week 3 - Jets @ Oakland Raiders - 9/25/11

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by IATA, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    all i'm saying it gives us our best chance...
  2. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Hahaha, go look at the mangold thread. Nobody thinks starting Baxter is no big deal.

    If you believe the game will be won and lost on the raiders ability to run the ball I think all jets fans will take our chances with that.
  3. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    I don't think you'll find a single Jets fan on this board, or real life actually, you thinks the Raiders running game is "a joke."
    I don't think you'll find a Jets fan, same scenario, that thinks your front 7 isn't good and isn't going to cause some problems.
    I don't think you'll find a Jets fan, again, who isn't a tad bit worried about Mangold not playing, and having a rookie start at center.

    This isn't the Raiders board. You're preaching to the converted over here. I don't think this is the board that has delusions of Grandeur. You guys are the ones pumping your chests saying we're gonna get destroyed. I think we win the ballgame, but it's certainly gonna be close. Would I be shocked if we lose. No. I don't expect that we do though.
  4. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    I'm not a coach I can only argue the way things are done in Raider land. If i was the coach DMC would see an unreasonable amount of touches in the run game and the pass game.

    in fact if Jets wanted to load the box to stop the run i would take a page from the Bills and go Spread with 5 wide outs 1 being DMC and run quick pass patterns and have Candle on 3 step drops all day, in fact only time he would take more steps would be on screens to pull the D line in.

    i would Iso a LB or S on Reece and get him the ball cause we win that match up all day. And Boss over the middle all day!
  5. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Yes- your defense looked fearsome last week, for at least a quarter. Sorry that the second half thing didn't work out for you.
  6. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Please don;t judge all Raider fans by one dumb ass Raiderfans.net site. That site is a complete joke and it is made up by a cult who pays money to the cult leader to even access that board with bullshyt info... it was once a very good site but is now a complete out house!

    Go to Raideroutlawz.com you will get real uncensored football talk and more just be prepared to bring and take heat! We are small but not delusional! But we do talk a lot of shit!
  7. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    The fans on your site seem to believe attacking Revis and throwing "jump balls" gives you guys the best chance to win.
    At least guys like you, and DR, and Ingersoll (who, for the most part, is a good poster) are realistic about things. Considering how many times the Jets play on National TV, I would venture to guess the only experience some of the fans on your board have with our team is through fantasy football shit. They obviously have never seen us play, either that or they don't know shit about football.
    Considering how great a player Nnamdi Asomugha is, I'm fucking shocked at how many posters over there think Revis is "overrated" and "NY hype." You guys had the pleasure of watching Aso for years, and now you're going to chop us Revis into little pieces? Beyond stupid trains of thought, considering the impact they have on their respective teams.
  8. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    I won't sign up, but maybe I'll take a gander. I've only been checking out the RF site because that's the one Petro has up on the main page.
  9. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Naw Revis is damn good, yes I would take a jump ball shot with Moore but only to see if the kid can pull it off or not and I would also go at Nnamdi and any other corner in the league. They do give up plays, Nnamdi is good for 1 big PI a game! Thats just me though.

    Again that pile a donky poo site is not my site lol!
  10. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Its cool, most of our activity though is in our chat box cause its live but you need 25-50 post to access it. RFN is a waste of time but is a very good place for comedy!
  11. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    I guess you don't watch many Jets games. You may find this hard to believe, but a few other teams had tried to do this, such as the Pats in the playoffs last year.

    Unlike the raiders, the Jets have a defensive position known as 'Linebackers" in fact we usually have 4 on the field at once!

    And we can play coverage with multiple DB's as well, if your game plan is running your 6 all stars in pass patterns all day. Brady couldn't figure it out but it should be a piece of cake for Jason Russell.
  12. Darth Raider

    Darth Raider New Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    This will be a tough fought game. Which I believe comes down to the trenches on each side of the ball. The Raiders must be able run the ball, teams consistently stack the box on them, this nothing new. They must pick and choose the passing situations. One thing do very well are screens. With the WR's having their hands full, Boss and Reece need to have big days.

    On D, for the Raiders, the DL is where the Raider's D lives and dies. When DL is on it's game, it is unstoppable. They rotate 9 players throughout the game to keep them fresh. Being home will go along way in this game. Basically, if the Raiders can win the battle of the trenches, the Raiders win this game, if not...it will be a long day for the Raider Nation.
    #352 Darth Raider, Sep 24, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2011
  13. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    Dude, I'm on this board, a hockey board, and a college bball board.
    I'm on enough boards as it is. I like to see, sometimes, what the opposing fans have to say. If they sign up here and have an intelligent convo, then I'm all for it. I'm 34, I sat through a lot of losing years backing this franchise, and have watched football pretty religiously since I was 5 or 6, so I'm pretty realistic about things.
  14. Darth Raider

    Darth Raider New Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Playing MNF and turning around and playing an East coast game can do that. The 1st game against Denver, with a rested DL is a better indicator of what to expect.
  15. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Yeah, we're pretty much identical to Denver, but only after sitting for five hours on a private jet.
  16. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Your LB will not be able to cover Reece or Boss period. They won't be able to cover DMC out of the backfield either. I was saying if you load the box to stop the run then spread out. The pats do not run the ball at all! They are for the most part 1 dimensional but a damn good 1 dimensional!

    There will be plays to be made on your defense, up to the players to make em! Again we gonna lose this win/lose this game on Defense then ST... Which D comes to play will be the key...

    St..you will not see a return from any KO. so every start will be from the 20. The downside to our ST is on punts though. If your D does gets stops on our side of the field Lechler has a bad knack of out kicking our coverage which bodes well for your PR team, makes it easier to single people up on blocks and makes the returns easier. now if those kicks are coming from mid field then Lechler is very good at hanging the ball up to give our coverage time!
  17. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    I see the game as this...

    Jets show up and win...

    Now if Raiders want to make a game of it and have a chance to win then

    A. Defense needs to not play like Lebron James! 4qtrs baby!
    B. Run games needs to be on all cylinders.
    C. Everyones favorite commentator advice, Win the turnover battle lol!
    D. Bresnahan needs to not answer Al's phone calls during the game and play real Chuck B defense not Al's D!

    All of theses things happen we have a good shot to win! If not blow out, Sanchez is sneaking under the bench eating churros!
  18. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    I guess we'll need to line em up tomorrow and see how it goes. It seems that the only reason the Jets have a top rated defense over the past couple of years is because we don't play the Waders very often- with their awesome offense, defense, and road uniforms

    And congratulations on making .500 last year, that was a huge achievement for you guys.
  19. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    lol... we gonna see. we lose this game on Defense not offense!
  20. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    The last 2 weeks I've felt like this. I wanted the Jax game to come all week just to shut up all fans coming to our board talking nonsense. This week hasn't been as bad as last but its been close.

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