Brainlessly bash former Jet employee, Brian Schottenheimer

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by ThunderbirdJet, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Actually, the Jets offense woke up in the 2nd half in almost every game last season.

    So he adjusts well. Its the start of the game he and Sanchez need to work on. He seems to not want to get Sanchez into a rhythm until its december and then the short passes to start the game happen. That's his problem.
  2. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I'm not so sure he could. I know Johnson says over and over that ALL personnel decisions are made by Tannenbaum. I don't know if that includes coaches as well.
  3. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    But is that a Brian issue or Sanchez issue? or both? It's like Sanchez reg season vs. post season. Do we think Brian hits a magic button and starts coaching him differently in january?
  4. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Yeah, Sanchez has to bring the same focus to regular season games that he does in the playoffs. He knows it, he says it himself. Hopefully this year he does.
  5. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Junc, can we dispense with the Sanchez part.

    Quite simply, BS has no short passing game, for whatever reason.

    Beli, without Weis, took Matt Cassel off the bench and won the division.

    I'm Fairly certain, that Beli could take you, put in some three step drops, with welker, white chocolate, and anybody on the outside....and keep you close to 60%

    That's the complaint here.

    Another thing to look at is Leon Washington.

    Against Reid using Westbrook.

  6. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    He had a short passing game w/ Chad.

    NE did NOT win the division w/ Matt Cassell, they did not make the playoffs. Cassell has proven he can play in this league taking KC to the div title last year and they won 6 less games in 2008 w/ Cassell as their starter than they won in 2007 against a MUCH easier sched. Cassell also had the benfit of learning behind the games best QB for years and was handed a team that was undefeated the year before. Sanchez took over a team that hadn't won a layoff game since 2004, he had 16 college starts and he started from day 1- not to mention he got his best WR in '10 after 4 games and his best WR in '11 he got after 4 games.

    When they had Moss competing maybe but the WRs last year and most of the years in NE have been average to below average made to look better by a future HOF QB.
  7. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I totally agree with your comment on Sanchez there, Too many people overlook the fact that the guy for all intents and purposes was 1 year removed from High School when they stuck him in.

    But that gets us back to the problem. Run the ball. Sure.

    But he should have been given a steady dose of three step drops, and quick decisions.
  8. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Ftr I think there's absolutely NO EVIDENCE that Ryan is forced to accept BS as his OC. How could Ryan have accepted that kind of limitation??? Is there ANY reason to think he would?

    The HC is ultimately responsible for the performance of the team. Yes it's true that there is a shared responsibility when it comes to who gets signed to the roster, and OF COURSE if the HC wants to fire such a senior member of the CS as the OC, it only goes to follow that the GM has a right to ask who he intends to get in there as a replacement.

    Imo that's another factor most don't talk about here. Who would be better as the OC than BS? Someone mentioned Hue, who was under contract and could not be gotten. So? That's the same as saying he was not a choice.

    It is also entirely conceiveable that Ryan as a defensive guy could have plausibly said he would come here and see what it was like to work with Schotty. Ok, that explains year one. Years two and three? Nope.

    As for the point that Ryan might be uncomfortable calling plays, well I think he does have input on the overall offensive approach, and has Callahan also available for feedback. Add Moore this year. My guess is Ryan knows as much about offense as any poster here, even if he thinks there might be people in his CS who know even more about O than him. I normally do not think much of such appeals to authority, which are in the end logical fallacies, but at the same time one must have something other than a hunch or uninformed observation if one wishes to overcome the foregoing analysis.

    Bottom line is I along with pretty much everyone here is a Ryan fan. But along with that comes the recognition that this is Ryan's third year with BS on his staff. No one is holding a gun to Rex's head to make him keep BS.

    Factor that in when you criticize Schotty.
  9. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    I can't stand this thread title. It's so god damn whiny. I hate looking at it.
  10. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Perhaps I'm misreading your intent, but it seems as if you are just brushing off the bolded part of your post as a minor inconvenience. Is that accurate? If so, then I have to disagree about it's importance. The game is won by points, and being successful in the red zone is a key factor in the success or failure of one's offense, and is related to play calling.

    Let's say that it's the offseason and Schotty had been fired or taken a HC job elsewhere (LOL). In their search for a new HC, if the Jets were considering hiring an OC who had never had a QB throw for 300 yards, especially considering that the had some very capable WRs and pass-catching TE and one year had a QB who had a ton of 300 games in his career; his red zone offense had been pretty awful/unsuccessful, frequently having to settle for FGs in spite of having one of the best OLs in the game and a power back with some speed, plus rarely scored in the first quarter; who had consistently had a lot of drives stopped with stupid penalties; who had a lot of talent yet, lost games 10-9, 10-0 with some regularity; and who had a lot of gimmick plays, some of which never worked yet were repeatedly called, and the timing of his play calling was suspect; would you want the Jets to even consider hiring that OC???

    I suspect you and most others would be quick to say "HELL NO!" yet that's what we have in BS and many posters support and defend him. I just don't get it.

    I think there's an interesting parallel to Marty Schottenheimer here. He was a very successful HC during the regular season, yet always failed in the playoffs. At least once, maybe twice, the Jets looked for HCs and Marty was available. I remember lots of Jets fans saying "HELL NO" to Marty as the Jets' possible HC. They weren't willing to accept a HC who would have the team very good and successful during the regular season, winning division championships, but who always failed in the playoffs. Would you have wanted Marty as the Jets' HC? If not, why would you want to keep his son, when he seems to have similar limitations?
    #2470 joeklecko, Sep 7, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2011
  11. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I DO factor that in and do criticize Ryan for that. In many fields of endeavor, employees are fired without having their successor in mind. Of course, it's different in sports to a large degree, but the interviewing process for his successor always begins after the firing, not before.

    I don't know who a suitable candidate would be to replace BS, as I don't keep up with all the other teams in the NFL and know who their OCs, and offensive position coaches are. I also don't keep up with college ball as much as I used to, but I suspect that there are excellent young creative minds out there. The name Hue Jackson was mentioned. I know he's not available, but I believe that when he got his first shot at being a HC, he had been a WR coach in the league. He worked out pretty well as an OC, and now is a HC.

    I also know that the Jets presently employ a former HC and I believe former OC as well on their CS staff right now, albeit in a different position. Why not give Callahan a shot and promote from within? I don't think he could do much worse than BS, and the offense wouldn't even have to change that much, so there would be continuity and stability.
  12. The Notorious J.E.T.S

    The Notorious J.E.T.S Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2003
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    Didn't Callahan coordinate those Rich Gannon-led offensive juggernauts in the early 2000's?

  13. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Actually read what you just typed. You are asking to make a change just to make a change even if the net gain would be minuscule or even a net loss.
  14. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    The bolded part is key.

    People can throw out the stupid line about Rex pimping Schotty by saying he didn't want to lose him when his name was hot, but that's simply attributing their hopes to his actions without any merit whatsoever.

    In fact, if Rex really wanted to be rid of Schotty, what he should have said was "I hate to lose a guy like that, but he has to do what's right for him." Instead, Rex was adamant that he wanted Schotty back.

    So either Rex is an idiot for not properly making his case or he actually likes Schottenheimer. I'm betting Rex is smarter than any coach in football not named Belichick.

    So Schottenheimer's young creative mind is bad, but a different young, creative mind is good?

    The grass is always greener. Except none of the young creative minds in the NCAA have ever coached an offense to two consecutive AFC Championship games.

    And as ukk mentioned, you want to replace Schottenheimer with someone you feel couldn't do much worse? That doesn't sound the least bit ridiculous to you?
  15. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    That's a good point , all you need is to look at the Steelers PO game last year. Our 2nd half was insane vs our 2nd half but people will remember the fail on 1st and goal that ultimately sealed our fate. Granted Sanchez failed on that throw but the calls were atrocious in that spot with a chance to really put some pressure on Pitt. Many people including myself think if we score 7 there we win the game.
  16. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    No, that is your interpretation. The clear implication is that while the system as a whole, terminology, and most of the playbook wouldn't necessarily change, thus not necessitating a long time for the team to learn a new system, the play calling WOULD, and hopefully, Sanchez' consistency and accuracy. Just because the same basic system could be used doesn't mean it would be used in the same way, with someone different using it.

    For that matter, even if Callahan changed the system, going with a simpler, less complex system, it probably would make things easier for the offense, and there would be stability because the players know Callahan, and there's a good likelihood all or most of the present position coaches would be kept.

    What is amazing is the absolute lengths you will go to in order to defend BS. You're smarter than that.
  17. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    That's just another way of saying you have a fear of the unknown and it's better to stick with the devil you know than the one you don't know.

    You're the one making ridiculous statements saying that BS has coached the offense to two consecutive AFC Championship Games. That's laughable!!!! Without Rex's D and the Cane's STs, BS wouldn't have ever gotten within sniffing distance of the playoffs, much less the AFC Championship Game.

    There are never any guarantees when one changes an employee. The intent obviously is to improve the quality of the work. Of course one doesn't hire someone thinking the new guy couldn't be much worse than his predecessor, but I'm saying that is a possible outcome in anticipation of those who would say that the situation could be worse. IMO it would be difficult to find an OC who could do any worse than BS with the talent the Jets have. Most OCs seek to create mismatches and exploit the weaknesses of opposing Ds. Not BS. His creativity is a mirage. It's just a lot of style and little substance. It's pre-snap motion and lots of plays that don't work.
  18. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    I don't go to great lengths at all, that would be your interpretation.

    I point out flaws in the arguments against him, and there are many. It amazes me that you and some others seem to think your understanding of being a good coach is deeper than the guys who actually run the league. No matter where you look you will see he is held In high regard throughout the league. The only people who think he is an idiot are jets fans who need to place blame solely on one person instead of actually thinking.

    If there was more of a fair discussion on this board I might actually talk more about what I dislike about him. As is I can only have a rational discussion about him with maybe 5 people on the whole board, you aren't one of them.
  19. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    LOL!!! Right. Whatever dude. Have another bong hit. You do go to great lengths. You attack every criticism of BS as if you have been appointed his defender. It's laughable.
  20. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho Trolls

    Jan 16, 2010
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    The Jets did not start well in any of their playoff games last year. That's a huge problem. I agree Shotty adjusts well during games, but too often he lets the defense dictate how the Jets are going to be able to play. I don't think he is good at formulating game plans and knowing how to best attack a defense's weaknesses.

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