A Pats fans breakdown of the Jets v. Pats

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by MikeDevito, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    i stopped reading when i read this

    lol jk

    my notion? i didnt say it was SOOOOOO much better than anyone. dont put words in my mouth.

    oh so you hang your hat on the washed up circle drawing award, then dismiss it by saying it doesnt mean anything.

    yet it instantly disproves a notion i never put forward?

    youve been a decent poster since joining and this is by far one of the worst things youve had to say.

    Mangold is hands down the best C in football and its not even close. Koppen is underrated IMO but hes not the 2nd best C in football IMO and its lightyears between Mangold and everyone.

    As far as Brick VS Light earning more pro bowls means what? the patriots have been more relevant over the length of his career?

    Brick is entering his prime and Matt Light just passed his. overall id still take Lights run blocking over Bricks, but Brick is easily a top 5 LT when it comes to pass pro and at worst top 10 when including the run game. and congrats on his injury replacement pro bowl whoop d fucking do. as if pro bowls havent become severely overrated achievements nowadays.

    So you want Vollmer over Hunter? you can have that. we have the better total unit and the better OL coach in Bill Callahan IMO.

    as far as Moore and Connolly its almost a wash but Moore is by far the best run blocker on our team and I'll take Moore over Connolly for our offensive scheme.

    Mankins is better than Slauson sure, Slauson also just got his 1st yr starting under his belt.

    Callahan is the x-factor. here, you dont have to agree but thats how i feel.

    either way you jumped to conclusions and put words in my mouth making yourself sound pretty stupid to start and end a debate before I give any real opinion

    I also feel that system and its run play opportunities are predicated off the fact defenses have to worry about a variant of a spread passing attack operated by one of the best QB's ever.

    With Mallet or Hoyer under center teams would run blitz the hell out of you. this isnt a knock on the patriots. its a compliment to their systems effectiveness and the trigger man behind it.
  2. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho Trolls

    Jan 16, 2010
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    haha thanks.. I also forgot that Maybin = Burying Tom Brady in the dirt.
  3. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Stuff like this is so funny to read, but pretty pathetic as well when blatant homerism leaks to the surface in trying to tell us the pats have better LBs and OL.

    I think their should be a category for bitching; yea I think the pats have the definite edge over us in that category.
  4. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Brady is taller, but Sanchez is faster.

    I'd like to see some Chargers and Raiders fans break this down for me.
  5. patfanken

    patfanken Banned

    May 6, 2007
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    Excellent insight on BB. You are right he has been like Knight on a the Grail Quest in his search for a true 2 way TE. He had the blocker in Graham. Watson was close by never quite panned out, and many MANY others who came and went. However he really hit the lottery with Gronk and Hernandez. Hernandez is truly a Dallas Clark clone who presents horrible match ups for defenses as an HBack type TE. He is also a decent and willing blocker.

    It is Gronkowski who may be the "holy grail" for BB. 10 TDs last season as a rookie. This year, reportedly he has gotten even better. And as imposing a receiving threat as he is, he is even a better blocker.

    In one play last night, I happened to notice him blocking TB's starting DE one on one in pass protection. The guy never got off the LOS. If hey hadn't replayed it, you would have thought he was the OT. The Pats ran for 200 yds last night and some of biggest runs came up the middle with Gronk going in motion and "whamming" one of the TB interior DLmen creating a big hole.

    One point on the 4-6 D. I know it well. Saw it first hand at the Superbowl XX in NO. It was game changing. The Bears were truly a dominant team THAT year. The Pats were just a very good one.. However there are a couple of points to remember. As dominant as the Bears were that year, and IMHO the most dominant team in NFL history, just TWO years later they were out of the playoffs and didn't return for several years.

    2 things happened. First Ryan had JUST the right mix of players to play it, and over the next few years the mix changed. But most importantly the defense was new when Buddy sprung it on the league in 85. Within 2 years DC had "cracked the code" and it wasn't the same. In Buddy's 2 unsuccessful tries as a HC he rolled out the 4-6 but it was never the same as that one ideal season.

    I think BB has schematically cracked the Jets code, just like he has seemingly cracked another excellent D like the Steelers. Last season you saw a hint of it in the big loss in late Nov. But the Pats IMHO were not championship ready. Too many errors of execution against a very good team who DID NOT make those errors. It was a great lesson, and a very painful one. Hopefully it sticks

    To some degree BB has responded this year by adding MATURITY as well as talent to the D, while starting to rebuild the offensive infrastructure with this draft where all but one of the top 7 picks were on the offensive side of the ball.

    As a Pats fan, the good news is I think that we should make the playoffs and win the Division. The bad news is, it really doesn;t mean a thing until they start to win game in January. Its almost like the first 17 weeks is nothing more than a more entertaining, but better played preseason
  6. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    This is retarded clearly Gronkowski>than our whole team alone.
  7. nyjcanada

    nyjcanada Active Member

    Aug 22, 2007
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    Yep. That's the bottom line. It'll come down to coaching... like it always does.
  8. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Gronkowski>>>>>Holy Grail.
  9. PatPatriot

    PatPatriot Member

    Sep 15, 2009
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    Dustin Keller wishes he could play like Gronkowski.
  10. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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  11. PatPatriot

    PatPatriot Member

    Sep 15, 2009
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  12. CandleGuy

    CandleGuy New Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    Someone explain how BB "cracked" the Jets code?
  13. TonyIommi

    TonyIommi Active Member

    Aug 9, 2005
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    Brady 2007 post season

    77/109 for 70.6 % 6tds 3ints rating 96.
    According to you that doesn't even qualify as good.
  14. TonyIommi

    TonyIommi Active Member

    Aug 9, 2005
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    Starters did not play at all in Game 1. Everybody on the field was fighting for a job. Last night 21-0 after 1 qtr. The team is switching to a 4-3 and had no OTA's to get it down. What better place to work out the kinks than a scrimmage against unfriendlys?
  15. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    From the looks of the last game it is the other way around.

    I have been meaning to weigh in on the OL thing. All things being equal, I would rather have the Jets starters.

    Mangold has been simply the best interior lineman in the NFL 2 years running. Brick at this point is better than Light. Say what you want about his run blocking (which has gotten substantially better), LT's are paid the big bucks to keep their QB's uni's clean. There are arguably only 1-2 better pass blockers in the entire NFL @ Lt, if at all. Not to mention, Brick has improved pretty much every single year he has been in the league. I am not saying Light sucks, as that is clearly not the case, just that he isn't as good as Brick.

    Mankins is better than Slauson or Moore for sure, although Moore is pretty damn good. I think Hunter is going to be good but because we have seen what Vollmer can do over the course of a full season @ RT, you have to give him the nod.

    To sum up, I would rather take the Jets starters. They have had arguably the best line in the NFL 3 years running and their best players are just hitting their prime now. The Patriots line is a good group, so it really isn't too much of a knock taking the Jets.

    One thing I want to say, the Pats line coach, Dante Scarnecchia is very good. I am pretty sure he is the longest tenured coach on that staff, small wonder why..........
    #115 Miamipuck, Aug 19, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2011
  16. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    please seriously consider killing yourself.
  17. Johnny English

    Johnny English Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
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    Patriots fans are starting to make me miss the lockout already.
  18. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Without Grownkowski, Brady wouldn't even make the team.
  19. sbx213

    sbx213 New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Nice!! LOL.
  20. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Agreed, Gronkowski can make anyone look like an elite NFL QB.

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