I think Walter is going to kill another person by the end of the season. If it's not Gus, I'm thinking it may be Saul Goodman. He went behind Walter's back and made that deal with Skylar. ...thinking this way because what's the point of him having that fat fuck body guard? That's a pointless character unless someone goes after him.
It's there. There was the news reporters that said his name and showed the Dad's picture. I think the news reporter said something to the effect " He was a grieving father that came back to soon."
This episode was fantastic. I just watched it and here are some preliminary thoughts. It was pretty easy to tell what was going to happen when Gus took the pills. I hope the Cartel kidnaps Skyler and chops her up, shit for all I care the IRS can chop her up. I have to say Walt has taken a back seat this year to Jesse Gus and Mike. This episode was no different. It's like Jesse and Walt changed places. The lab scene was terrific, Jesse is transforming into Heisenburg Jr. Funny how they switched Jesse from being a total mess to being completely thorough and Mike and Gus from thorough to being a little bit sloppy.
Although it's not a surprise at all, I think a great moment was Walt saying "Jesse" to Walt Jr. The father-son relationship that Walt has with both of them is one of many brilliant plots in the series; how much is he frustrated for Walt Jr's condition? he loves his kid but Jesse is the son he would've wished to have... and he's letting down both of them.
Just finally got to watching this episode. All I have to say is holy shit, might be the best tv show of any series I've ever watched.
Best ever is hype. There have been really awesome shows. Sopranos, Wire, Deadwood until the jackasses canceled it...the list goes on. Deadwood had the greatest dialog possible...such a pleasure to listen to. The Wire became truly Shakespearean with its breadth and drama. Sopranos started the whole thing, never-ending layers and references. Breaking Bad is amazing, definitely the best of AMC's killer trio but you can't say it's unilaterally the best ever or ever will be. You can't even see tits on the damn show, how annoying is that? One of the best ever? Sure.
The thing I love about Gus is that though he has blank expressions you can still see the fear, anger, hatred, etc. in his eyes. Brilliant, brilliant acting.
Just saw the first episode of the series last night. This show is pretty fucking good. I think I'm gonna go on a Netflix marathon over the next couple of days.
While leaving work yesterday, some guy in an green Aztek tore into the parking lot, I yelled "slow down, walter"
The Sopranos is without a doubt the most popular novel-type show in history. If it weren't for the Sopranos, you just wouldn't have shows like Mad Men or Breaking Bad. It was ground-breaking. It's also phenomenally overrated. Because it was so popular and because it was ground-breaking, it still managed to get caught up in the "we need to drag an extra few seasons out of this material" trap. That Steve Buscemi season was garbage. But if there's no Sopranos, there's no The Wire, I can guarantee that.
yeah when I was catching up to season 4 from the very beginning the only thing stopping marathons was access to episodes wouldve been nice if netflix didnt wait this long. either way ive missed out on alot of great shows as they aired. whenever i get around to them though I pretty much have marathons until i decide i dont want to spend THAT much time sitting down. Ive only seen like the first two episodes of The Wire and about the first 18 episodes of Deadwood. (was hooked and hit 1 average episode) ironically theyre the only two shows I think would give BB a run for its money in my opinion. Of course The Sopranos deserves homage for taking the more intense dramas to a grandiose scale
Even in the Sopranos weaker seasons, I think that it operated on a higher intellectual level than any show I've seen aside from maybe Breaking Bad. It's really one of those shows that you appreciate more every time you rewatch an episode, because every shot is so meticulously crafted that you can't possibly absorb everything in the first viewing.
There's a difference between appreciation and enjoyment though. I can appreciate that Mad Men is a really well crafted and put together show, but I don't enjoy it as much as the shows mentioned, mostly due to to the subject matter. The same goes for Treme. The Wire to me struck the perfect balance of appreciation of the story they managed to tell while also being enormously entertaining.