Is Cromartie worth his 4 year $32 million dollar contract?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DarrelleRevis.Human?, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. Jetsring2013

    Jetsring2013 Banned

    Sep 3, 2011
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    Notice how I said short? I don't know years of history as many do on here. I know what I've read recently browsing threads. Abyzmul seems like the most knowledgeable guy here...Mr. E just bashes people all day without actually having any superior understanding, he got put in his place.

    As to Mr. E's reply to me...the issue is about you saying Cro had great coverage on that one play (or two plays). Then Abyzmul proceeded to tear your postulation to shreds picture by picture and word by word. I'm not here to argue Abyzmul's points for him, he's plenty capable of that himself. Just to point out your sad backpedaling.

    Worth and value is obviously a big subjective thing so you're clearly going to hide behind all of that to deflect how bad you look. The second it came to a concrete analysis of a single play of football, everyone can see who knows what they're talking about and who gets off acting like they do on the internet.

    Bashing people seems to be your "career", except sadder. That is why I used the analogy. Get it?
  2. rholt168

    rholt168 Active Member

    Jul 3, 2009
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    That goes to JetsFan and his furyness.
  3. Lynkx

    Lynkx Active Member

    Sep 20, 2009
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    It's the internet who fucking cares?
  4. Jetsring2013

    Jetsring2013 Banned

    Sep 3, 2011
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    It's just a little disgusting to read and sift through...I'm guessing that's a big reason why Abyzmul decided to destroy him. If he actually knew something it would be one thing...
  5. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Get back on topic to Cromartie or don't post. Or bring to Trash Talk.
  6. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    Cromartie would probably make a hell of a free safety if he wasn't such a pussy
  7. rholt168

    rholt168 Active Member

    Jul 3, 2009
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    He'd never get an unnecessary roughness or defenseless receiver penalty. That's for sure.
  8. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    You're clearly an older poster that has a new account.

    I definitely didn't say Antonio Cromartie had good coverage on the Dez Bryant TD catch. I said he was beat by a potentially dominant wideout and a great throw.

    He had excellent coverage on the Miles Austin TD catch - that was just a hell of a play by Austin.

    Accusing Cromartie of not watching wideout's hips and not being coachable is garbage - as fans, we have no idea about either of those.

    I don't give a god damn if you think he "destroyed" me. It's clear that you just dislike my posts, so everything that I say will be wrong to posters like yourself. I have plenty of haters on this site - this isn't the first time I've been right and someone's tried to call me out...
    #188 Mr Electric, Sep 15, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2011
  9. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Hi boxorox,

    It's not cool to start another account on the day you received a 10 day ban for personal attacks.

    time to face the music, dumbass.
  10. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    so I guess his head was just a Box O' Rocks, huh?

  11. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Maybe I am out of touch here. I have no idea who the F 'boxorox' is. He kept my nads warm last night, though. Nice and toasty. Thanks whoever you are.
  12. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    5 targets, 4 catches allowed, 72 yards, 2 touchdowns, 2 first downs, zero passes defensed.

    8 mil per year.

    And to think that I had expected a real response, hehe.

    You seem like a resourceful if impulsive guy, Mr E. I'm sure you can figure out the TGG search engine. Not sure where 'fabled' came from since it was an off the cuff remark, but something tells me you're also not too bad at playing dumb when it suits you.
  13. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    He's some doorknob that WW85 banned back on Sept 3 for personal attacks guessed it....Mr.Electric. :)
  14. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    so will this Mr.E/Abyzmul thing turn into a Edward/Jacob phenomena

    get the shirts ready Petro.

    i already dropped my .02, Cromartie is a good corner who got beaten by two very good WR's. a 1 game performance not indicative of his contract.

    he did get what the market value was set at. i still rank him a top 10-15 CB. unless sunday night becomes a regularity (which i dont believe it will)

    yet 1 game wont tell the whole story and im sure there will be games where he redeems himself, that i count on.

    either way like i said the fanbase will forever be polarized by his feast or famine play style
    #194 Coach K, Sep 16, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2011
  15. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    1 game, 1 win.


    You should read Mike Tannenbaum's book on free agency. I heard it's better than that 46 book that made you soooooooooooo smart.

    No matter what I say, you'll disagree. Asomugha wasn't coming here. His contract, along with Darrelle Revis' set the bar high for corners. In a shortened off-season, this coaching staff and front office tried to bring in the game's second best corner and it didn't work out - so they brought in a player that knew the system and could contribute immediately.

    Cromartie would be a #1 corner on most of the teams in this league. Mike Jenkins wouldn't. He's a #2 corner on one of the shittiest secondaries in the game - I love how you anoint him as some sort of godly defender after one fucking game, yet Cromartie sucks after one.

    Plaxico Burress lit Jenkins up because that's his job. He was blocking for Santonio Holmes. He was playing to win. It wasn't dirty, but it was a vicious hit. I loved it. You assumed his motive for the block. That's fucking bullshit.

    Don't question my football playing days, especially when I don't brag about being some all-star player. Did I play? Sure did. Do I use that as an argument when debating football? Almost never.

    I'm not going question your football past, even if I should. seriously bitched about Burress showboating after that block? C'mon, dude. When you get the best of a cocky little fuck, it feels good.

    Call him inconsistent, call him a gambler, but don't tell me he doesn't belong on this defense...because he can and does get the job done.

    This is the realest response you're going to get.

    You seem like you want attention, abyzmul. I'm sure someone will fake cancer within the next year though.

    No one's heard of your whiny rant.

    Until I see it, it's bullshit. ...and when if it actually happend and I see it, it's still bullshit.
    #195 Mr Electric, Sep 16, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2011
  16. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Miles Austin is a good player. Any corner that gets beat by him deserves every penny of his contract.
  17. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Without offseason, Jets management probably weren't sure where Kyle Wilson's development was. This same Cro that has so many upset is the same Cro who came up big in the Pats playoff game. He also played well when Revis was out. Revis >> Cro doesn't mean Cro isn't a solid CB.

    (Missing Cro + Kyle not ready) = Jets D ripped by opposing TE down the middle and #2 receivers all over the field.
  18. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    All good points, along with the basic one which the OP question ignores. And that is that it is really comparing apples and oranges to compare free agent signings to contracts entered into with non free agents. Why? It should be obvious. The fact that a player is NOT a free agent means they are in some way restricted, and that restriction translates into lost value for the player.

    So, in comparing Cro to other players, it is not directly relevant to compare him to other CB's who were not free agents when they signed.

    Just to be clear, I am not saying that only free agents can (sometimes) get top dollar, or that non free agents cannot be (sometimes) overpaid. I am talking in general here. But this is still generally true - it is an apples and oranges comparison.
  19. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    If Mike Tannenbaum's book on free agency says that Cromartie is a top 10 corner like you do, his ghost writer needs to die in a fire, pronto. The Cromartie overpayment was penalty for a gamble.

    But it was a calculated gamble with a far higher payoff than penalty. But I'm not going to sit here and spin the penalty like it didn't happen. I'm also not going to happily say that Plan B tastes like filet mignon when Plan A could have been legendary.

    Like when you said Jenkins was beaten multiple times? Just like that? Don't pretend that you have been laying down the gospel in this thread and I'm just some ignorant naysayer with a shit argument. A lot of the crap that you've posted in this thread is just that - vague, condescending, many times inaccurate and many times oversimplified crap. And since I know you can do much better than that, you bet your ass I'll disagree.

    Yup. Never disputed that part. They settled for Cromartie. Do I have to like that? I saw what we were getting after last season, removing from consideration the things that will improve with familiarity of the defense. Should I celebrate the team sitting on their hands for a week while the #1 and #2 FA cornerbacks are signed and end up having to overpay for a guy that they could probably have had for less?

    Never anointed a god, never said he sucked. You know, it occurs to me that outside the TT forum, we have never had a protracted debate like this. At least not that I can remember. Aside from shooting off with incorrect information, and editorializing (I stoled that) a spin on bad coverage, you also do a pretty fair amount of putting words in peoples' mouths to suit your argument as well.

    Edit: by the way, saying that he could be #1 corner on most teams, I think 'many' teams would be accurate, and I also think he could be more effective in some schemes than he is in Rex's. Because he'd FIT a better. Wade Phillips comes to mind. Doesn't mean he's a top 10 corner, and definitely doesn't mean he'd earned the paycheck of one.

    Plax was playing that game loose and undisciplined and knew he wasn't going to get passes thrown to his side with Jenkins there. He had zero receptions on 2 targets up to that point. He also hadn't been very aggressive up to that point.

    That block was born of frustration. You can spin it any way you like, but it's no coincidence that he had 2 consecutive passes thrown to him later that same drive. He wanted a better matchup. and Jenkins had already had his bell rung earlier in the game.

    I'm not saying it was dirty, either. Never did. It's football, and when you get the chance to lay a legal hit like that on a guy who is taking you out of the game, you do it.

    But I'm not going to pretend it was just some routine block, either. There wouldn't be a thread full of gifs about that one hit on this board 5 minutes after the game ended if it was routine.

    When I see an oversimplified take on a coaching situation, I usually write it off to a new fan or an inexperienced poster. Even when they portray themselves to be some kind of part-time talent-scouting football savant which many do these days. Such as twisting things to infer that a new defensive coordinator that didn't come up as a defensive backs coach wouldn't have an effect on the play of a corner, the disciplines involved, and the motivation of that player.

    With the aggressive type of scheme that is polar opposite from the read and react mess that Wade was running in Dallas. Not to mention the fact that he had a DC who he could believe in, and not one that moped around on the sideline and bore a physical resemblance to a fat, gray haired child who has just been the victim of an atomic wedgie.

    It's not as simple as you portrayed it. But maybe it was just willful ignorance on your part. You would think that our linebacker corps had not improved in the transition between Mangini and Rex. Sutton's still here, AMIRIGHT? AMIRIGHT?

    I described the way I saw it afterward. My opinionated version, of course. He was showboating, and he looked like a punk doing it.

    I don't have to love the person because he's wearing green and white. He looked like a punk. There are times that Holmes does too. Doesn't mean I want them off the team. But they can be punks.

    I bet there's people on here that have the same attitude toward you. You bring some information and knowledge to the board. They put up with the other stuff because of it.

    Any player can belong on a Rex Ryan defense. I don't want any player. I want the BEST FIT. Because it means not having to comprimise the defensive philosophy.

    Is he a gambler? Yeah. But he's not the guy sitting between Phil Ivey and Johnny Chan at the bracelet tables. He's the guy working the $80 no limit tournaments for suckers at Caesar's, hits a big pot every couple of weeks and parties all night with a bunch of hookers, breaks even for a week, then loses his ass in an embarrassing series of overnight visits to his loan shark because he didn't know when to be smart about it and call it a night.

    Sometimes very effective, but also playing on the edge of over-aggressive, undisciplined, and overconfident. And dumb.

    The kind of guy that will give up 2 TDs, 2 first downs, and defend zero passes on opening night 9/11, against the boss's brother and America's Team. Should I count my lucky stars that he didn't throw away the game like Romo?

    Yeah, I got that feeling about halfway through. I guess I should have counted myself lucky for the Kanye West video, in hindsight.

    No matter, it wasn't really a rant or a call-out, although I knew mention of a 'call-out' would get your attention. It was really just an off-the-cuff concerned observation on the state of TGG. You're doing nothing to prove me wrong, however.

    I'd link it for you, but your passive-aggressive attempts to get me to post a link are far too entertaining.
    #199 abyzmul, Sep 16, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2011
  20. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    I got a question about your entertaining debate (it is very btw). Are you 2 guys going to the TGG game November 13th. If you do MBGreen is buying the beers......
    #200 Miamipuck, Sep 16, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2011

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