week 3 - Jets @ Oakland Raiders - 9/25/11

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by IATA, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    I feel sorry that you think this way.
  2. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    God damn it....can this game just be played already? I'm sick of all this banter.
  3. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Don't no the ins and outs of you D but I do know that Nnamdi was used the same way. And by doing so he was always taken out of games, why? Because you just line 1 WR on his side a run him around with no intention of throwing to him. So If we put someone on Revis's side and run him deep we can bring another WR over in that area underneath to make a play. This is why nnamdi and I suspect Revis don't make many plays when playing man 2 man... Zone is a different story!
  4. Keithnyj

    Keithnyj Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Dont forget Cromartie had 2 picks last week. He isnt no chump. Ask Al Davis (The man who wanted Cro so BAD!)
  5. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Yeah, let's ask the rest of the league how this idea has worked out the last couple years.

    I like Jason Campbell and have always felt he never got a fair chance at being a starting QB but it is almost a guarantee that he will force a few balls at Revis if he has some pressure in his face.
    #325 ukilledkenny, Sep 24, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2011
  6. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    I think Al wanted to help Cro out with his child support... Naw But Cro is no Revis and does give up big plays.

    I hope Candle doesn't force anything anywhere. So far he has been solid with the football. What worries me more than Forcing cause that's no his MO, his MO is throwing the ball late and if you throw it late with the Jets corners we gonna be in trouble. This may be why the jump ball may be our best shot to make plays only because % wise gives us a better chance than throwing comebacks or curls. Not saying its a great chance but our best chance. Then there is always the TE and RB screen game! To be honest Im more worried about which D shows up!
  7. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Oh and believe me I would rather have Routt/Cro than Routt/CJ. Routt/Nnam would have been better :(!
  8. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    I'm going to sit Dustin Keller on my FF team just so I send a good karma our way lmao! With Mitchell being out I don't know how we gonna stop him!
  9. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Trying to be nice here, but this seems like one of the top 5 weirdest pieces of 'fan logic' I've heard- at least this week.

    Conventional wisdom says it is up to the offense to 'make plays' to advance the ball down the field. The defense's job is to stop the offense from making plays and advancing the ball down the field.

    If you are saying that the great strategy is sacrificing your best wideout to Revis for the whole game to keep Revis from 'making plays'.... that's a bit hard to fathom.

    Example: Last year in the playoffs, Reggie Wayne was defended by Revis and caught one pass for a 1 yard gain- for the entire game. During the regular season, he was the Colts top receiver with over 1000 yards. And he had Manning throwing to him, not Jamarcus Campbell.

    So did Reggie Wayne do a 'great job' by keeping Revis from 'making plays'- or did Revis take away Peyton Manning's best target?

    If you're having trouble with this question here's a hint: The objective of the offense is to move the ball down the field. The objective of the defense is to stop them. Not the other way around.

    The other advantage of the Jets corner tandem being able to take top receivers man to man is they allow us more players to stack in the box to stop the run and rush the passer.
    #329 James Calvin, Sep 24, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2011
  10. fr0zensm0ke

    fr0zensm0ke Member

    Apr 29, 2009
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    Perhaps I'm wrong in this case, but I interpreted this post differently than others, which actually makes this logic even more far fetched. What I think Primo is trying to say is that because Nnamdi would always play one side of the field, opposing teams would line up their target receiver elsewhere or in the slot. Like he said, he doesn't really know how our D works.

    Revis lines up on generally the same receiver for a whole game, regardless of where he lines up. It's nearly always the #1 receiver, depending on the physical matchup rex likes. (Sometimes he'll put Cromartie on the faster/taller guys..) Anyway, my point is, regardless of where you line up your "best" receiver, he's going to be taken away by Revis.
  11. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Perfect example you bring up. Yes Wayne was taken out the game, but didn't Garcon eat Cro's a$$ for lunch the entire game? Isn't that what kept the Colts in the game?

    It may seem weird logic to you but I have seen this logic implored against us time and time again for the better part of the last 6-7 years with Nnamdi. He stays on the right side of the field the whole game and team after team kills us every where he is not. So if Revis is shadowing thats 1 thing maybe Jets feel he doesn't need to shadow anyone cause we have lesser WR, so maybe he stays on 1 side i dunno. I think this would be to your advantage to Run DHb on streaks every snap against Revis LMAO! But if he's on Moore then I like Hagan vs Cro match up. But I would take 1 shot down field with Moore vs Hagan just for the F of it no matter the outcome!

    Oh and you ain't got to be nice, i'm a big boy and i'm not part of that pu$$y site Raiderfans.net!
  12. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    In my book throwing the ball late is forcing it. I hope he tries to throw it late against either Revis or Cro because it's getting picked if he does.
  13. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    So if Revis covers Moore, lets say, then you think its far fetched to use Moore to run Revis out of plays? I don't, I would go at Cro and make him beat us! in fact i would go at Strickland or Wilson, just sucks Ford wont be playing. I think our TE Boss is going to be key plus i don't think you have anyone that can match up with Reece the other key. Look for Boss and Reece to have big games if we are to have a chance offensively!

    PS a lot of what the Raiders do or have done I should say defy logic so I can only argue my PoV from what the Raiders do on the field!
  14. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Actually, the safety was burned on 1 single touchdown that Cro had the shorter coverage on. That amounts to 1 Touchdown for the Colts in the entire game.

    And just to be clear- we are talking about Peyton Manning here- not Jamarcus Campbell.

    Sanchez had better passing stats in that game than Manning did, and the Colts lost. The Colts even resorted to their feeble running game because they couldn't move the ball as they wished through the air.

    If that means the 'Colts ate someone's ass', then I would agree. They ate ass that evening, and they didn't like the flavor. Maybe the Raiders will.
    #334 James Calvin, Sep 24, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2011
  15. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    What I mean by throwing late and not forcing is Instead of letting the ball go as the WR comes out of his break so the ball gets there on time he some times has to wait to see the WR be open then deliver the ball giving the DB a chance to get back into the play.

    What Candle hasn't done is try to get the ball to a guy who is draped by the DB or covered by 2 guys and try to fit a ball in.
  16. BigPrimo

    BigPrimo New Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Manning- 18/26 225 1TD 108.7
    Sanchez- 18/31 189 0TD 1INT 62.4

    Garcon 5-112 1td - If Moore gets locked down, id take these stats from my Qb and 2nd Wr any day...again this is exactly what has happened to the Raiders in the past!
    #336 BigPrimo, Sep 24, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2011
  17. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    I would check out job listings after the season. You seem like Al Davis' kind of coach, and he'll probably be looking for one in January.
  18. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Sorry, I was mixed up- I was thinking of the following game when Sanchez had better passing stats than Brady. The Jets offense in the Colts game ran the ball down their throats to kill clock.

    I'm sure Terrelle Russell will have better luck than Manning. Faster 40 time and all.
  19. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    If it means we win tomorrow, like we did in the game you just cited, I'd take it 100 times out of 100, myself.
  20. Darth Raider

    Darth Raider New Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Reading this thread, here are my thoughts...

    I have no doubts that Revis will shutdown whomever is up against him. Cro takes gambles alot so the Raiders have a better chance against him.

    The Raiders running game is no joke. Most of you are of the thought that stopping the running should be no problem. No......this is definently where the game will be won or lost. The Jets excel at stopping the run, the Raiders excel at running the ball.

    Now, there's all this chest thumping about Revis and Cro. Rightfully so. But the Jets are starting an undrafted rookie at center and he is going up against Seymore and Kelly! They will eat him alive. Most of believe that starting Baxter is no big deal, your OL was struggling with Manghold(SP?) now without him it's just buisness as usual. No....

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