A Pats fans breakdown of the Jets v. Pats

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by MikeDevito, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. jb1095

    jb1095 Banned

    Dec 7, 2010
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    lol - Im not sure anyone picked Brady the first couple years he started.

    I know Sanchez is young, and that is a major plus. The fact that he is getting his experience now should assist him in growing. I just worry that he will end up as someone that has the potential to be awesome, but never does it...much like Chad Pennington.

    I remember when Pennington came into the league, he was SUPPOSED to be AWESOME, but we all know how he ended up.(god d*mn injuies).

    He actually got me excited...Sanchez...no
  2. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Bill? Bill Belicheck? Is that you?
  3. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    You have got to be 15 or 16 years old. All you care about is stats.

    Sanchez was asked to manage the game, not throw his way to victory. No one's saying he lit the world on fire and threw for huge yards and dozens of touchdowns. All that matters in the playoffs is that you WIN THE FUCKING GAME.

    Kyle Orton had a statistically great year but his team did fuck-all. Phillip Rivers has the gaudiest stats in the league but he never wins in the postseason. The Jets are/were a run-first, smashmouth team. It's not Sanchez's role to throw for 350 yards because the Jets win on time of possession and defense. Maybe that changes this year but I have no problem with the current formula.

    You're probably one of those guys that wants to draft a WR or RB with every pick in the draft because you think the offensive/defensive line and depth is stupid and not important.
  4. jb1095

    jb1095 Banned

    Dec 7, 2010
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    I do not only care about stats at all. I merely pointed them out and used some of them against those that keep saying how great Sanchez is in the playoffs. Need I remind you of one simple fact....

    You have not WON squat! All that matters is the Superbowl, so we are both in the same boat, hoping to win it this year. I don't care how many rings Brady or the Pats have, I care what they do now and going forward, same as you about the Jets.

    So I guess there is no need to banter back and forth about it. I am more interested in this weeks pre-season games for both the JETS and the Pats. I want to see how these boys do. Lets talk about what you folks expect out of the Jets next game.
  5. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    Why are you pretending to be a jets fan? You're obviously a Patriots troll. See bold.

    "I don't care about stats" Then what was that whole bit about Sanchez going late in fantasy football and 'jus sayin'. Last I checked Fantasy Football is COMPLETELY about stats you dumb shit.
  6. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Can we stop with the retarded cliche that only the super bowl matters? We are talking about JETS V. PATS. So unless one team switches conferences and we meet in the super bowl the super bowl is irrelevant to this discussion because these teams cannot meet in the super bowl! The focus of this discussion should be on head to head match ups and comparing success in the division and conference which includes the playoffs, the super bowl is irrelevant until one of us wins it with the current teams we have.
  7. jb1095

    jb1095 Banned

    Dec 7, 2010
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    ROFL, Are you delusional? I am not pretending to be a Jets fan, I hate them, but I respect them. I already stated my case about the stats, perhaps some reading comprehension lessons would bode well for you.

    Many of you get your panties in a bunch when non Jets fans bring up the fact that Sanchez is just not that good of a QB. That is all my point is, was, and will be.
  8. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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  9. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    We have no problem discussing Sanchez's talent as a quarterback. There is a problem when an idiot like you comes in and starts equating his talent to fantasy football and two playoff games that he won. If you like stats so much go look at the games where Sanchez played Brady. Outside of the 45-3 aberration Sanchez has been pretty fucking good. He's 4-2 on the playoffs in his virgin years as a quarterback. Somehow he sucks.
  10. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Hasn't anyone mentioned their Madden prowess yet?

    I am disappoint.
  11. rholt168

    rholt168 Active Member

    Jul 3, 2009
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    I'm guessing he's a Ravens fan. Seems like a Joe Flacco kind of guy.
  12. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Another football fucking genius clairvoyant soothsayer that predicted the Pats would beat the Jets in the playoffs. Based on handpicked stats that he 'doesn't care about'.

    Are all of these retarded pats fans just clones with clipboards full of hand picked stats? Just erase the stats that don't fit whatever stupid point you're trying to make. Start with erasing some losses.

    Dude, you're not good at this. Maybe you should get a huge dildo and write "Tom Terrific' on it and call it a pacifier, and maybe you'll have a better day.

    Best of luck.
    #412 James Calvin, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2011
  13. PatPatriot

    PatPatriot Member

    Sep 15, 2009
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    Yes, let's just throw out the games where he was bad so therefore he's good.

    I've said all along that I don't think Sanchez is a below-average quarterback. But, Sanchez isn't the reason the Jets are winning playoff games. The running game and the defense are much bigger reasons why they win and why they lose as is the case with most every team. I can attribute one playoff win(which yes I know is one more than Brady has won since '07 so you can save your jokes) to Sanchez over this stretch.

    Cincinnati: he only threw 15 passes as they ran the ball 41 times for 171 yards and 2 TDs against the Bengals. He did complete 12 of them and threw a touchdown so he played well with his limited contributions, but the running attack and holding the Bengals to 14 points was the reason they were able to win that game.

    San Diego: Sanchez was 12-23 for 100 yards with 1 TD and 1 INT. Again Shonn Greene with an incredible day with 23 rushes for 128 yards and a touchdown. The TD was the key to the game as he scored on a 53 yard run in the 4th quarter to make it 17-7. The defense held the high-powered Chargers to only 14 points and picked off Rivers twice. So, Sanchez only completed 52% of his passes and they won because of the running game and the defense.

    Indianapolis: Sanchez had his best playoff game to date. 17-30 for 257 yards with 2 TDs and an INT. Yet, the Colts won the game because the defense was carved up by Peyton Manning and they only gained 86 yards on the ground.

    Indianapolis: They gained 168 yards on the ground as Tomlinson and Greene both had good games. Sanchez played average (18-for-31 189 yards 0 TD and 1 INT) but they still won. The defense played very well against Peyton Manning holding him to only 225 yds passing(with 57 on one play early on so they played great from then on). Again, a great running attack and great defense.

    New England: Sanchez played extremely well in this one. 16-25 for 189 yards and 3 TDs. The running game again was good, but Sanchez and the defense were the main reasons for this win.

    Pittsburgh: Turnovers were the reason why they lost. Digging themselves too big a hole and the deficit was too big. Sanchez was 20-33 for 233 yards and 2 TDs. Good game from him, but the other parts around him were terrible.
    #413 PatPatriot, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2011
  14. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    how about this?

    the patriots are still the team to beat

    and if anyone can do it, its the jets.

    enough said.

    the patriots got better, their defense is slowly coming together. and theyre on the division throne until knocked off. barring injury theyre always gonna be a 11+ win team just based off of QB and HC alone.

    one thing i think needs to be noted is theres no way Tom Brady keeps up the amazing ATT to INT ratio he had last year. this pretty much made them unbeatable in the regular season. theyd get a lead and never give teams one opportunity to sniff a comeback due to their turnover margin

    either way the pats are a top 5 team in the regular season making them even more dangerous at home in Jan

    as far as the jets, the only thing holding this team back will be Sanchez. its time for him to step up. and until he does we will always flirt with greatness instead of seizing it.

    this year will be interesting to watch more than any other in a long time as a jets fan.

    as far as that playoff game went. theres no way the jets walked off that field losers, it was written on their faces, it was obvious in the gameplan RR had to redeem himself and took it as a personal task to outcoach Belicheck for the pounding he allowed his team to take earlier in the season.

    it was even more obvious next week when they decided to show up to the AFCCG completely flat

    both teams are good enough to win the SB and are on a collision course to do so.

    throw out all of the past cause now that Rex has his feet wet and Belicheck has finally found his true TE threats and retooled the defense we will be slugging it out until someone retires.
  15. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I don't get what makes them the team to beat? There are going to be several teams standing at the end. If the goal is to win a SB it's whoever is in front of us.

    Nobody knows what team could emerge this year as an elite team toward the end of the season. I suspect that Jets and the Pats will be in the mix.

    The division means squat. The Packers ran the table, the Steelers ran the table, the Giants ran the table. Lets get in and see what kind of team we have at the end of the year. Nobody cares how anyone looks at the begining of the year.
  16. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    thats great the recent teams you are referring are extremely rare cases.

    everyone was so busy talking about the playoff run Rodgers put together to focus on the fact the Packers had hands down the best defense in the final stretch of the regular season and in the playoffs. that whole team played out of their mind.

    the Giants got lucky on Tyree's catch. lets quit acting like they had the SB in their back pocket.

    the Steelers have been a top organization damn near since there inception with a few dry spells.

    the division might not mean anything to you, im sure it means alot to the players whod rather prepare for and wake up in their own beds and play in front of their own fans.

    as emotional a team as this is, as evidenced by the no prisoners performance in new england followed by the flat non existance in the 1st half of the AFCCG; homefield advantage is probably something this team needs more than anyone else we will see, regardless of 4 wins on the road in the last two years.

    it would also mean were winning at least 12 games if we win the division, and we only do that by playing up to the full potential of this roster, instead of the few losses like GB/BAL/MIA game at home.

    the division would mean a markedly better performance across the board, and a more consistent offense and Sanchez especially.

    so yes i would say the division means something
  17. patfanken

    patfanken Banned

    May 6, 2007
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    This is an excellent summary of the entire thread and should pretty much bring to an end a topic that has gone on WAY too long. There will be plenty of time to discuss all things Pats/Jets in other more specific threads.

    ....and then you have to write this line which forced me to respond.:wink:

    The Pats have proven over the last 10 years that they can CONSISTENTLY put a 10+ win team on the field year after year. The Jets, OTOH, have done it 2 years in a row. Personally I don't see the Jets window of opportunity having a long shelf life.

    Though they are a legitimate superbowl contender THIS year, I think they took as step back this off season. Well maybe a step back is the wrong phrase. I don't think they got better, while several of their main competitors, including the Pats DID get better.

    They caught a HUGE break this year when they were the beneficiary of a $11MM dead money cap savings when the new CBA knocked out that dead money hit(thanks Uncle Roger...because it was specifically worded so that the Jets got the greatest advantage, btw). Also in order to clear the cap space needed to resign most of your old players, the Jets needed to restructure and sign FAs to back loaded deals, giving the Jets even LESS money to work with into the future

    So UNLESS Mark Sanchez turns into Drew Brees, and can carry a team of no names as Brady has over the years. And Mason and Burress are reincarnations of Benjamin Button, The Jet window of opportunity could be rapidly closing.. Just sayin'.....

    That being said, I'd rather be talking about this in a thread titled " Are the Jets building for short term or long haul? "
    #417 patfanken, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2011
  18. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    I guess the last 10 years of 'pats dominance' hasn't brought much post season success in the last 5 years.

    History means shit in football. the only thing that matters is the next game. Speaking of "window of opportunity", Brady isn't getting any younger either.

    Since you don't follow the Jets- no contracts were restructured for this season. And we're still under cap.

    Do you know why you aren't a highly paid football analyst? Because you suck at this.
    #418 James Calvin, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2011
  19. NJjets1981

    NJjets1981 New Member

    Jul 29, 2011
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    Why doesnt anyone realize that the reason PATS fans have begun trolling our site, and use stats and past superbowls to fight their point?? Its because for the first time in 10 years, there is a team (JETS) who has their # and can beat them, even with Sanchez who sucks in their opinion. But Sanchez sucking has schooled the PATS 3 times in 2 years. They fear the Jets. Let Them.

  20. With all due respect, how could you possibly think that the jets window is closing? Their entire sarting backfield doesn't have a single player with more than 2 year's nfl experience, Their primary offensive playmakers in Keller and Holmes are just entering their prime, The O-line(strength of team) contains 2 pro bowlers who are in their prime.

    Defensively they have 2 of the best corners in the NFL who are both just entering their prime, they just had a complete youth movement along the DL,and despite being long in the tooth in the LB corps, Harris is just entering his prime and Rex seems to be able to develop guys to fill that role(IE Bart Scott).

    How does any of that translate to a closing window? If anything it's still opening.

    By the way. Sanchez, Holmes, Conner,Brick,Mangold,Harris, Revis,Cromartie,Ellis,Wilkerson,Wilson are all signed long term. I think the jets future is safe.
    #420 KurtTheJetsFan, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2011

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