Jets resigned Aaron Maybin (9/28)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Nesquik, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. Prince of Thieves

    Prince of Thieves New Member

    Apr 17, 2007
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    There is something to be said for this.

    What I've kept saying this off-season, though, is that I think the infusion of youth on the D-Line was the right long-term solution. The only problem is that it may not make a dramatic difference THIS year. It was something that needed to be done regardless.

    From what I saw last season, D-Line was the major problem. The linebackers are good enough right now. However, S. Ellis, DeVito, and Pouha just weren't getting the job done when it came to passing downs. They did a fine job against the run, but each of them was single-teamed more often than not. This was a particular shortcoming when it came to S. Ellis, to whom Father Time finally caught up after he was a sure double-team on every down for so many years beforehand. DeVito sort of came out of nowhere and never really boasted a serious repertoire of pass rushing moves. Pouha, of course, was always more of a pure run-stopper ever since he came here. On top of all this, the Jets had close to zero depth and couldn't give these guys a proper rest each game. Each turned in a respectable effort, but between Ellis's age and the other two guys' ability levels, they just couldn't be expected to both crush the run and generate consistent pressure on three downs every time out.

    This year, though, the Jets will be able to inject K. Ellis, Wilkerson, and Dixon when necessary to swallow up blockers for the pass-rushing linebackers to get in there and do their thing. I think that this will specifically help Calvin Pace more than any other player. It'll help the D-Line not only because I think K. Ellis and Wilkerson will be better in passing situations than any of the Jets' D-Linemen last year, but also by virtue of the fact that there will be fresh players to give the other guys a rest and keep them sharp.

    So in conclusion, I think the Jets' pass rush is gonna get a lot better just based on the fact that the D-Line now has some youth and depth to it. I think it'll also get a boost from the improved secondary depth, a full season of Pace, and the presence of guys like Westerman (with another year of experience) and Bellore to slot in there every now and then.

    That's my take, anyway. Time will certainly tell.
  2. Green Lantern

    Green Lantern Active Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    I'm not saying it isn't broken. I recognize our lack of pass rush. I just absolutely never saw Maybin being the guy to fix it like a lot of people did. The preseason is as meaningful as the pro bowl to me and no matter who does what.
    We were 24th in the league in sacks. Save a few missed tackles here and one less turnover there at Pittsburgh, we're in the Super Bowl.
    A FG in Indy gets us there the year before, not one more sack on Peyton.
    We don't sack the QB and I'm okay with that...that's all. I just happen to think the sack is less important than other stats...tackles, tackles for losses, 3rd downs, ints, qb hurries, etc.

    I also think home runs are overrated because if no one's on base, who cares?
  3. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Good post. I agree that the DL was a major problem and needed to be addressed. The problem is that under Tanny it had been basically ignored. I hope you're right that the pass rush will improve with the improved (?) DL (or at least more youth and depth), but must say, Wilkerson and Ellis look like they are gonna need some time before they're able to make much of an impact in the pass rush. I have little confidence in Pace or Westermann. I have more confidence in Mauga, Bellore and maybe McIntrye than either of them. I'm also not sure I agree that the depth of the DBs is better.
  4. steves850

    steves850 Active Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    Believe it or not games are won and loss by one run... crazy right?

    Also turnovers are caused by sacks and confidence is lost by rushed QBs. If a QB has no time to set and make a solid pass then the ball is turned over and the other team gets to try and score. I'm not saying that you don't have a point but to totally dismiss the effectiveness of a solid pass rusher is absurd and idiotic.
  5. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Notice, I never mentioned sacks. I was speaking solely of pressuring QBs into interceptions and incompletions. That rarely happened. The Jets could still make the SB without the pass rush, but when it is so important, particularly in this age of offenses being geared towards the pass rather than running the ball, why freaking ignore it as Rex and Tanny have???

    The only way I see the Jets making and winning a SB with the pass rush as it present exists, is for Schottenheimer to pull his head out of his ass, learn how and when to call plays, and Sanchez improves his accuracy and consistency. Unfortunately, I'm not sure any of those things happen this season, if ever.
  6. srqman1

    srqman1 Tired of BS

    Oct 11, 2010
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    so is joeklecko one of those SOJF?
  7. Fatman&Robin

    Fatman&Robin Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    You looking to create a club?
  8. rock316nyj

    rock316nyj Member

    Dec 7, 2009
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    I am so sick of hearing about how what he did, or failed to do in Buffalo, is an indication that he is a bust. I forget, was it 3 or 4 different defenses that he was a part of in his two years there? What other notable players are on that Buffalo defense? Should Maybin have been a first round pick, absolutely not, he is not an everydown player. But people who fail to see how valuable he can be as a pure pass rusher on 2nd and 3rd and longs, as part of a good defense, are crazy. For the millionth time, he came out of college 2 years early, and was not ready for the NFL. The situation in Buffalo only added to those problems.

    To expect Maybin to be a three down player is just foolish, and obviously, those were the intentions for him in Buffalo. Failure to meet those expectations led to him getting the boot, as well as likely a negative attitude, as he was not used correctly. With us, every passing down he would be on the field to use his speed off the edge, while blitzing the inside. He would have added that missing dimension to this defense that we have been looking for since Abe left. I am hoping we can somehow bring him back, although I highly doubt it. I still have yet to read one logical post that justifies him being cut.
  9. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    No way, no how. I'm just not a homer who refuses to see or acknowledge any flaws in the teams or mistakes by the HC and/or GM. They are human and make mistakes.

    Common wisdom says that the NT and pass-rushing OLB position are THE two more important positions in a 3-4 D alignment. The Jets have basically ignored these during Tanny's tenure, and even during Rex's. They have attempted to get by with average or slightly above average players rather than topflight players. Until they took Ellis in this year's draft, they have not made any real or serious effort to upgrade either position. That must change.
  10. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    I may be wrong, but I don't believe Mauga and Bellore are OLBs. So they are not going to be the better option over Pace.
  11. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Never thought I'd see a 25 page thread over Aaron Maybin.
  12. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    You're not wrong, but both are faster, and I think better able to pressure the QB than Pace or Thomas. Hopefully, they will come in as situational pass rushers (blitzers) from the ILB spots.
  13. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    I disagree, they did attempt to address those concerns the last three years. Picking up guys like Kris Jenkins, drafting Ghoston (even though that was more on Mangini. Signing Calvin Pace, Jason Taylor, ect. One player was a complete bust, another injury prone, another past his prime, and Pace keeps missing games each year to either injury or suspension. To say they didn't try is wrong, it just didn't work. How many great pass rushing OLB's are available anyway?
  14. Green Lantern

    Green Lantern Active Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    Maybin, Maybin Not
  15. More has been done to upgrade the pass rush by drafting guys like Mo and Ellis than any OLB could provide. I'd love to have the luxury of a better speed rusher, but the lanes will be opened up by the improved defensive line play.
  16. MikeDevito

    MikeDevito Active Member

    Dec 11, 2010
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    Your clever word play made me giggle!
  17. NYCBillsFan

    NYCBillsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2008
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    This thread has one more page(25) than Maybin has career tackles(24).
  18. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I'll give you that they tried, but imo it was a half-assed attempt Jenkins was injury-prone when they signed him, although I loved him as a player when healthy. I understood why they drafted Gholston, but was not in favor of it. We don't know for sure that it was on Mangini. He was blamed after he left, but even if Mangini lobbied for him, it is the GM's job to build the roster. They should do their homework and over rule the HC when he is wrong. Jason Taylor? You're joking, right? He was over the hill. They had a chance to draft a pass-rushing OLB in the draft this year, to sign some UDFA pass rushing prospects, or to sign a Matt Roth or Manny Lawson in FA and didn't. If they were really trying to upgrade/address the OLB position, they would have at least brought in Lawson or Roth for a workout. It is obvious to me that they didn't feel it necessary and feel the guys they have can get the job done.
  19. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    That's debatable. Let's hope you're right!!!
  20. AirStrike

    AirStrike Member

    Aug 7, 2009
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    As long as Westerman can unseat Bryan Thomas sometime this season I'll be a happy camper. Enough living off this guys name, great Jet but he was slow and useless in the playoffs last season. It looked like a 47 year old threw on some pads and was starting opposite Pace. Painful to watch. At least Rex knows when to sit these guys down, example, Bart Scott in the playoffs last year, got absolutely abused in pass coverage and then took a seat after first down.

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