17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    NC was a little ridiculous, but at least back then you could see some starters for a while. I used to love to go to the Preseason games up at Giants Stadium. Usually a nice warm Saturday night... T-shirt weather... and you got to see a good assortment of starters for a quarter or two, and then you got to see the rooks try to make the team and make some plays. It was a fun, exciting night.

    Now you're lucky if you get to see Sanchez fart out there once before he gets pulled. The games went from meaningless to downright laughable. People who go to the Preseason games should boycott the refreshment stands. Bring in your Subways and Pathmark Fried Chicken and toss the chicken legs around the section you're sitting in, which will probably be my Prime Section. Bring in your own water with the bottle cap in your pocket. Don't buy a God Damned thing and maybe they'll take the fucking hint at how pissed everyone is at the worthless bullshit on the field.
  2. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Yes I agree back then the starters played a lot more then now a days. Sure xhibition season is Tshirt weather. The only pre season game I ever went to was vs the NYGs when they were the home team & I was given the tix as a perk otherwise I would not have shown up for that one either

    I will be in my AC house tonight with a VCR grinding out the game & will watch it tomorrow when I can zip thru all the BS ESPN give you when they are airing a game. :jets:

  3. RMorin

    RMorin Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    The Jets are not the best example to the point because most of the metro areas around NJ have teams as well. Get too far away and people are more apathetic. Better examples would be Cowboys playing in Norman, OK, the aforementioned Seahawks at the University of Oregon, or Denver playing a game in Salt Lake City.

    In all honestly if the Jets held a preseason home game next week in Miami against the Bengals, there'd be more butts in the seats then in there will be next week at NMS. I know they'd never give up the money and have no reason to, but in terms of people actually enjoying the game a preseason game in another city could be beneficial. This would only ever matter if people actually stopped paying for tickets and it forced a change, but we can all dream I guess.
  4. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I figured out that it is smarter to donate the tickets to charity than to try to sell on SH. As a tax writeoff, I save about $50 off my $125 loss. Plus, no hassle in getting rid of them.
  5. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    As a Hartford area resident, I would love to see a PS game at Renschler Field. But, it would only work if teams were required to play the starters for the first half of the game.

    My solution: My season tix cost $125 X 10 games = $1250. Because PS games suck and I don't go, the realistic cost per game is $1250/8 = $156.

    My new pricing plan:
    1. Season tix cost $1200 for 8 games. FV = $150 per game
    2. Pre Season games always played on neutral sites such as San Antonio, Austin, OKC/Norman, Memphis, Waco, Lubbock or El Paso. (Because I am from Texas, i know where suitable venues near Dallas and Houston would be). In the Northeast, Jets could play in Hartford, Yale Bowl, or ??? Ticket prices of $20 for most sections.
    3. To make games count, the rookies on the winning team get a $10K win bonus. Losers get zip. The rookies would play like maniacs to win.
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    This is probably the best advice of all, with a caveat. I am in a sizable tax bracket now... not sure what the percentage is, but let's say it's a 33% bracket.

    $125 X 33% would get me a $41.25 writeoff against income, assuming I give my accountant the necessary "charitable donation" proof from the NY Jets. So, on my 4 seats, he gets to deduct $165 against any remaining taxable, unsheltered income I am reporting.

    BUT NOW, if you have a small business and are taking the ENTIRE PURCHASE OF THE TICKETS as a business expense writeoff against income, I am talking along the lines of "Travel and Entertainment," a perk for a client who presumably will do business with you if given the incentive of some free tickets, then you get to deduct the entire purchase price of the tickets.

    To my knowledge, you cannot have it both ways. You can't deduct the entire ticket invoice and then turn around and donate some of it to charity and expect to take the deduction again. Knowing the IRS, this would be a no-no. You can't take a double deduction with those boys. Just wanted to bring out that fact to anyone considering their deductions.
  7. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Except that if you get audited by the IRS that most likely won't hold up because they're supposed to look at fair market value and not face value
  8. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    PSL "Perks"? lol

    Jets season ticket holders not only have great seats to the game but access to exclusive events and offers from the team. This Thursday features two very special events only open to you - an upper level, non-PSL individual game ticket pre-sale and a conference call with your head coach, Rex Ryan, to discuss his plans for the 2011 season.

    Individual Game Pre-Sale
    The season-ticket-holder-only pre-sale for upper level, individual game tickets starts this Thursday, August 18 at 10AM. As a valued season ticket holder, we are offering you the first opportunity to purchase additional game tickets at your season-ticket-holder price before the sale is open to the general public. You can only participate in the pre-sale if your account is in good standing. You will be sent an email with a password and link to purchase on Thursday morning. This is a great chance to entertain more family, friends and business associates at a 2011 Jets home game. Ticket availability will vary on a game-by-game basis so act when the sale starts on Thursday at 10AM!

    Head Coach Rex Ryan Conference Call
    Also on Thursday, at 1PM, Head Coach Rex Ryan will host a conference call to answer questions and talk to season ticket holders about his expectations for the 2011 season. This will be an incredible opportunity to have access to Rex during training camp and hear his plans to take the Jets all the way this season.

    There is no need to act to join this call. We will automatically reach out to you at the daytime number listed on your account a few minutes before the conference call and connect you into the conversation. If you would like to update your daytime number, please do so on My Jets Account by 5PM on Wednesday. Please note: the number that will come up on your phone when we reach out to you will be an 800 number so please pick up!

    We hope you enjoy these exclusive benefits and thank you for being a loyal season ticket holder!
  9. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Although I certainly don't want to be the guy audited to test it, I think that it would be interesting what the courts would decide on the issue of what "fair market value" is.

    1) on the one hand, one could argue that the resale value on markets like StubHub is the fair market value;

    2) on the other hand, the taxpayer could correctly argue that they (along with 82,000 other STH's) paid face value for the tickets and they will have a check/credit card bill to prove it. Since 82,000 other people paid face value for tickets to same game, the taxpayer would have a strong argument that FV is the fair market value.
  10. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Royal TEE thanks for the laugh:rofl:

    I guess there are still plenty of seats available
  11. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    Actually you write off the whole ticket price of $125 and it gives you a tax savings of $41.25. So your refund goes up by $41.25 for each ticket you write off (or your amount due goes down by $41.25)

    Of course, if you do not itemize deductions you can't write it off unless you have a small business like you mention. Then it would be done the same way
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I received the same email. Upper Deck seats are trash and this proves it. They have so much inventory they're panicing now.

    So we get offered this "exclusive opportunity," available ONLY to us STHers (because we're so special), to buy additional, worthless, POS seats in Row 23 in the corner somewhere. I mean, come on!

    The next phase, which they're not telling you about, is that all remaining Uppers will be sold at "Military Discount" for $.50 on a dollar (after you paid full face) to any swinging dick that was ever even remotely associated with the military. If you were ever smacked around by drunken sailers, you qualify. If you ever dressed up as a soldier on halloween, you qualify. If you ever drank a beer at a local VFW, you fucking qualify. And following in true tradition, they will sell you the WORST seats first, then the Military Discount people will be offered the "better" seats in Row 18!

    I mean, really. This is a joke. How pitiful. If the tickets were priced right to begin with, they wouldn't have to do this. This is downright embarrassing, but to offer it exclusively to STHers and make it sound like it's a big fucking deal is ludicrous. They should just follow their own advice and donate those worthless POS seats to the local Boys Club or Boy Scouts of America or some other organization that could take a Boy Scout Troop to a game for free and enjoy it.
    #12272 Section 227. Row 5, Aug 17, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2011
  13. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    How bout the days they play it on. THis year its 7pm on a Sunday night and 7pm on a Thursday. Are they kidding me. At least it used to be always on a Saturday night. Halftime will like the end of the game for most people. Another note, my friend took a tour last week to check out our new seats ( 340/8) and he said the mens bathroom was the same, no bigger, no different. WHAT THE HELL????
  14. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I took a shot at you and that was not nice. Just hate that we are losing real fans, you can feel it when you walk in and look around, just doesn't seem the same. Anyway, glad you are happy and still going. The upper deck is gonna be full of yuppies reading there crackberry's and buying foot long chili dogs, that make me want to shit in my pants just smelling them. I hope my new section has the old timers or real fans around. Section 319 sucked, some people were ass holes.
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I think there's a good chance you'll have "real" fans, as you call them, in your section, 314, because I have a feeling all the guys who insisted on an upgrade (like you and I) are serious fans who have been at this a very long time.

    There are guys like you, me, 17A and many others who are still posting in this thread who stuck it out even though Woody was doing his best to stick it to us. I am talking about the guys who took the best seats they could on the day they were called, then manned up a year later and told them to stick those lousy seats up their ass and got upgraded.

    Those are going to be the guys you will have in your lower row section now... the ones like yourself who called and persisted to the point where the Jets gave them better seating. I don't know this for sure, but it seems logical to me.

    Now, who or what is going to be in the last rows of teh Upper Deck is for anyone to guess. Rows 16 and beyond are worthless, IMO, and will be shilled on eBay to out-of-towners, malcontents, opposing team visitors and other general scum of the earth.
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    What the hell is right. Do you mean to tell me they haven't addressed the size, entrance and exits and/or traffic flow in these tiny little shitholes? Are you kidding me? Some of the basic stuff was a public safety issue in my opinion (like blocking offthe escalator returns), for example, and forcing traffic out into the concourse to dissect food lines in order to continue up the escalators. Ridiculous.
  17. stuartfl

    stuartfl Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    haha, wrong, those yuppies wouldn't be sitting in section 300's. They are in the lower bowl...
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I think you're right, Stu. This was my point. If 314 is looking to be surrounded by his "type" of fan, he's in the best place in the stadium.

    I have to admit that they're my type of fan too. I like sitting with the old timers. We share the same history... and we all know what that is... I am talking about living it... all through the Kotote years, Joe Walton, all of it, through thick and thin. The yuppies read about it an know the history, but they didn't live it. They weren't in the stands. I'm not knocking them for it.. just sayin'.

    I think the old timers relish the victories and playoffs more because we lived the downside to that for so many years. And that's why it's nice to be sitting amongst them. The newbies almost expect to be in the playoffs. Some of them even probably think it's a given... after all, Rex Ryan says so... he even says we're going to win the SB, so it must be.

    The old diehards, 314s type of fans, know how fragile the whole season really is and how infrequently the opportunities come along.
  19. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Actually I think the Wood should pay us silly fans for giving his team FREE advertisement by wearing NYJ Tshirts, hats & pants & buying NYJ tables etc. If the Wood wants to advertise his team he should ante up to us like he would do if he purchased a media spot. :jets:

    #12279 championjets69, Aug 17, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2011
  20. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    227, you put things perfectly my friend. This year, could be the first year since we have been going, that the Jets would be in the playoffs 3 years in a row. Imagine that. Maybe we can get one home game out of it. In typical Jet fashion, probably not

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