That depends on how one views the way Rex is trying to build a defense. From the back forward. Since day one, he's been working to counter the league rules that favor receivers and quarterbacks in the passing game. When Rex was hired, Tannenbaum recalled a conversation he had with Ozzie Newsome where Ozzie said Rex was headed north with a little sign around his neck that read 'I need corners'. That's a funny little story, but it's not like Rex just has a fetish for corners like he has for feet. The 2 teams Rex has obsessed over the most in the past 2 years are the Pats and Colts. Both offensive trendsetters who can attack inside and outside the hash marks with their receivers. We have Revis and Cro outside, and Wilson and Strickland to bust the slants, screens and hooks that slots can run inside. Revis is too good to waste covering a slot man. He put Revis on Welker in the 45-3 game and Belichick kept motioning Welker into the backfield to open up one side of the field or the other. And Cromartie couldn't cover the slot if you offered to pay his child support for the next 10 years. Make no mistake about it, Rex wants 4 starting caliber corners for his defense. He's innovating. If Wilson can't do it, he'll find another guy next season who is as good covering the slot as Cro is covering a flanker or a split end. Because that's the direction that offensive coordinators are going to trend in the future. The NFL has mandated it with their constant rule changes. Forget what you thought you knew about how NFL teams were built, because it's been changing rapidly for a number of years now.
this post deserves its own stickied thread. seriously. the convo with Ozzie... "Rex loves corners." that was one of the first things ozzie said to tannenbaum. i read that somewhere too. the game today is a passing game. In another one of your posts you mentioned how the slot, which used to be the 3rd reciever covered by the thrid corner is becoming a primary weapon. Rex is trying to take that away. we have a defensive innovator at the helm. i trust him to do his magic. you can be sure that if its successful, you'll see higher round draft picks (CBs) get put in the slot more. no doubt.
Oh, that's not me. I spent 6 hours bitching at that guy over his prediction that Manuel Ramirez would be a better guard that Justin Blaylock. He was clearly wrong.
This is ignorant. Any coach, scout, GM, or shitty analyst will tell you that it takes 3 years. It's not bullshit. You're opinion doesn't not substitute reality on this subject. I love how we're going to dismiss what has been the norm for draft prospects, especially high picks, because a few have played to their potential faster than others. That's bullshit. And then you use a 4th round runningback as an example. Purely ridiculous.
You keep saying "it takes 3 years" what exactly are you referring to takes 3 years? As I said, it takes most players 3 years to reach their full potential yes... it takes 3 years to accuratly judge an ENTIRE draft class... it does NOT take 3 years for a fan to make a reasonable analysis of how well one player is developing. In most cases, when injuries are not a factor, you have a pretty good idea of how good these guys are after their first year, year and a half. Stop defending Vlad-- we fucked up. We're lucky if he makes it through his rookie contract as a decent backup. Based on his pre-season play, I am confident that Vlad is litterally the worst lineman in the NFL this season.
This has nothing to do with Vlad.... holy shit. Now I feel sorry for you. It has to do with what the NFL minds have mandated since scouting has been around. It takes 3 years to judge a player. The rookie year (which for most players it can be thrown out), the sophomore year - either a dip in production or a steady progression, and then the breakout year - year 3, where a player is now comfortable in the league and the system if its the same system. I thought that was common knowledge. Yeah you can evaluate them in the meantime, but they get 3 years. You really think this was a Vlad post? Actually you do, because your opinion seems to replace reality on a constant basis with your posts.
I am not killing Wilson because he's not a star yet. I think he has shown enough potential that he will be a decent NFL Player with time. I doubt he'll be a star, but I think he'll be a good nickel or #2 CB in the next season or two. I know he's going to take some time to develop, but in the meanwhile, he's handling his role well enough. To say I can't judge him at this point is not correct. You judge players through out every year of their careers. Where you and I disagree most is with Vlad. As anyone can see, Vlad is not where he should be. Vlad is a bad football player, and a liability to his teammates even in a backup role. After one full season, and two training camps, I think I have the right to judge the guy as a pretty bad football player. You seem to think that I can't do that for another year and a half. You also ranted and raved about the guy after this years second pre-season game. I didn't see much ranting and raving about him since then. The 3 year thing works when a guy is on a typical learning curve. Vlad is on a learning slide, going straight down, but anyone who isn't happy with his development just knows nothing about football right? There has been no development bro. If I was you, I'd pick another player to defend. Vlad sucks.
Seriously, the press reports during Vlad's first pre-season were all about him having to "re-learn" the game of football. This pre-season has been shortened - I'm not quite sure where you expect him to be in his development. He was obviously picked, first and foremost, for his physical skills and not his technique. This is a longer term project than your average Round One college beast. I didn't agree at the time with using a second round pick as a project (and still don't) but that is an issue with the FO not Vlad. I'm sure he's going to be, at the bare minimum, serviceable but that is at least one season away.
i think he can be a decent player... but the thought of having him 1 on 1 with a bigger wr or tight end makes me shiver.
If Wilson can't step up I have confidence in Strickland playing the nickel for us. I think Wilson will be alright though. Think he needs a couple of plays to go his way to build sonme confidence.
Wilson will be an above average starter at some point in this league. Rex wouldn't draft a zone corner, because by his definition that means they're not a corner. Wilson was a cover corner in college, and he will be in the NFL. You move zone corners to safety, not cover corners. Strickland is a nice backup, and he always will be when healthy. He's nice as a dime and a backup for the first 3, but he's not starting material. Let's just be glad be have Wilson and Strickland going into the season.
Watching Wilson play he's always looked better roaming in zone than he has manned up. Maybe its just the dreadlocks fooling me.
I think we see Wilson as the go to blitzer now that Coleman is gone - look for him to shoot the gap Sunday night