Brainlessly bash former Jet employee, Brian Schottenheimer

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by ThunderbirdJet, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Once Joe McKnight rededicated himself in the offseason he took his ball and went home.
  2. Franchize

    Franchize Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    My issues with Schottenheimer (not in any particular order)

    1.Until last year we never even threw to our running backs.Hardly any passes to the flats.We very rarely split RB's out wide.We had Leon Washington and didn't use him enough at all.Him and Thomas Jones had 25 catches between them. Thats HORRIBLE! LT isnt the only RB who can catch the ball.Even tho Shonn Green isnt the best pass catcher,16 receptions is bad.Schotty pretty much eliminates a major weapon against defenses when Greene is in the game.You know if Shonn Greene is in the game,we aren't throwing to him.

    2.Brad Smith is one of the most versatile players in the league and we rarely used him last year.He should have been given at least 2 slant patterns a game.When he gets the ball,he's electric.He has rare talents and for the most part...they were underutilized.

    3.We never roll the pocket.The few times we do,Sanchez looks pretty good. When you have a QB with questionable decision making skills,tactics like rolling the pocket and giving him short passes to complete, help his completion % and boost his confidence.

    4.The few times we are creative,we never return to the play for the rest of the game.Things like putting Brad Smith @ QB,rolling the pocket,bootlegs with Sanchez....all worked when we did them.Unfortunately,whether they work or not,we never return to them....fore weeks!

    5.We run some plays over and over to death.How many times on 3rd down are you gonna run the same TE seam play with Keller?How many times are you gonna run the same pump fake,draw play in the opening series?

    6.Schotty doesn't understand the concept of down and distance.So many times we run plays to the flat or 5 yd out routes on 3rd and long. Conversely, we throw deep on 3rd and short.WTF? I understand if you wanna trick em up every once in a while but plays for the appropriate yardage.

    7.We send receivers in motion for no reason.When teams like Indy send guys in motion, they're checking for man coverage or they're exposing weak spots on the D or they're moving defenders out of position.We send a guy in motion and don't audible,we don't trick the defense.9 times out of 10 the guy in motion ends up not even doing anything in the play.

    8.For all Mark Sanchez shortcomings,he was pretty good in the 2 minute offense.Why?Because he's even more creative than Shotty.How often do we use 2 minute offense during the game to make the D uncomfortable? ZERO!
    I will readily co-sign to the fact that Sanchez is avg at best right now and has a lot of developing to do but all the blame can't be put on him.When he's operating the 2 minute and/or no huddles,he's been on point.

    9.In big time games,I've seen Mark yelling at the sidelines for info from Schotty n Schotty looking confused.You're the O coordinator.That's you main job...why are you so out of wack?

    10.We're horrible in the red zone.That's pretty much self explanatory and theres proof with not only stats but video.We look lost.It's almost like we're better off with bad field position,throwing long bombs lol A lot of that is due to Mark's poor decision making but a portion of the blame has to go on Schotty for some really questionable play calling.

    11.We had 3 good receivers but can't move the ball? If ALL of that is Mark's fault...then shouldn't Schotty recognize it and say to someone "Hey,this is not our guy going forward".

    12.We always put our D in bad field position.Part of this is because Weatherford shanked some punts.Another part is because we don't move the ball and we punt so damn much.Weatherford had the 8th most punts in the NFL last year.Of the punters ahead of them,only one player's team made the playoffs. (Chiefs)

    13.We got overexcited about the fact that LT still had something in the tank last year and somewhat neglected Shonn Greene.I love LT.I was as shocked as many to see him bounce back like he did after looking worn out in his last days in SD.That being said,I feel we deferred to LT too much down the stretch.Now I know they've said that will change this season but I thought it needed to be pointed out.

    14.Despite a stellar defense and a good O line,we looked inept at times on O. PPL look at the fact that we went to AFC title games as Schotty's badge of honor. Sure PITT ran all over us BUT what about the games we lost during the season because we couldnt move the ball.Ravens and Packers come to mind immediately.Let's not even get into the games where we got bailed out by special teams and interception returns like the Bengals,Pats and 1st Steeler game for example.

    Bottom line is,Mark has got to get better.He's showed signs of being a really good QB at times and looked like a bone head at others.I'm not saying he's exempt from blame nor am I a huge Sanchez fan to begin with.That being said, Schottenheimer has shown, under two regimes, that he is not a good O coordinator.One of our biggest problems under Mangini was that,on both sides of the ball,we played not to lose instead of playing to win the game (no pun intended).We were too conservative and safe.It lead to countless 3 and outs on offense and close but no cigar performances on defense.When we got Rex Ryan in here,I thought we ditched the "bend but don't break" philosophy.Schotty is the only guy who is still here living under that ideology. I have no problems being a ground and pound team.Our O line and LT/Greene's talent warrant that.However,when teams start loading up the box....make em pay!Our D is all about making teams pay.We hurt ppl.Let's go out and do the same on O! If somehow I'm "dumb" or a "troll" for pointing that out then so be it!
  3. Fatman&Robin

    Fatman&Robin Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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  4. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    those things are called paragraphs, they're actually made up of these scary things called sentences and words. If you look very closely, you'll notice squigly looking things that are called letters. If you sound them out one by one it sort of starts to make sense
  5. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Appreciate the post. Allow me to play devils advocate .


    heres my two problems with schotty

    A) i sometimes think hes rigid and sticks to his game plan on game day instead of making adjustments in response to what the defense throws at him

    B) his situational playcalling can be irritating

    People always preface critique with well I know Sanchez is average BUT

    theres no BUT

    Schotty runs a pretty complex scheme. for all the bad playcalls ive seen, I've seen Sanchez miss reads, make errant throws, or make a throw, only for someone farther downfield to be wide open

    the situation is what it is. people complain as if were getting these results with Peyton Manning.

    people want to give Sanchez all the credit when things go right, and when they dont its prefaced with a Sanchez needs to develop yet its Schotty's fault. when hes the one not taking the field.

    on to the points

    1. Leon was used right, just not enough. Thats my opinion. As far as throwing to the RB's one of those years was under Favre trying to prove he still had it so he was looking downfield most of the time. Sanchez has two years under Schotty. His rookie year he could barely make reads, also Thomas Jones and a rookie Greene arent that capable of targets out the backfield

    If he spent more time throwing to them we wouldve been complaining about them not developing Sanchez vision downfield instead overusing RB's who are mediocre at best when it comes to recieving. Last YR LT had 52 catches. To me that says Schotty only made it a priority once he had a capable recieving RB who was also a threat to run. EDIT :which is the correct thing to do

    2. Smith had 5 training camps and 4 offseasons to show multiple Regime's he was a capable WR. He prolly wouldve been better off a RB to be honest. Moot point, he saw plays so im guessing every game he got to at least "run two slants"

    3. Its not Schotty's job to mask Sanchez decision making and pocket presence by rolling the pocket. Its his job to make sure Sanchez improves and its not necessary at all. Also being a run first team its better for the LB'ers read step if the line stays pat. otherwise they just start rolling coverage over and Sanchez penchant for INT's goes up

    4. Your number 4 is just a mix of 2 and 3. And its also not good for Sanchez confidence and development to be constantly yanking him out mid-drive.

    5. We run alot of plays over and over cause were a run first team. You go with it till they stop it. Now Schotty definitely could use improvement in situational playcalling that I'll give you that as previously stated.

    6. Alot of people assume they know the read progression on bungled plays, either the coverage is there or Sanchez is missing reads. its not like his playbook has all routes in the short flats. Sanchez is also a rhythm passer he seems to play better after getting some quick strikes under his belt. I'm sure part of it is Schotty trying to get him going

    7. Again more people thinking they know play mechanics as if they attend offensive meetings. People will either get open or not. Sanchez job is to find the open man and get the ball to him. Its funny you think the Colts invented motion and theyre the only ones scheming it right. Could it be possible their trigger man is Manning and ours has only played 2 years? Not to mention the revolving door at WR

    8. Part of thats true but what is your suggestion run the 2 minute offense all game? We dont deal with Sanchez on a daily basis and were not getting his feedback on the sidelines. I dont think Schotty is going out of his way to hinder Sanchez and make himself look bad in the process.

    9. Mark also makes alot of mistakes that are apparent before a replay. Schotty could be in his headset before he hits the sideline and hes yelling excuses for all we know. Also as evidenced in his rookie year hes emotional. whether that gives us pouty Sanchez or fiery Sanchez is up to him.

    10. Couldnt agree more. Same with Rex, enter Tom Moore

    11. lol, theres WAY more factors into that equation than having 3 capable WR's. when your admitting in previous points Sanchez has a while to go in his development, i think youve adressed most of that.

    12. alot of that is when the ground n pound backfires. 2 runs for 3 yards. a bad call or execution on 3rd and 7. rinse and repeat.

    13. Rex and Schotty have said they will stay with a hot hand until it goes cold. LT played like a man posessed the first half of the season. They also wanted to keep Greene healthy for the postseason. If anything Greene shouldve got the ball more in the PIT game early. With a capable LT and the versatility he presents in making the defense worry about the pass. that opens up the offense more. You will get your wish this year. and if Greene stays healthy all of us will be happy

    14. Aside from the Bengals all those teams you listed are perennial contenders for the Lombardi. We were a Tone catch away from beating the Packers. and even Rex got owned by the Pats that day. The Ravens game was a football abortion though. I'll give you that.
    #2285 Coach K, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
  6. Franchize

    Franchize Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    I respectfully disagree with osme of you post but I you've also made me look at things from a new perspective regarding Schotty.I still think he's a poor coordinator but your post has opened my eyes to why others might like him.I think Schotty would be great with guys like Tebow or Newton or even Vick.He needs a guy who's talent explosive to where it masks his over-conservative playcalling.I think our team makeup is different now. We're a fire filled,explosive team.We need a offensive personality that mirrors that. Hopefully,the addition of Tom Moore will introduce that.Either way,I'm glad the talks have gone from can we luck up into making the playoffs,to can we win a superbowl. I've been a Jets fan since I was born.I still have a Freeman Mcneil jersey from when I was little ad a replica helmet.This is the most promising team I've seen in my lifetime arguably...even more so than the team with Testaverde *tears* In the words of our Mad Backer....can't wait!
  7. JCotchrocket

    JCotchrocket Active Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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  8. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    Hahahaha it would be just like that crusty bastard to do that. I do think he was in ill health. I hope he is ok......

    Fucking great.........
    #2288 Miamipuck, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
  9. SydneyDon

    SydneyDon 2008/2009 TGG The Green Card "International Poster

    Oct 20, 2005
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  10. JetsYankeesThrylos

    JetsYankeesThrylos Active Member

    Sep 29, 2007
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    Holy shit, this is great. :rofl:
  11. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    holy fuckin shit

    the best part is when I read peoples typos in responses i tend to auto correct them as i read them without noticing the actual typo.

    i stared at that for like 2 mins clueless till i scrolled back up.

    i think i enjoyed this much more than anyone else

  12. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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  13. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    I find it easier to just mutter, rant, scream... $$!@%!#% YOU, Schotty!!!!

    Opposed to the manifesto some of you are spinning. :breakdance:
  14. AJayJay

    AJayJay New Member

    May 28, 2008
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    Whenever there is a valid excuse for Shotty to have all these playmakers on his offense and still not put up a first quarter touchdown in 16 games then I'll stop giving Shotty such a hard time. Until then he deserves all the shit he gets from fans calling for his head.

    What do you guys think our chances are of putting up a first quarter touchdown opening night?
  15. RevisOfNazareth

    RevisOfNazareth New Member

    Sep 12, 2008
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  16. ZUCCO

    ZUCCO New Member

    Sep 21, 2010
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    "brainless Schottenheimer"
  17. RevisOfNazareth

    RevisOfNazareth New Member

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Yep, sure is. Did it take 115 pages to figure it out? That's the real question for the board.
  18. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    haha i was quickly glancing over this page not really reading any of the posts so i didn't get jcotchrocket's picture right away
  19. Theo Huxtable

    Theo Huxtable New Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Yeah, I tend to skip over blocks o' shit like that, so I didn't understand the pic until Coach K's response.
  20. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    1st and fucking goal on the 2 with a trip to the superbowl on the line. 4 plays and 1 yard later the dream is gone. Nothing else needs to be said.
    #2300 Don, Aug 11, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2011

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