Trying to inseminate women as usual Definitely worth a watch
1. Cromartie is hilarious 2. Rich Eisen might be my 3rd favorite person in the world behind Sanchez, and Cuban 3. Taylor Launtner or whatever his name is looks like a lil bitch 4. How much do you think this video cost F or D to make?
Say that around my 15yr old daughter and she'll make you look like a lil bitch. ;-) The deleted scenes and outtakes are even funnier than the movie :up:
It looks to be the players and the NFL announcing that the lockout is over, through the form of a very unimaginative premise.
The only funny part of this video was Shawne Merriman's involvement in it. He hasn't been relevant since he was last arrested for beating the shit out of Tila Tequila.
Found her Def NSFW
she is so fucking ugly but if that was kristina rose with her than i shall be watching, because kristina rose sucks/takes dicks really well and i admire her body of work enough to watch a vid like this. but if that wasn't kristina rose than i could give a shit about an attention whoring stunt from ugly ass tila tequila
LOL "I put that in my top 10 of spitting game moments. Of trying to swoo a woman. Oh i'm sorry. A married woman." SIGN THIS BEAST