to an opinion too. When you don't quote anything specific and keep posting stuff right after a post of mine, well I'm sorry I was assuming you were answering my posts. It certainly seemed that way.
Part of the answer is that in fact Joe has said things from time to time in the past. It's not like he's a sports writer with a regular column. Most of what we hear him say is in response to questions raised, again from time to time, in different forums. Being responsive, they are intermittent. So? I think you have failed to argue with any persuasiveness why it should matter that his comments are intermittent. YOu are flat out wrong he has never said anything before. Does he have to be out there on a more or less consistent basis to have a right to say something from time to time? I don't get that criticism. Maybe when times were really bad he felt saying something would accomplish nothing. WHo knows.
This topic is done to me. You have your opinion, I have mine. I'm sticking to my opinion, either way. You're going to stick to yours, and that's fine too. I'm sorry if the Suzy Kolber thing bothered me a little. For a guy to say what he said then, that "he couldn't care less about the Jets," and now to say what he does now is hilarious to me. I've watched this team pretty much hammered since I was about 16 or 17 (1992ish), and I always cared no matter how sloshed I was.
If it makes you feel any better (it won't) McQuire hated the Pats too. Old Bills players never forget...
He must have had a thing, then, for the AFC East. But I remember how blatant he was, so much so that he earned the name. It got to the point where it was almost comical... every game had nothing but disrespectful degrading comments. Nothing the Jets did was every any good. They finally booted him off of Jets games when enough people complained and said, "Hey, what gives with this guy?"
We have been telling you since page one of every joe thread.. ITS NOT ABOUT RIGHT OR WRONG!!!!!! Actually everything Joe says is pretty obvious - The point is we don't need him telling us what we already know... He's not helping. But, you continue to argue this same point in your head.
WRONG AGAIN! I have a Tweet I sent Brandon Tierney from early last year expressing my displeasure with Joe and the fact that he blabbers either nonesense or info we already know. I didn't like Joe blabbering about the team from the moment he woke up from his 2 decade long stupor. I never liked him on the Kay show - don't think he brings anything to the table.. and read this part slowly NO MATTER WHAT FREAKING SIDE OF THE ARGUMENT HE IS ON!!!!!!!!!!!@!~Y@#%~*!#&