So far I have read that they have some annoying reach tackle animations and shitty wr/db interaction. The latter is to b expected from madden at this point.
Just for a newbie weigh in. I'm a diehard 2k guy. Madden can't eff w 2k. Nonetheless, I gotta play some football so I get it. Its worth it to play as the Jets.
Madden cant eff with the QB Club up in this bitch. This is the first time in a couple years I don't feel compelled to run out and get this game.. I'll get it eventually but until then.. "meh"
I've read that too. I think the fact I'm so damn busy with everything else is the main reason I'm putting it off. I'll get it eventually. The demo was impressive.
i downloaded the online rosters started a franchise only to see they fucked up contracts Brick only has 1 yr left? anyone else notice this
KICKING QUESTION? i cant do it to save my life. hitting the X button (ps3) the second time never works and i can nail the power but it shanks no matter what. what am i doing wrong?
I don't think I'm getting it this year. I've only heard average reviews for it and I'm getting a little sick of the same old thing. For anyone who wants to play a good game, check out the new Deus Ex. It plays like MGS (without the agonizing cutscenes) combined with the RPG elements of Mass Effect. It's awesome!
roster is so out of date its gross. jets still have brad smith, braylon, ellis, cotchery and t-rich is the starting fb
i have it. not as good as i thought itd be to be honest. but i had really high expectations. still one of the better games this yr. still a good game though. i like the new madden to be honest, its ALOT harder and Franchise is more involved then ever. preseason finally means something with the new scouting system and being able to cut down from 75. curious why the jets only have 3 role players though while others have way more
ok i think theres a problem with loading draft classes i have 4 of them ready. they have random guys real people with pictures for players but no matter how many times i load it theyre generating fake names and fake players