Sanchez's Career vs Top QB's 1st Two Seasons

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by LoyalJetsFan, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. No Fly Zone

    No Fly Zone Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2011
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    I think it has more to do with his having flexibility next year when they are pushing up against the cap.
  2. The Notorious J.E.T.S

    The Notorious J.E.T.S Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2003
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    I'm calling it now...Sanchez to the Niners.
  3. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I think there is some merit to this aspect, but not all that much. Yeah, it's something the team should do, all other things being equal, but imo what the Jets have done at wideout since MS got here is not all that out of line with what other teams face.
  4. No Fly Zone

    No Fly Zone Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2011
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    Agreed. If Sanchez is going to earn that captain status he better be not just calling the plays but telling the new receivers where he expects them to be during the huddle so there is no confusion. That's leadership. Anyone can make excuses that this guy is new or there hasn't been time to develop chemistry but for a guy to truly rise to the next level he accepts the challenge and brings others along for the ride by making them better players. The more productive Mason and Plax are the more you have to think Sanchez is taking on a leadership role. Yes production could also be a factor of talent but consistent production isn't, its seeing Sanchez step up his game.

    We all know he got VERY lucky on a few dropped INT's last year. so be it, they weren't INT's. What we need is for him to improve so that those bad decisions don't surface and it would be nice to see a 6x posted in completion percentage instead of a 5x.
  5. Rawrk

    Rawrk New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    i think people on this board make way too big a deal over the fact that wrs have come and gone. yeah, it would be great if we had a trio of great wrs that would stay here for the entirety of sanchez's career but that's just not going to happen. we locked santonio up for 5 years and that's really all you can ask for. not too many teams step onto the field with 2 great wrs. off the top of my head, the cowboys, giants, and eagles are the only ones i can think of that are even close.

    it might be a different story if the jets were bringing in guys like sam hurd or legedu naanee and asking sanchez to work with it but they're not. they've been bringing in quality talent the entire time. braylon, holmes, mason, plax, lt.. these are good players. sanchez has been given everything he needs to succeed. i don't want to hear wr personnel as an excuse to why he hasn't performed at a higher level.

    bradford has a bunch of nobodies to throw to and even they were taking turns getting hurt at the start of last season. he still made it work and now his #1 is mike sims-walker. josh freeman had a great season throwing to a rookie wr. flacco's best wr for the first few years of his career was derrick mason. the guy is now our 3rd wideout..

    i'm convinced sanchez's problems are mental. he's played too well at times for me to think that he can't be a good qb in the league. but those games where he comes out and throws the ball 2 feet over everyone's head and never gets it turned around.. it's like watching 2 different qbs at times.

    i'm hoping that he figures out whatever keeps him out of games for so long. he has all the tools, himself and his teammates, to put up huge points. to say otherwise is foolish.
  6. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    pages back i made a lengthy post saying nobody should ever question the quality of weapons hes been surrounded with.

    i think ive made it abundantly clear i think sanchez will pan out but im not going to wait forever with a pitcher of green kool aid.

    this is the year he needs to step up. and if were having this same discussion 2 yrs from now.

    hes probably not the answer.

    that being said I have the faith in him, im just not going to wait forever for it to come to fruition.
  7. JetsFanDoc

    JetsFanDoc Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    Cant compare a guy coming on the field in his 3rd-5th season for the first time with guys like Sanchez, Flacco, and Ryan...different ballgame.

    Also, gotta also consider Sanchez only has 16 games starting in college under his belt. To me that is way more amazing than people give it credit...what he's done has been very impressive considering that.
  8. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    I know that pre season is... uh, pre season, but for those ragging on him for his performance so far this year might check to see how other QB's are doing too.

    Sanchez is ranked 4th in QB rankings. Not so shabby.
  9. MyFavoriteMartin

    MyFavoriteMartin New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Absolutely agree, but that's only two teams. Most teams, for whatever reason, dont seem to prepare enough for the pats and just stroll in like theyre playing some chump team. Who knows, maybe some teams have learned from last year, I would love that.
  10. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    I don't care if his QB rating is over 100 and his completion percentage is over 60 and he hasn't thrown an interception, his spirals don't look cool enough.
  11. boxorox

    boxorox Banned

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Call me an overconfident QB ass kisser...I'm convinced Sanchez's problems are that he doesn't have any problems. See I'm one of these weirdos that makes allowances for kids with no experience that are younger than their rookie counterparts that get thrown into the deep end starting on a team with increasingly great expectations without having had the benefit of riding the bench for 1-4 years before trying to lead their men to victory. I'm the kind of person that watches him make spectacular game winning throw after game winning throw last year in the regular season with time expiring on the clock and I say to myself..."that's all I need to know about THIS kid".

    Oh wait, he has playoff accomplishments too? 10 in the league stats and a 4-2 record? With all that other stuff? Holy shit who is this kid going to become? Wait, what? 4-2? In two years? 6 games isn't even that small a statistical sample. How are we this blessed? How? Then I come on here and everyone's like...."derr...this sanchez...i dunno...sure better show me something quick...ho hum....derr"

    From game 1 of start 1 Rex has had a concept...and don't talk about Schotty's concept. Rex tells Schotty what his concept is and we just have to sit and hope Schotty doesn't fuck up the execution. Here it is:

    We are not putting the game in the kid's hands for 3+ quarters. I'm not going to break his spirit if we ask him to do too much and it doesn't go right in year 1 or 2. This can be our quarterback for 10+ years if it works out...we're going to treat him right. We're going to put the games on the defense and the ball carriers...and the kid's rhythm be damned. We're going to limit his exposure, and he's going to do a little worse because of our predictability, his lack of rhythm and sync with his guys...who gives a flying fuck?

    Year one we just happened to stumble into the playoffs. It was never supposed to happen that we even got there. But we did. But when we got there you gotta play to win the game right now and we got a little glimpse of what we're dealing with here for the first time.

    Year 2 we were supposed to get there and we did. Leonhard went down and our longshot dreams of the division with him...but we let everybody know loud and clear yet again that the whole world is in for a hell of a lot of problems against us for a very very long time.

    How do you think he got all those insane game winning drives last year? Rex had us pussyfooting around and pussyfooting around all day long and just hanging in there when we invariably failed to get lucky and score at all with the handcuffing game plan. Then there's no time left on the clock...he calls Sanchez over and tells him to go win the game right now. Sanchez says ok coach I'll do that for you. And he just goes and does it. It's that simple. Tell me the last QB we had you could tell that to and get that response from time after time. I'll wait.

    Now it's year 3. Don't tell me about WR chemistry which isn't going to mean dick after about 3 starts. No training wheels. We're going to do damage to people. Sanchez is too. Sure, he might make a few more accuracy errors than we want to see still...sure he might make an ill advised pick here and there. But more or less...we're going to be a fully functioning team this year for the first time. But next year. Next year it's all going to be muscle memory for Sanchez, he won't have to have Rex's screaming face flashing before his eyes everytime he wants to do something that the book doesn't automatically say, causing him to fuck up a little more than he would on his own. In the end it's all for the better because it's all going to be ingrained by next year and we're going to just come and tear people to shreds on both sides of the ball.

    Once Sanchez is fully actualized next year we're poised to have one of the most dominant teams on both sides of the ball that I can even think of. I'm not going to say we're winning 3 or 4 championships in 10 years yet or anything. But I must confess I think the potential is there for something outrageous like that. If we don't get one and there are no catastrophic injuries to chalk it up to I might literally shoot myself. Get a new Qb? Please.
  12. Trifco

    Trifco New Member

    Oct 1, 2009
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    Are you Wes Welker?
  13. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    I can't tell who's side boxorox is on.

    But then again I'm only reading his posts' Sparknotes.
  14. boxorox

    boxorox Banned

    Aug 19, 2011
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    haha I forgot about that interview shit. Just had to get my thoughts on Sanchez out will try to reduce verbosity.
  15. Rawrk

    Rawrk New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    thanks for this huge block of shit telling me stuff i already know.

    seriously, your post is a bunch of shit that i either have already agreed with or didn't even say.

    you even give him the same amount of time to show that he's great. 2 years. but what if he's not? then he's not the answer, right? which is what i said to begin with.
  16. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Yeah,...but have you seen this kid McElroy play?

    He's pretty good.
  17. boxorox

    boxorox Banned

    Aug 19, 2011
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    but it's not happening. Wheras you and many other people think if he busts he'll be unkeepable or we shouldn't...i think if he busts he'll just be a pretty good above average nfl qb that we'll be happy to have for a long time. You're talking about it like it's 30% or kinda likely to happen. I think it's more like 5% or less that we won't want to keep him if he stays healthy. With everything that can go wrong with a football team i'm not worrying about some 20-1 shot coming in. It's way more likely that we're going to be held back in other areas for whatever reason than Sanchez just isn't the guy.

    I feel like any reasonable fan should be behind him 100% at this point. Of course it's your prerogative not to be but it's just crazy talk in my opinion. If you could ask Rex somehow off the record how likely he thinks Sanchez is to be a top tier QB I'll bet he'd be pretty close to the same viewpoint. If you asked him the same about how likely he think Schotty is good enough to get renewed he'd probably sound a lot more like a lot of people sound about Sanchez. It just doesn't compute.
  18. The Notorious J.E.T.S

    The Notorious J.E.T.S Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2003
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    McElroy's arm makes Pennington's arm look like Favre's arm.

    In Sanchez We Trust...let's get it!
  19. Rawrk

    Rawrk New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    you're putting words into my mouth and fighting ghosts at this point.

    I LIKE SANCHEZ. so let's just get that straight. i like him a lot. at no point did i call him a bust or even say he's likely to bust. in fact, i think he improves again this year.

    he has one glaring flaw. he's wildly inconsistent. if you do not see this, then i don't know what to tell you. i'm pretty sure most people will agree with me on that point. he does not play at his highest or even close to it for a lot of the games.

    you are making up numbers that don't mean anything. then you speculate on what rex thinks about sanchez and schotty. none of that means anything either.

    you're so hellbent on defending sanchez that you're not seeing that I'M NOT ATTACKING HIM.
  20. blackssmagic

    blackssmagic Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    The issue is not wether or not Mark is going to be around for along time, it boils down to his cost vs production. I am not saying that Mark is good or bad but take Orton and put him on this team. Orton makes way less and over the course of a contract will overperform his pay. Sorry but I look at someone like Orton and cant believe what he goes thru vs all that Tebow bullshit and still goes out on a shitty teams and performs like he does.....

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