Lol, I was thinking this thread would get more fun now. Embarrassing game last week, kick ass game this week.
Guys... he was covering Cecil Shorts from Luke McCown. I like Cromartie. I think he's worth the money. But enough with the self-congratulatory circle jerk.
Yeah, but he did his job, and he did his job very well. That counts for something. Though I'd like to see him perform at a similar level against elite receivers for once.
Hell yes it is. It's worth my applause and my fandom, personally speaking. But there are two sides of this thread, and they each have their merits. One side maintains that Cromartie does deserve to be paid as an elite corner, the other that he does not. It's a valid argument and a very good debate. But a lot of the posters who said "don't judge his worth on just this one game" are now saying "second game was good: end debate." It's a little hypocritical.
I think I saw two plays today where he actually stepped up to clog a running lane. Not really pertaining to the argument here but something that I thought was interesting.
Hey clown you're right he's not worth the $32M, he's worth way MORE. Name me another corner that plays defense, offense and special teams.
Sorry, I read player instead of corner when I stopped caring about your comment halfway through reading it.