Not sure why Painter has been paid millions of dollars by Indy the last few seasons. Is he a good cheerleader? Is he Peyton's friend? All the times he's played (preseason and in limited regular season action), he's been pretty lousy. The team thinks he sucks because when they lost Manning, they went out and signed Collins, who's old, fragile, expensive, and mediocre.
We could use Indy's pass rush.... Wish we could of had that today against Campbell. Made a sucky QB look decent.
Colts have drafted horribly of late and devoted most of their resources to Wayne, Clark, Manning, Vinatieri, Freeney, and Mathis. Not a recipe for success, especially when you lose Manning. Impressive that they're in the game tonight. Homefield coming through. I'm glad.
Troy whiffs a tackle that would have stopped a TD. Fucking up when trying to show off loses style points.
Doing show prep for my first Pitt Panther show on the radio. Feel free to rub in how awful the Steelers look so far this year.
I watched only a few plays of this game. I generally don't like to watch games between two teams I dislike. I'm just shocked beyond belief that once again you show up to a Jets board immediately after a Steelers win. Shocked, I tell ya.
I came on here and said the team sucked....You always accuse me of posting when its all roses...and it's not. I didn't post after last week's 24-0 win either. So tell ya what...just kiss my Italian ass....(_|_)