Is Cromartie worth his 4 year $32 million dollar contract?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DarrelleRevis.Human?, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    I could write your biography with a lump of monkey shit and a clean concrete wall, but that's better left to primates in captivity.


    I didn't know Pettine was calling the defense these days, I thought that was gonna be Rex's job for as long as he was coach.
  2. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    This is stale.

    "half ass joke is half-assed"

    Why the fuck don't you get this? He was paid what he was worth.

    It doesn't matter if you think $8 million dollars was too much. $8 million dollars a year is what he was worth - it's completely obvious stuff.

    Someone beat you to the punch on this one too.

    Actually, I didn't post a link to Football Outsiders in this thread or ever for that matter.

    ...but you did:

    The search engine works when I search for things that actually exist.

    Are you trying to prove something? ...that you know more about the pro game than I do...???

    I come to this site for my entertainment. I post on this site for my entertainment.

    I could care less if you think my posts are "half-assed" - don't read them if you don't like what I'm saying.

    I never compared Mangini to Rex.

    STOP PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!

    You're the only guy on this message board that knows Antonio Cromartie isn't coachable.

    I did that already and you claimed that you were trying to say something else.

    This isn't a debate anymore. It never was. The shit that you've been claiming is trash.

    All you're trying to do now is "ruin" my reputation. You're just attempting to make me look stupid because I've already done that to you.

    You're right...

    Me, WW85, and GH are make believe.

    Vikings > Faggots
  3. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    The Jets did not bid against themselves for Antonio Cromartie. I would say the fact that teams like Oakland and San Francisco were bidding for him may have inflated his price a bit.
  4. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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  5. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Who are you kidding? No one else wanted such an overrated, heartless, shitty corner that is dishonest when being coached.
  6. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Hence the overpay...
    Could Jets have landed him with less? Most likely not
    Did the Jets need a corner at the time? Yes
    Is Cromartie worth $32 mil over 4 years? No
  7. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Right, I'm just agreeing with the point about him getting market value. Whether or not he's worth it is an entirely different argument (one that abyzmul and Mr. E are having)
  8. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Market value doesn't exist...
  9. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Go take Econ 101 then come back and talk about that market value stuff.

    You are shooting yourself on your own foot.

    Other teams wanted his service too -> that means there was a market for his service, and from supply and demand standpoint, as Cro's service is a limited supply (he can play for but one team) with increasing demand (3 teams, as speculated?) what does that lead to? Right. Increase in price. The Market dictates his value, nothing else. Is he overpaid? The market doesn't think so. (Or his $ figure would have dropped to where it is appropriate.)

    Grow up and learn first before calling others out, son.
  10. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    "Is Cromartie worth his 4 year $32 million dollar contract?"

  11. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I haven't followed this tremendous discussion, so I don't know how far back this goes, but my thought on this part of it is that there's only accidental overlap between Cromartie's contract and market value, if any at all. Market value depends on an open and competitive market for the dude, and we didn't have that here. The Jets really did put most (but not all) of their eggs into the Nnamdi Asomugha basket, and when he surprised everyone by signing with the Eagles I don't think there's a person on the planet that didn't think they'd pivot back to Cromartie. What were the other options? Not to mention, the market window was so small after the lockout. So, we'll never know the real answer of whether or not $8 million is his true market value. We know it's what the Jets were willing to pay, but they had just finished trying to sign his replacement, and then when they missed, leverage shifted back to him. He may have been the best corner available, but he was really the only option for the Jets. That doesn't lend itself to a true market value.
  12. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    The fuck are you talking about? I agree with the point that the Jets paid the price that was set by his market.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Please allow me to insert the word "not" between "may" and "been."

    But the thought remains intact. He was the only option and in my opinion, we couldn't have opted for a better option. He seems out to prove himself. Let it happen.
  14. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    He just wants u to take the Econ 101!
  15. MikeDevito

    MikeDevito Active Member

    Dec 11, 2010
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    Look at all the people sucking his dick
  16. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    True market value or not, we were likely not going to get him for less than $8mil/year with his child support, the lack of other options, the deals corners were already getting and after we just whiffed while trying to pay his replacement somewhere around $11.5mil/year.

    As Jack said, we focused damn near all of our attention on Nnamdi and when we missed out on him we were caught. Joseph was already signed when we abandoned the pursuit of Nnamdi so we had no one else to turn to. Cro had the leverage of being the best corner on the market and an inflated value from the deals other starters were getting as his pricing metric.

    As for his talent level, which I'm sure was the original idea for this thread, Cromartie can be a bit of a frustration. There is no one at the position right now who is as physically gifted as him. The problem is that he seems to know this and it looks like he is relying more on his athleticism than his technique. So when he's off he tends to get caught off balance or out of position more than you'd like but when he's on then he looks like he can hang with most of the top WRs.

    Granted that was mostly speculation but one thing I know for sure is that two games into the season after signing that deal is hardly enough evidence for either side of this argument to win it.

    I loved what I saw yesterday out of him, but he was doing it to Luke McCown. I hated what happened to him last week and it was against the kind of WRs we need him to play up to. It could have be a product of the shortened offseason. It could be the fact that Bryant is just as physical as Marshall who usually owns him and Miles Auston isn't yoo far off from that point. Or it could be that week one was just THAT week for Cromartie. Whichever one it was, one week isn't enough to hang him just like one game against one of the worst starters in the league isn't enough to justify his contract for the rest of the season.
  17. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    ^You said it the way it is. We weren't getting him for less, even though his worth would be around $7 mil a yr IMO. And that his wk one performance was pretty good considering he gave up just 3 catches, but what I wanna see from him is to limit those big plays. If he gives up two catches a game and both of them are TDs, thats just not going to cut in this D. Limit big plays and Cromartie 'can' be worth $32 mil.

    Hopefully Cromartie isn't assigned Marshall because flat out owns him. Theres no Randy Moss now either cuz Cromartie was really good against Moss.
  18. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    There's the tap-out post. I thought you'd make it at least to Thursday.

    Why the fuck don't I 'get this'? I get the ideas that others are talking about when justifying market value. But you - you fucking suck at defining it. You say Market Value. You don't explain it. You repeat it like a mantra that you don't understand. You suck at this. Should I say that 3 times?

    You've basically equated market value to 'what he's worth', which is stupid, simplistic, and an oversimplified misnomer. Basically your entire presence in this thread.

    The market being fluid, 'Market Value' can mean you got a fair price, and it can also mean that you waited too long and screwed yourself, and let the market decide what a player was worth. Tanny got beat. You don't want to admit it or even address when I tell you that.

    At some point in this thread you stated that I'd disagree with you no matter what you said.

    Horseshit, of course, but if you look at your own posts in this thread, you may have been describing yourself.

    And of course the date of the link you posted, and the date of the Dropped Interceptions article have no bearing, right? Maybe I should just respond with your own dismissal?

    LOL @ that dude* bringing a 2010 off-season quote into a thread about Cromartie.

    Edit: by the way, you know you were referring to the FO article as proof, and i never stated that you posted a link to that site. Half-assed dodge.

    Nope. I'm trying to prove that you know as much about the game as you profess to. You know...


    So does everyone, you'd hope. It's interesting to see the different ways people 'entertain' themselves, however.

    Should I put your posts on 'ignore'? :smile: I can't imagine anyone has said that exact thing to you when you shit on their threads, huh? Never a once?

    You suck at this.

    Nope, but I bet someone worth a shit in debating football could have put a good argument up against me. Could have won, too.

    Nice dodge (not really), but you couldn't quote me because you were putting words in my mouth, yet again. I never said the med staff wrote off a concussion. You suck at this.

    It never was a debate. I could have had a reasonable and intelligent debate with any number of people in this thread. But I wanted the guy that 'knows more than pretty much anyone on this site' and tells people to fuck off because of it to prove his mettle. All I got was half-assed oversimplification and mockery. Because that's pretty much all you had.

    And there's the tap-out. I was talking about you. Not GH, and not WW85. :wink:

    Yawn. That's really all you got.
    #358 abyzmul, Sep 20, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2011
  19. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Most teams bring safety help over to cover the other teams best WR. The Jets don't do that because they don't have to. The No. 2 CB for the Jets has the luxury of not having to cover the No. 1 guy and having help in the form of blitzes which speed up the QB progression, or an extra Safety to help him cover the other guys No. 2.
  20. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    im not disagreeing with what your saying.

    but i dont see how this contradicts what i originally said.

    I'm saying Cro has a harder job than most #2's because he has the best CB in the NFL across from him.

    Unless a team has a top tier slot WR or TE Cro instantly becomes target number 1 for opposing offenses.

    and his allowed margin of error goes down significantly cause even the slightest slip up will result in a target.

    thats all im saying.

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