A Pats fans breakdown of the Jets v. Pats

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by MikeDevito, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    you mean the secondary with everyone in their 20s isn't built for the long haul?

    What about the running backs all in their first few seasons (minus LT)

    what about the entire o line that is in their 20s (minus RG moore)

    Quarterback in his 3rd year

    D line with every single player in their 20s besides Pouha

    David harris is 27, Scott is 31, Pace is 30, Thomas is 32, and all have potential replacements on the roster.

    Santonio Holmes is 27, Keller is 26, and Kerley is a rookie.

    The only really old guys on this team are Plaxico and Mason, so you obviously don't have a clue of what you are talking about. You come to this message board with this ridiculous idea that the Jets have a small window of opportunity with the erroneous notion that they have an old team and won't be able to last as a legit contender for years to come. All of the Jets cornerstone players are young and under contract for the next few seasons, not to mention we are in a better cap situation this year than you are, but then again you already knew that with your tin foil hat conspiracies that goodell worded the cba perfectly so the Jets could capitalize on the new rules regarding dead money. Do you really think the jets needed the incentive of these new rules to cut people like Gholston, JAson Taylor, and the perpetually injured Kris Jenkins? Give me a break! Maybe you should look at your own franchise that doesn't stand a chance of winning without Brady; you better enjoy these next few seasons pal because when they are over you can have fun in the basement of this division for a loooonnng time.
  2. NJjets1981

    NJjets1981 New Member

    Jul 29, 2011
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    All the PATS fans can can throw stats from the past 10 years around all they want. They mean nothing. If any stat is remembered in the PATS minds its these: 2010 Divisional Playoffs 28-21 Jets (although it was actually much more of a beating than the score shows) and this little diddy: Sanchez 16/25 64% 194yds 3 TDs -- Brady 29/45 64% 299yds 2 TDs 1 INT 1 FUM. Sure Brady had more yards, but Sanchez handled the ball better, and didnt choke under the pressure. 1 INT and 1 FUM?? Sounds like Brady himself had something huge to do with that loss. Really stats mean nothing at the beginning of a new year, but IF we are gonna use stats, this was a good one.
  3. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Well actually, we don't have potential replacements at OLB for Pace and Thomas. Westerman could be the guy, but has yet to prove it. Other than that, and Wayne Hunter being 31, I agree with your sentiment. This team is built for the long haul. Obviously, patsfanken doesn't know much about our roster.
  4. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    don't forget Mauga, Satele, and dare i say Maybin? lol

    Not say they are going to be all stars but, I could see at least Mauga and Satele with WEsterman getting a shot in the starting line up at some point. Rex recently moved Westerman to OLB for the pre season.. .but then again its not like PAce or B thomas are elite anyway so its not like we are replacing a suggs or a harrison.
  5. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Yes... Sanchez sucks, the Jets suck, and aren't a worthy opponent to the mighty pats.

    Recent poll on patsfanforum- WHich team is the biggest threat to the Pats in the AFC? The Jets by nearly a 2 to 1 margin over the second team on the list.

  6. talisaynon

    talisaynon Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2008
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    I laugh at the influx of Pats posters on this board. Keep it up bitches, your insecurity is showing.
  7. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Keep an eye on the 5 that voted for "other AFC team" they of course assert that the greatest threat to the patriots is, in fact, the Patriots themselves. :rofl:
  8. Jets-N-Terps

    Jets-N-Terps Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2010
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    You forgot to mention the strip sack for 6...that didn't help.
  9. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    And I still say that was a forward pass! How often does a fumble have a spiral on it!!!!
  10. NJjets1981

    NJjets1981 New Member

    Jul 29, 2011
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    Wow I didnt realize they would post their own fears so clearly on their own forum. At least they see defeat on the horizon. This years Pats loss wont hurt as bad, cuz it seems they have come to expect it. Good news for us.
  11. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Help me out here, there was an owner standing at the forefront the day the two sides reached an agreement on the cba and everyone was proclaiming that without him the deal would have never gotten done. Who was it?
  12. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    woody Johnson disguised as robert kraft?
  13. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    The jets have a handful of players that will probably need to be replaced in the next 2-3 years: Burress, Mason, Scott, Pace, Thomas. That number itself really isn't too bad at all. The challenging will be keeping the players and signing quality replacements for financial reasons. You guys are paying quite a few players salaries that put them near the top of their position: Holmes, Revis, Harris, Mangold, Cromartie (for a number #2), etc. Many of those contracts are also baxkloaded to hurt you guys more over the next few years. With any success, some of those players are going to expect new contracts with more money (sanchez most notably).

    Also, idk where you get the idea that the jets are in a better cap situation than the pats? Do you mean currently? Going into this free agency? In the near future? None of these would really be true.

    The bottom line is that both teams have seemingly accomplished what they wanted this offseason, as evidenced by the fact that they are both sitting on 7-9 million in cap room intent with their current team. I think that the jets will be a little more pressed in the near future financially than the pats.
  14. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    Mike Tannenbaum will take this test and get an A+, I'm not worried. I'm sure if he can answer you personally he would but: 1. he's not a member of TGG 2. he thinks you're a homo

    All things being equal, I would take the Jets core (and financial involvement in those players) over the Patriots core. Without Tom Brady the Patriots are not exceptionally talented.

    Probably, but that's for the future. Tannenbaum will cut the fat and flip the roster for what suits the team best. Revis, Sanchez, Harris, Mangold, Brick, Cromartie, and Holmes are locked up and they're the most important guys. Outside of that the roster can be finessed.
  15. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Unless I am mistaken, the Patriots had 5 million or so dollars in cap space prior to acquiring Ocho, Haynesworth, and S. Ellis according to PFT. The Jets to date have around 7 million or so in cap space for this year, so this year they have better cap; with that said the jets will restructure contracts regularly, to make sure they do not hit cap armageddon in any particular year.

    Sanchez will not demand the kind of money elite quarterbacks get paid, if anything his contract will go down from his rookie deal because under the new CBA quarterbacks in his tier do not get paid big money like they used to; he is lucky to even be making what he is right now. It would be hilarious to see Sanchez unhappy with his contract and hold out, it would be the most ineffective holdout in the history of sports. So I am not concerned about Sanchez demanding a bigger contract because it just would not make financial sense or any sense at all really. If he suddenly starts throwing 30 TDs single digit ints and passes for over 4000 yards regularly then yes he may need a bigger contract. But as it is right now he is not playing to the level where he would be able to reasonably demand more money than what he is making. He has shown himself to be a team player (restructuring this year) So I do not think he will want to break the bank nor will he.

    As far as I am concerned and as far as most fans are concerned, we do not see the future losses of Mason, and B Thomas, as big losses. Thomas has been on this team for over a decade, him being replaced is inevitable whether through FA, draft, or people already on the team. Mason's replacement is already here, Jeremy Kerley who has impressed in practice and in pre season to some degree. And Scott's contract lasts for another 3 seasons, so it's not a pressing issue. And pace is in the same boat as Thomas but a bit younger. So essentially what we are talking about is replacing Plaxico, and getting some young linebackers to groom for starting jobs (which we are presently doing anyways) and have them ready to start 3 or so years from now. If this is the extent of our problems I am liking where we are.

    If you ask me, the Jets contending window is larger NOW than it was in 2009.

    The Jets avoided the contract armageddon everyone predicted after 2010, by re signing their key players last off season and this off season (Brick, Revis, Mangold last year + Cro, Holmes, Harris this year)

    So in the end I think there is a brighter future now than there was a year ago.
  16. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    I am not a salary cap fanatic, but I think your numbers are wrong. Boston Globe reported on Aug. 16th that we were 9.2 million under. Before I responded to your post I was under the impression that the Jets had 7-8 million, Pats 8-9 million.


    I do believe that the Jets have a young, talented team. I don't think that you will be limited at all by the age of your players. Like I said, the biggest challenge should be your financial obstacles. I am not saying this as an expert, but from everything I have heard the big contracts on your team are not setup in a way that is favorable to your future. And you guys do have a lot of them. There are a million ways to mess around with these numbers, and again I really don't care to investigate too closely, it just seems like that will be the limiting factor for you guys talent-wise.

    The ideal scenario for you guys would be to have a pretty steady inflow of contributors from the draft to balance out the large contracts on the team. I just wanted to make sure you realize that successful teams are rarely able to keep all of their contributors. If the Jets improve on the past two seasons, you can pretty much count on some of these guys leaving for bigger money.

    Also, I don't see why the rookie scale should change the going market for veterans (which will be the determining factor when Sanchez gets his next contract). Rookies are payed less because haven't proven they deserve a big contract. If Sanchez improves on his past two years, I wouldn't be suprised to see him looking for something reasonably big.
    #436 gopats88, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2011
  17. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    How about we don't get into a salary cap debate since nobody outside of the organizations themselves/NFL management know where teams actually stand and details of contracts.

    I will say this, though. Opposing fans have been scoffing at NYJ transactions for years saying we'll be in cap hell down the road, and it never happens.
  18. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    I know he isn't a rookie but the new CBA is going to dictate the market from now on, he can't in all seriousness ask management to increase his salary from what is already too high when the incoming quarterbacks now make 1/3 or so of what he made just 2 seasons ago. I just don't see what Sanchez would have to bargain with by the time his contract ends, he hasn't made a pro bowl, hasn't won a super bowl, hasn't proven himself as a consistent regular season quarterback, so I don't see how he could possibly and in seriousness ask for a pay raise when his contract is up IN LIGHT of what incoming quarterbacks make now. Say that Cam Newton is an absolute gem and performs better than Sanchez has; he is only making like 22 million on his contract, with something like this in mind how could Sanchez possibly ask for a pay raise from the 60 million is he almost at now when new QBs who could possibly be playing better than him make significantly less, my point is that he will have nothing to bargain with unless he turns into Aaron Rodgers in the next few years.
  19. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    This. Never happened, yet we keep bringing in high profile players every year.
  20. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    The year Tanny got the job everyone, jets fans included, thought they were gonna be in cap hell for years. A few months after he takes over the jets are under the cap. Pretty much every year since we have heard that cap hell is coming. It never does and i doubt it ever will. Next year is already looking better than we expected because the cap room this year can get pushed I to future years.

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