You have to give TDK credit for being resilient I guess. There have been 2 or 3 separate incidents that should've been enough to send him running away from the board in shame never to return but he's still here. The whole Robert Deniro nonsense should disqualify him from ever being a mod though, the kid is nuts.
The bile rises whenever I think of that. He knows that. Or, he should. But he certainly does take a tremendous amount of shit and keeps pretty composed.
The De Niro thing was a long time ago and I have apologized for it many times. Everyone knows that. It was over 5 years ago now.
A moderator must demand respect. A bowl cut does not demand respect. Proof of haircut and I'll nom you TDK
As a long time reader/lurker/ non poster I would consider BarrytheBaptist, Statjeff, Gustoon, TDK, guinness and Madbacker Prime as positive candidates ans at least 4 of them either have too much on or don't want it right now. Scotsjet may have been a candidate also but he's too busy running UKJets now
Was it as bad as your Steelers Song thread or worse? That one even got locked.
You can apologize a thousand times over, and I even accept it. Just don't wave it off as if you dinged someone's car door with a shopping cart. It's not as far off from Greenhornet as you seem to think. That you created a second user name isn't the point. It's the personality you gave your alter ego that was creepy. And unfunny.
That thread seemed like a good idea at the time. If you were around a bunch of Steelers fans singing that annoying song non stop, you would have understood where I was coming from.
Just looked up De Niro. Last Activity:06-02-2005 06:25 PM 171 posts total. Not exactly GH territory. Give me a break fellas.
SJ, If we are to vote on mods, we need all the info to make an informed decision. If TDK made an "creepy, unfunny" alter ego that similar to his regular persona, link it please.........
I believe I was one of the first to recommend Barry the Baptist (Rich Miano). He has mentioned he would like to be a Mod. A solid, long time poster, with west coast coverage. I'm onboard bringing in two Mods...Barrythebaptist and NDMick!!! That's the "confession" thread. All the actual posts as Deniro are lost but it went on for several months and I believe he posted in threads with his 2 personas talking to himself.