By signing 2 Gronkowskis!!! Tanny, if you want to win the division go get us them Gronks (Dan and Chris just got cut...)
There would be a vacuum in the space-time frame which would cause the earth to implode. Only the one true Gronkowski would survive and rule the universe.
The Patriots will sign the other two gronkowskis, who will combine to create a gronkowski megazord similar to those of the classic power rangers tv series.
Shit... I actually hadn't thought of that... I wonder if they can fuse together in the ultimate 7'7" blocking + red zone TE...
Gronkowski was here when the whole thing began 4 billion years ago, he was ceated when an incoming asteroid crashed into a pool of lava. He walked out of the lava pool explosion, kicked the shit out of the leader of the Scientoligists and his followers who were also here trying to take over the planet and he made things right for the future. He waited all those years for his true destiny on the Patriots, he changed his diet as the planet did, he went from eating T-Rex's to Sabre tooth Cats and Bears of all kinds, and finally when his time came. he joined the Patriots and the legend had just merely begun. Now even though he has not won a playoff game yet, we as jet fans must have respect for all Gronkowski's far and wide for it was Rob who shaped the planet and made things the way they are for us to enjoy on sundays, and monday nights, and thursdays too. Ok, morning fatty has been smoked, and it's time to hit the beach. Have a great day.