I didn't find it surprising. Gus did some stuff like this last season. The only difference he didn't actually kill the cousins himself nor did he kill El Tortuga's boss. Gus just set it all up. Plus, he may have ordered the Tomas execution. Also, I'm fairly certain that Walt did believe Gus was capable of doing what he did in tonight's episode.
Yeah I just never thought GUS would be the actual guy doing it, just the look on Walt's face after doing that shit was priceless, like a look of I never thought he could do something that sadistic ... but it's def a possibility that Walt knew Gus was capable of killing someone that way Didn't Hank want to stay in the hospital at the end of season 3? She pretty much forced him out - I mean I guess because there wasn't anything left the hospital could do to help Hank I just felt bad for Hank being in that situation, but Marie is another character that deserves the same feeling - I think I'll warm up to her as the season progresses
Marie just wanted him at home instead of in the hospital. He didn't need to be there anymore. It sucks that an awesome character like Hank was taken out like that, but it will be very interesting to see where that storyline goes.
I just watched the box cutter scene again. Mike the Fixer looks so shaken and uncomfortable when it's happening. ...not as bad as Walter of course, but that was some great acting by everyone in that scene.
good first episode...It did fly by though...Also, a sneak peak into Walking Dead season 2 was neat too
I figured he was going to take that guy out. Any idea of his nationality? I had a feeling he might be Mexican, that Gus doesn't exactly like Mexicans, and the result of the scene had nothing to do with Walt's monologue. One of the most tense scenes of the series so far. I think the fact that Jesse was able to eat after all that happened means his character is going to lack the compassion we saw in season 3 from here on out.
Gus killed Victor because people saw him at Gale's house. I think Pinkman's in shock. He might fully embrace the "bad guy" role or he could be an emotional wreck like before. You never know with his character.
Yeah, what Walt said didn't play into Gus's actions one bit. Victor was killed because he was seen by at least three people at Gale's apartment. I don't believe there was anything more to it than that. That Gus murdered him in front of Mike, Jesse, and Walt was a bonus as it gives Gus even more power.
I don't think it's entirely clear why Victor got killed at all. He could have been killed for a myriad of reasons. 1.) Failure to protect Gale and hence Gus couldn't keep his business tidy. 2.) Seen @ Gales standing over the body. 3.) Gus sending a message. We all know this show never sends a message. Gus knows he can not kill Jesse/Walt and Mike is his fixer. He has to kill someone. 4.) Gus letting know everyone who is in charge. Dovetails with #3. He lets everyone know he is the king and Vic is the logical sacrifice to prove that point. 5.) Ties up a loose end in the respect if Victor does sort of know how to cook meth, Gus knows that Walt may make another preemptive strike before Victor fully knows how to do it. It isn't entirely clear that Gus gained the info from Mike that Victor was noticed at the scene.Unless Gus received prior knowledge from a DEA contact, as he is friends with a lot of DEA agents. Gus is incredibly cold and calculating, killing Victor made sense for a lot of reasons.
It was Victor and Mike's responsibity to kill Walt and (eventually) Jesse. Seeing as how Mike is way too valuable Vic had to go.
When Mike was asking Victor about what happened at Gale's, it sounded to me that, in some ways, Victor was a fixer too. Mike asked him if he was able to clean it up and then Victor mentioned the witnesses.
He should have walked out and said nothing instead of "Well? Get back to work." "Get back to work" didn't clarify any of the prior action in the scene so walking out without saying a word would have been even more powerful. Still it was a tremendous scene. Sort of caught onto the Mexican taking a dirt nap bc he knew too much.
Puck. The reason victor was killed is everything you listed. The writers didn't have to spell it out for the viewer because they wrote the show so fucking well. So you got what they wanted to "say" ironically because Gus didn't use words to convey the message to us or the other characters.
Walt had to know. In season 3 the episode after "One Minute", I think Kafkesque, Walt has a meeting with Gus in his meeting cabin (for lack of a better word). Walt said, " Lets set the record straight. The cousins were meant for me and someone turned them onto Hank. That someone I believe is you".... or words there about. No Walt is well aware what Gus is capable of.
Yeah, I also missed the disclaimer so it wasn't an obvious give away I saw some complaining about........ Anyway, I kept thinking yeah he was seen but like all things on the show it isn't that simple. My thoughts were a mix of holy fuck, why did he do that and man was that fucking awesome. Lol this show can make a simple fly scene complex............