A Pats fans breakdown of the Jets v. Pats

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by MikeDevito, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. boxorox

    boxorox Banned

    Aug 19, 2011
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    I like this post overall. I'm not so confident that BB will hang it up after this team is done as you are but it's certainly a good possibility. As for this year, I think that the major difference swinging in our favor is that this is Sanchez's third year now and with the type of confidence he has coming off these first two runs and the endless weapons at his disposal he's going to be able to make proper use of them for the first time.

    Thee reason NE puts up these wild numbers is that Brady is so good and his offense is so talented that it's just overkill. They play ordinary teams and they just crush them no questions asked. This year we're going to be able to pluck a lot of that same low hanging fruit and we're going to rack up a lot more wins in the regular season. Yes the Patriots are probably favored to get a better record than us AGAIN. But it's not like 4-1 in their favor anymore it might be 3-2. If we get homefield they're screwed. They'll have to play 3 straight teams with defenses on the road probably and we've seen they don't like that too much anymore. If they get homefield and we get in with them it's still the fight of their life and they know it. Let's just hope for a nice fast start and the rest of it will fall into place.
  2. NJjets1981

    NJjets1981 New Member

    Jul 29, 2011
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    Do Pats fans really believe that ALL of their playoff LOSSES over the past few years are because a team was better then them for a DAY?? How bout the truth, The Pats havent been the best team in the league since 2007. Deal with it. (Keep in mind, at no point did i say the Jets WERE the best, but since Rexy showed up, they've been better than the Pats. And I dont need to prove my statement, because the head to head records do that for me. Especially the playoff game last year that was icing on the cake.)
  3. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Why are we giving this jb guy a hard time? He didn't come here trolling. He only stated his opinion and he raised some valid points. While I disagree with those points I will say this about Sanchez. While his regular seasons may leave a lot to be desired there were many instances not in the playoffs in which he single handidly took a game over ie the Texans and Broncos games when it was on the line. I'm also gonna say that there hasn't been a better QB in the playoffs the last two years combined outside of maybe Aaron Rodgers.

    I think it's pretty fair to say that the Pats are built better over the course of a 17 week season but the Jets are built better for crunch time. Sanchez has an ability to lead teams to victory when it appears that the game is over. His performance is the AFC title game was overshadowed by a shit effort by the D but he was potentially a blown series at the goal line away from leading on the greatest comebacks in playoff history.
  4. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    I didn't mean to say Belichick was going to hang it up for good, but I can definitely see him taking a break for a couple of seasons after his contract expires beginning in 2014 and then returning to a different team to start anew; I have heard it said that his most coveted job has been to coach the giants, it'll be interesting to see if he wants to step in after coughlin retires (if he is not fired first, which I doubt he will be)

    But I agree, the best thing we have going for us is that Sanchez is developing in the right environment, at the right age, and at the right time. Every decade the NFL goes through massive changes that are really unexpected. I think we are going to see the decline of the old guard starting with the Colts, Steelers, Chargers, and Patriots (Patriots will be the last ones to go due to the youth belichick is installing, but once either he or brady walks its over) So it is really and opportune time for this team to cement itself as part of the AFC elite in the coming decade.
  5. NJjets1981

    NJjets1981 New Member

    Jul 29, 2011
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    I went back and read those specific posts. I think its more that JB took credit away from winning in close games, when in reality, those are the harder games to win, and those games show the character of a team. The Jets have been the better team when it counts the past two years. Pats fans in general have been extra bitter the past two years because they have had a hard time adjusting. His comments taking away credit for 3 solid wins in 2 years SOUNDS like sour grapes, so I see why he was jumped on.
  6. PatPatriot

    PatPatriot Member

    Sep 15, 2009
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    There's been 3 playoff losses in this era. 07 vs. Giants they won with the help of the luckiest play in NFL history. 09 vs. Ravens was a complete ass kicking and Baltimore was the better team overall. Last year was the worst time to play the worst game of the year. Jets came into Gillette and won so have to give credit where credit is due.

    I never said the Pats were the best team because clearly they haven't won a Super Bowl since '04 which is all that matters. After Rex declared the team dead after the Atlanta loss, they needed the Colts to lay down in 09 just to make the playoffs so let's not get carried away on how great the Jets have been. 9-7 and 10-6(and no division titles) doesn't scream dominance. When the Jets get to a Super Bowl in the Rex era, you have reason to talk smack. Until that happens, what exactly separates the Jets from any other contender? Nobody cares if you(or any other team for that matter) win a couple wild-card or divisional playoff games because Super Bowl appearances and wins are the only things that matter in this league.
  7. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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  8. felker

    felker Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    The running game is not the issue. The Patriots won two Superbowls with a worse running game than they have now.

    It is very simple. For NE to win they need a more effective defense than they have had in recent years. Otherwise the offense is playing catchup all game and you get turnovers and sacks because the offense becomes one dimensional. Teams like the Ravens and Jets love playing from ahead.
  9. RevisCromartieisland

    Apr 13, 2010
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    we went 11-5 (13-6) last year.
    And yeah, I guess a team that makes the AFC CG two years and a row and a team that missed the playoffs are on equal footing. Great point.
  10. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    As opposed to all of the other teams that prefer to be playing from behind?
  11. felker

    felker Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    Oh come on. The statement was that these teams were better on THAT DAY. Not FOR A DAY.
  12. felker

    felker Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    Did I say anything about other teams?
  13. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    All teams want to be leading the game, mr. insightful football genius.
  14. rholt168

    rholt168 Active Member

    Jul 3, 2009
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    Jets have no offense, guyz. They will be shut out every game, because they have no offense.

    Fucking tool.
  15. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    ok, the patriots just happened to be better on 14 particular days last season and not overall.... :rofl:
  16. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Crappy Sanchez' passing rating was 40 points higher than Tom Terrific's in the playoff game.

    #356 James Calvin, Aug 24, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  17. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I find it funny that any Pats fan would mention luck? How about the "tuck rule" a play that never existed and then somehow has not existed since that night.

    Now I won't throw dominance around and any Jet fan that does is disillusioned but I'm also not a fan of taking wins away. The Colts game was what it was and while it's easy to say the Colts laid down what team stepped up from the AFC that deserved to be in the playoffs that year? Houston? The same team the Jets blew the doors off in week 1? Miami who faded in December as usual? The Jets did what they had to do to get into the playoffs the last two years and that's all that really matters. If a team missed the playoffs because the Colts laid down maybe that team should have won more games in the regular season. Maybe the Steelers should not have lost to the fucking Browns. You can debate the worthiness of the Jets to make the playoffs you'd be a tool to deny that once there they have been pretty impressive except for a 1st half against the Steelers. The bottom line is if the Jets are going to win the SB they are either going to need to win more games then the Pats or win 3 road playoff games. It's not rocket science but route B seems more likely to me.
  18. boxorox

    boxorox Banned

    Aug 19, 2011
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    I seriously doubt it's more likely that we win the Super Bowl through 3 road games than the combined possibilities of being faced with 2, 1, or 0 road games. It's somewhat more likely that we'll be faced with the road wildcard task (i.e. 2-1 or something) but we're going to come out with the trophy with a wayyy higher success rate if we're divisional winners and especially if we have home field. Don't forget that they can sweep us and we might not even make the playoffs sometimes. Also don't forget that if we sweep them they're going to be hard pressed to win the division. Plus there is no law that says they have to perform to expectations. That the same holds true for us is irrelevant. If we suck or get banged up we're not winning either way.
  19. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Maybe I should have clarified, what I'm saying is that it's more likely we will need to win 3 games on the road because not enough teams have the coach, the players or the mindset to beat the Pats. I could see another 13-3 or 14-2 year out of them with the Jets winning one of those 3 games they lose.
  20. Klaus Casanova

    Klaus Casanova New Member

    May 23, 2011
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    Look back over the past ten to fifteen years and you will find a team each season that decimates the regular season competition, and then is unceremoniously flipped end over end and dunked into a toilet as if they had no business being in the post season. The Titans were that team in 2008. The Colts were that team in 2002.

    The fans of that team never realize it when it happens, and they always make an identical argument to the entry quoted above. 'That team' is something that Paste fans spent a fair amount of the 2000's ridiculing, which is why the rest of the football world has taken so much pleasure in your pain.

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