The best part about this game? The Sox need to get 6 innings out of their bullpen today...and they have a Lackey/Wakefield double header tomorrow. They're lucky that the Rays and Angels seem to have no interest in winning the Wild Card, because the bottom has completely fallen out from the Sawx.
Sox down by 2 in the third, Rays up by 2 in the first. Would love to see Tampa take over that WC spot tonight.
About that Romine tag on Pedroia: I can honestly say that in 45 years of watching baseball, that's the first time I've ever seen anyone tagged on the scrotum! ...and I'm not sure I need to see that in YESmo.
I agree. Ellsbury has come up huge in big spots all year, leads all of baseball in total bases, is a 30-30 guy, has an OPS over .900, and has played incredible defense.
I'm happy taking 2/3 with half-ass lineups. Even if the Yanks won tonight I'd have expected the Sux to make the offs. I expect them to take care of Baltimore and they have the tiebreaker correct? Or would there be a one-game playoff?
They don't use tiebeakers in baseball for anything other than seeding. When it comes to deciding who makes it there is always a playoff.