Duely noted. Hey while you're here devil, is Peyton Manning a cheater because he used stem-cell surgery?
Different sport so I do feel differently about it to begin with, but there are other differences as well. I didn't read into what Manning had done, so I don't know if HGH was involved. If Colon had it done on his neck, HGH free, I wouldn't have any issue with it. The fact that he did it on his throwing arm (and almost certainly with HGH) artificially enhanced his career. Two different situations entirely.
I don't understand why you assume Manning's surgery didn't involve HGH but Colon's did. Also, Gio Gonzalez used Platelet-Rich plasma injections on his elbow this season, MLB is aware of it and without any ramifications.
I have no idea about Manning's, like I said I haven't read into it at all. Colon's was done by a doctor who is very open about the fact that he uses HGH in his procedures. Besides, I really don't care about PEDs in football.
Care to explain why? If Colon used (speculation) HGH to heal an injury and get back to equilibrium he's a cheater, but if a football player uses HGH it's a non-issue?
Couldn't they have just put the human white flag in in the 9th instead of the 14th? What a waste of time.
Not that Ellsbury hasn't been good this year, but LOLz at the people excited because he walked off on Scott Proctor. The only way Proctor will be working in the stadium in the playoffs is if he's a peanut vendor in the stands. AMJ is right, why not put him out there earlier rather than waste time and effort? Whatever. It should be hilarious to send out the pee-wee team against the Rays the rest of the week.
It's just a totally different sport. The numbers and records don't mean as much for one. I didn't really care as much in baseball either when everyone was doing it (not really an advantage if everyone is on it) and I think football, even as low as the high school level, has a pretty big percentage who are on something.
I just don't think it's really cheating if everyone is doing it. Five years ago I wouldn't have cared about anyone in baseball taking PEDs. I don't care about Giambi, ARod, etc. But it is different now, and I take a different view of players who still do it now that testing is in place.
I agree with the first bit, everyone was juicing at the turn of the century. Where we differ is I believe that if a PED was used to bring the player back to equilibrium and isn't used whilst the player is active, there should be no stigma/ramifications. He's using his natural ability. As for football, I think steroids help someone out much more in football than any other sport. We will have to agree to disagree, but we'll monitor the Manning procedure as more information is released and compare it to Colon's when a verdict is revealed there as well.
So much for that. Used James Shields in Hot Streak, hoping for 5 Ks against a subpar lineup. All the regulars in there except Teixeira. Baltimore up on Boston.
I thought it was hilarious that Tampa put the Boston/Baltimore game up on the big screen at the Trop so the fans could watch the Sox lose. This race is crazy.
Looks like Colon won't make the playoff rotation. The Rays would be remiss not to put the game on. Get fans to stick around a little longer and promote the race.
Girardi plans to start the A team tonight but won't say how long they will play. As much as everyone would probably like to see the Sux go down in flames it would be in the Yankee's interest to keep them around in case things go that far. TB is hot and Boston may be the worse team on the planet at the moment.
If they're the worst team on the planet, then they won't be getting to the ALCS anyhow, and will probably be swept. Besides, given that the playoffs are mostly a crap shoot, I want to see this historic collapse happen.