Is Cromartie worth his 4 year $32 million dollar contract?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DarrelleRevis.Human?, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    How is it a disadvantage for Cro to have a great CB on the other side? It means for the most part he won't be covering a great WR.
  2. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Correction - the Jags looked totally inept yesterday, playing Cro and the Jet D. Against Tennessee, the Jags won, McCown had the following stat line (including no ints.):

    L.McCown 24 17 175 2/15 0 26 0 91.5

    323 total net yards on O, a 50% third down conversion rate,

    Against a Tennessee team that won against the Ravens yesterday.

    The point is Cro had something to do with making Jax look so bad. A week earlier, they did not have a totally inept NFL O.
  3. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    They scored 16 points, 16 with Mercedes Lewis in the linup. They are a totally inept O. Their best player with the exception of Drew was out and they were on the road. McCown has 9 career TD's and 10 career INT's he is a career backup for a reason. Lots of crappy teams in the NFL don't look completely inept at home when nobody has any tape on them.
  4. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    It's actually my brother. We share a computer and he's been too depressed to post since his friend Gray-Me got cancer and then got hit by a car skateboarding.
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Teams can't have two great WRs or other options like great pass-catching TEs? Even Tom Brady knows enough not to throw too often in Revis' direction. The option is to throw to Crow. He pretty much holds his own despite that. Not saying he's spectacular, mind you, but holds his own for the most part.
  6. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Raider Jeaux?
  7. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Thanks for making clear what YOU mean by totally inept. It's not the same as most people.
  8. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    i think he means the fact teams go out of their way to not throw at revis.

    the read progressions for opposing qbs probably change a little.

    most notably when your playing across from a CB like Revis. your mistakes will be magnified, and any hint of the slightest blown coverage, you WILL be thrown at.

    some number 2s get away with alot of blown coverage cause of who they play across from.
  9. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Chad Pennington was a baller.

    Better than being a front with a raging faggot standing behind it.

    Unprepared? I wasn't aware this was a test.

    You said that Cromartie doesn't work with his position coach, which is bullshit.

    You said that Cromartie doesn't watch film, which is bullshit.

    You said that Cromartie doesn't listen to the defensive signal caller, which is bullshit.

    You also said this:

    I may be oversimplifying it, but that sounds like you assume that Cromartie doesn't do any of that.


    There's no need for that. You've lit yourself on fire numerous times in this thread.

    That is what I call it. Speculation.

    I didn't give you permission to write my biography. You can stop your "research" now.

    Cromartie looked pretty good in Ryan's scheme yesterday.

    This thread will be back and forth all season, because no player in this league is perfect. Over the next 14 games, he'll give up a touchdown and you'll shit a brick.

    Holy fuck...he was paid what he was worth. Why can't you grasp such a simple concept?

    Who cares if he's playing in a blacked out market or on national television?

    Every team in this league is real competition. They're all trying to win.

    I'm not the only one saying it, but I will say it again...three times.

    Market value. Market value. Market value.

    I'd like to ask how my ass tastes ???

    Your "chick's" bush is most likely simply and viciously disgusting.

    It was a legal, hard block. He was simply doing his job viciously.

    You said he was the best second best defensive back in the game. Implying that Revis was the only defensive back better than Jenkins in that game.

    Cleary, Antonio Cromartie is the best corner. CLEARLY.

    Alan Ball should be playing safety. He's playing corner for Dallas because their cornerback depth is garbage.

    I love it when I prove someone wrong and all they can do if bash for knowing a lot about college football and the draft. Is knowing a lot about football supposed to feel bad?

    That happens way too much on TGG. You seem to think me knowing about college prospects is some sort of insult.


    So if I'm thinking like you, Mike Pettine doesn't matter to the Jets because Rex Ryan is micromanaging.

    Only idiots bitch about non-penalized showboating. They're playing a fucking game. It's the best form of entertainment.

    Who cares if Burress gets pumped after knocking the shit out a player? Only you.

    Cool story, bro.

    ...pretty sure that's what I said.

    ...but my e-reputation allows me to do that!!!!!!!!! (on a whim)

    No, it won't.

    You actually thought that a professional football team's medical staff completely wrote off Mark Sanchez's potential concussion. That's so fucking stupid.

    I forgot how much you like you look into player's eyes when you watch games. Sanchez's glassy eyes and Cromartie's non-hip watching eyes.

    Threads that dumb should DIAF.

    I'll stick with knowing more about this game than you.

    My search engine skills are e-rep just took a major hit.

    Actually, I was putting the attention on you yesterday...because after your clusterfuck of an argument against Cromartie, you deserved to be called out...again.

    This week will be better for me: I'm right.
  10. All Gas No Shake

    All Gas No Shake Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    cro is left without help more than any #2 in the league and more than a lot of #1s ... a lot of so called "top notch" corners would get exposed far worse than cro in this system
  11. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Good point.
  12. NYDeadEye

    NYDeadEye Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    The way I view it is he was the best possible option at the time, we took a risk on Nnamdi and lost. And for that, we had to (arguably) overpay Cro.

    Is he Revis? No but not many, if any, are. So he was our best available option and I was glad to see him back.

    It's also an added plus he's great at returning kick offs, helping ease the loss of Brad Smith.

    He did have a good game against Jag, but I kind of have to wonder how much of that was McCown vs. Cro's doing. That first interception was basically thrown right to him I feel like.
  13. JCotchrocket

    JCotchrocket Active Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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    Jokes digress. That's their point.

    Do you see what you've done, Mr. E?! Abyzmul?! Do you see what you've done?! It's gotten so tense in here that you've killed Big Blocker's renowned sense of humor!

    Damn you, Titans of The Gang! Curse your fueding!
  14. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    dude has to feed his family you know.
  15. Odd Neck Stems

    Nov 6, 2008
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    Yes Cro is worth his contract. Especially looking at the ages of some of the other people there. And considering the importance of Cro to this defense.

    He does get burned sometimes, and makes bad plays, as do all cornerbacks. The Jets have one of the most difficult defenses to pass on considering they don't have great interior cover linebackers or safeties and they don't have a great passrusher. Which means that his job is critical, and he does it fairly well on a fairly regular basis. He's obviously beatable - so is Revis, sometimes - but his pure athleticism is virtually irreplaceable at a position that is integral for the Jets pass defense.

    He would be more dominant if he had as good technique as some other #1 corners, but the Jets aren't paying him in the top echelon of cornerbacks, and he's well worth his salary.
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    He'd also be more dominate if we had a legitimate pass rusher putting more heat on the QBs timing.

    But putting things in perspective, we could always reach out to Ty Law as per the Herman Edwards years.
  17. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Yeah, within 5 yards of the LOS.

    Your insults suck almost as much as your football talk.

    No, you're not oversimplifying it in this case as much as you're failing to comprehend the English language. I thought you were just being obtuse, but now I think you're just displaying a lazy brand of stupidity. No wonder you love Cro so much. Mental laziness.

    'Honestly' work on his technique means adhering to technique in jamming the receiver, using leverage to take a receiver's advantage away from his route, film work to be able to know the tells that a receiver will make to give away his route. Stuff that Revis and now Wilson have both learned from Dennis Thurman.

    Cromartie is dishonest in what he takes away from film and technique drills. People have said that's 'just part of the Cromartie package'. Fuck that. This guy has been getting paid on potential for years. It's not that he doesn't work with the position coach. He doesn't put most of it into practice, because of his AMAZING athletic talent he does not appear to care how it will benefit his game. He's either mentally lazy or just stupid. Either way, it's a disadvantage.


    I could have, but your flood of half-assed ignorance and suckertude has put the flames out almost instantly. A better man could have incinerated me. I'm arguing the heel side of the argument. You're not the better man, unfortunately.

    Sweet. Then I speculate that you rip off draft information and pass it off as your own superior knowledge. Not based of research or fact, just speculation. My speculation is probably closer to the truth, though.

    I could write your biography with a lump of monkey shit and a clean concrete wall, but that's better left to primates in captivity.

    Drew Coleman would have looked good in Ryan's scheme against McCown.

    And he'll be sitting in zone coverage and have a career backup throw a gimme pick to him, and you'll be pulling his workout pants down 5 minutes later, hoping for half a chub to start with.

    He wasn't paid what he was worth. He's not worth 8 million, I knew that at the end of 2010. He wouldn't have gotten 8 mil if the Jets had signed him immediately after FA began, but they allowed the top 2 FA corners to dictate the market while they waited for Nnamdi to brush them aside at the 11 hour for Philly, and they paid the price for it.

    Market Value. Nice term, but they could have dictated the market instead of being victimized by it. That's the concept that you either can't grasp or are too thick-headed to accept as reality. Another oversimplification. Tanny lost a gamble. And paid the price.

    Monkey shit, monkey shit, monkey shit.

    Monkey shit.

    4 times beats 3 times.

    I don't know, I've only seen half of it.

    Woohoo, another insult fail. Yo mama have bugs in her muff.

    I said Mike Jenkins played like the second best corner on the field. Another English language fail for Mr. Illiterate.

    Alan Ball should be playing in the CFL. He sucks at corner and safety equally. (There's my Mr E-style condescending declaration of knowledge. Without factual basis, dripping with mystery knowledge.)

    So far in this thread, you've made broad and vague assumptions, posted incorrect and easily disprovable info about an NFL game, bragged that somebody else 'proved' Cro's top 10 status by posting a link to a website that invents questionable stastics such as the 'adjusted passer rating' based on phantom stats such as 'dropped interceptions', and claimed victory a number of times without really providing an intelligent debate. Not a whole lot of proving went on. That's your schtick, has been for years, and it's tired and lacks longevity.

    I'm not bashing you for knowing a lot about college football. I'm bashing you for assuming people will take your vague and oversimplified half-assed posts at face value on the pro level because you seem to know a lot about college ball. You know, that 'rep' thing that you claim does not exist on message boards.


    Rex announced that Pettine was calling the defense last season, because he's a leader and mentor. Please tell me when Mangini announced that about Sutton? Please tell me how Rex and Mangini, aside from professional titles and base defensive personnel sets, are similar? Or are you content to oversimplify?

    Rex is getting better at delegating authority without losing hold on the overall direction of the team. In the recent past, we had Herm, who delegated pretty much the entire operations of the football team and didn't really have a whole lot of control of the overall product. Then we had Mangini, the polar opposite, who did not want to delegate a god damn thing. The latter is the definition of micromanagement. Please tell me you don't think that applies to Rex Ryan.

    That's right baby, I'm the only guy on the whole wide internet that cares. Simple. Simple enough for you, at least.


    You suck at this.

    It used to. (not anymore)

    You may have to type in ALL CAPS from now on. We can't hear that simple shit from the back of the line.

    Is that what I wrote? Why don't you go ahead and quote it for me? I can't seem to recall saying that the Jets medical staff wrote off a concussion. I do seem to recall theorizing that he did not report symptoms to the team. Something that is an all too common occurrence at all levels of organized football.

    Not quite as dumb as this part of your post. Whether it's feigned ignorance or true stupidity, I never saw how ill-suited your were at this type of debate.

    Or pretending you do. You're a fuckin viking at make-believe guru-hood.

    No, you were drunk-sucking your coctail sword about an over-rated corner besting a career backup quarterback.

    Your call-out. It was half-assed as well.

    False claims of victory. Also where you're a fuckin viking.
  18. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    No, you. That didn't feel good did it?
  19. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Cro is overpaid because we signed him as FA. There was no way around it and I don't blame the FO for his contract. Yes, he had a heck of a game, albeit against Luke McCown and his unknown WRs.

    As for his contract, the link you provided is miles off from a 4 yr $32 mil contract. It only adds up to $21.1 mil, not $32 mil. nyjetscap has contract details I'd tend to agree with and it seems like his contract is great for 2011, but will be trying to *$%# us in the ass after 2012 and particularly after 2013.

    My guess is Cromartie will be here for two more yrs including 2011 before getting released/traded. 3rd yr would be a possibility depending on cap situation, but I wouldn't bet on it.
  20. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Most people who follow the NFL know full well that the Jags unloaded their starting QB days before the season for one reason Cash. The organization essentially has tanked the season for cash. Del Rio is in his last season. The Jags are in full unload right now and may well be headed to another city.

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