So I take it episode 33, "Full Measure" was the season finale for the third season? If so I'm all caught up. The ending of "Half Measure" was totally amazing. I'm going to go into withdrawal not getting 3 episodes per week...
I have to watch this show. Does AMC have a On Demand option, I can't remember at the moment. is this on Netflix? The new season starts July 17th so I have to get caught up quick.
Yes, Full Measure was the season finale. Vince Gilligan said that the last two episodes of season three were shot together, so it's basically a two part finale. Half Measure is probably my favorite episode of the entire series - Mike the Fixer's speech, the meeting with Gus, and the ending were all incredible scenes.
I was waiting for that. lol You do know I was fucking around in that thread right? I friggin love GoT.
Season 3 of BB is OnDemand. You can definitely find the first two seasons online. They aren't on Netflix Instant though.
It is the best show on television. If things keep going the same way, it will be one of the best shows ever. The entire cast is excellent and the writing is brilliant - pretty solid combo.
I was friendly with a girl who was into that Holy Death stuff. She spent her first 12 years in Mexico. She came to New Jersey and dropped out of school at age 13 or 14 and then entered the gang world. By the time I met her she was abusing cocaine and used an alias at her job. That's enough on that. Just get the DVDs. I did. With a full-time job and a son who is almost 2 years old, I didn't think I'd have much time for getting caught up on this show, but I made time because it is so good. I watched the pilot episode on June 11 and finished season 3 at 1:30 this morning. I also found them to be great characters even if they were not fully developed. I also like that the Holy Death stuff was brought into this show. This is one of my favorite scenes ever. I replayed it multiple times on DVD the other day. Based on the style of speech, I believe it was Mike. There were enough slight pauses to indicate to me that it was almost certainly Mike's voice. My favorite Goodman line was when he commented that he does the Jew thing for the homeboys.
I started watching this recently. It's a great show but I have a lot of trouble taking it seriously every time I remember the main character is the dad from Malcolm in the Middle.
E is right about Breaking Bad and I also have him to thank for giving the show a try. I know good TV and this is good TV. If the first 15 minutes of the pilot episode don't get you hooked, you are hopeless.
My favorite has to be: "I once convinced a woman that I was Kevin Costner and it worked because I believed it."
There is nothing good on television right now, so nobody has an excuse not to catch up on this series. There is only 3 seasons to watch, and the first season is only about 7 episodes and the entire series has only been about 30 episodes total so far. It's also one of those rare series that actually gets better and better as it progresses with each episode. The writers and cast have done a great job to keep the show believable also. A lot of shows like this get too crazy and unrealistic after a few series trying to one-up the previous episodes and to keep the story fresh. I remember the Wire did this with Hampsterdam and the final season with McNaulty and Lester Freeman.