Did it really though? As tense as that scene was, I don't think that Jesse was ever going to pull the trigger on Walt. He never will. The fact that it took Walt about 2 minutes to prove his innocence to Jesse shows what a stupid plan it was by Gus (if it was indeed his plan, which I still doubt.) In other news, the next episode is called "Face Off." Which, based on the way that Breaking Bad tends to title its episodes, suggests that someone will actually lose their face. I'm excited.
A couple things about the tainted cig: Someone bummed a smoke off Jesse at the hospital, prompting his freakout. I'll have to watch the scene again to see if that had more going on. I find it hard to believe it's THAT hard to keep track of your smokes, but... What poison was in that bottle of booze in Mexico?
It most definitely wasn't ricin, because Walt says it will take days to kill. Whatever Gus used in Mexico worked incredibly fast.
I just don't think Gus poisoned that kid. I've been thinking about it and it's just too obvious for this show.
Well, here goes nothing. I think Walt poisoned the kid. I don't want to believe it, but I think that's what happened. This is the action that brings Walt up a level on the "Scarface scale" that Gilligan mentioned before the season. We all saw how Walt looked at the end of the previous episode. Walter White is gone. Only Heisenberg is left. And we've been waiting all season for the incredibly heinous and just plain fucked up action that finally condemns Walt in the eyes of the audience. Walt already had his explanation rehearsed for the inevitable showdown with Jesse. Walt poisoned Brock. The kid is probably going to die. I'm not sure how it would be revealed, because there's no good reason for Walt to ever admit it unless he has one of those slips of the tongue that move the plot forward occasionally. My hypothesis: Gus dies in the finale. It is revealed to the viewer (and maybe Jesse as well) that Walt poisoned and murdered Brock. The final season of Breaking Bad is Jesse vs. Heisenberg.
Bryan Cranston speaking about the Season Finale...Nothing spoiled. Just his reaction and what he feels the audience's reaction will be. Lets just say I have some seriously high expectations! lol Wanna speculate? “I can tell you, in the opening there is a shocking reveal. But at the very end of the season, there are a couple things that happen that are really surprises. One is the big surprise. Then, ‘Woooow!’ A big wow moment,” Cranston said in an interview with The Desert Sun. “Then you calm down and there’s a bit of a tag to resolve a couple issues, and then, just before it goes black and has Vince Gilligan’s name, there’s one more little thing. No words, just a visual that the audience will see and it will have the reaction, ‘Nooo! Oh, my God!!! No!’ It will rock you. Then it goes black and that’s the end of the season. And here I am, four years into it playing the lead character and I didn’t see it coming. It caught me as much by surprise as anyone else. It’s so cool."
You know what, it is conceivable both ways................lol This isn't a "did Jesse shoot Gale thing?". If I am wrong I will happily eat some crow.
If Walter really is responsible for poisoning and killing Brock, then wouldn't Pinkman want a little revenge? He could kill one of Walter's children.
Pinkman would have to find that out. Walter's explanation was far more plausible. What I see as a possibility, for your scenario to happen, is It is Ricin (we do not yet know that it was), and THEN Jesse finds the Cig in question, and THEN would know that Walter cooked up (or held back) extra.
Mr.E, That quote, leads me to think that on a table in Jesse's apt, is an open pack of Cigs, with one upside down.
I've been looking for other theories and I came across a very, very interesting one... Remember when Walter was spinning his pistol around on the table and it stopped on him twice? Well, the third time it pointed towards that potted plant. Apparently, that pot had some sort of poisonous flower in it. Now I'm not sure if this guy is just completely over-analyzing this shit, but the foreshadowing of this show is always incredible. ...what do you guys think about this?
Is it possible, the kid just took the cigarette to try, as any curious kid is wont to do? /Occams Razor Talk
Isn't the ricin inside of pill sized plastic or glass container? I think Jesse was just hiding it in the cig. He was supposed to pour it into something - coffee at the chicken farm and soup at Gus' house.