Back in my sophomore year of college, I took a class in which we watched the David Cronenberg film Crash, which is about people who get off on car crashes. The characters in the movie are pretty omnisexual - they'll fuck anyone/anything. There are two scenes in particular and the reactions they elicited from the class that I wanted to note. In one scene, two men kiss each other, and the men in my class groaned and mumbled complaints. In another scene James Spader inserts his penis into a woman's thigh wound. HE FUCKS AN OPEN WOUND. And the reaction/overall disgust level from the class was much lower than it was for two men kissing. Why the outrage? Get over it, you're not going to catch "the gay," and you didn't even have to see anyone else's dong.
its not that im afraid of catching the gay, but the sight of 2 men fondling each other and making out turns my stomach. It's annoying having to have to look away from the screen several times while im trying to watch a show. you can't honestly say when eric started making out with talbot, you were like "oh sweet, gay vampire sex scene. totally necessary." i even lost a little respect for erics character. i will give him that he did whatever it took to avenge his family, but couldn't he have just staked the guy without putting it in his butt?
She had really juicy hind legs. Not a big fan of the ghey but unlike Badger, no cock is going to cross my lips. lmao Some great lines..... " Stop being a whiny little bitch", that was awesome.
Is this the thread to discuss True Blood or is there a new one? How did True Blood watchers enjoy the premiere? I wish they would just focus on Eric and his ass kicking. I know the books are all about Sookie but her character is just getting annoying. It'll be interesting to see how Bill became King and how Eric who is at least 900 years older and maybe the strongest Vampire left does not kill Bill.
I feel like they kinda copped out in terms of figuring out a way to advance the story-line a year, but I'm glad they did it anyway. 2nd episode was better than the first (go watch it if you haven't). HBO shows rarely disappoint once the plot-lines get rolling, so I'm cautiously optimistic on this season. They better not turn Jason into a serious character. Him and Belflor are perfect as the comic relief. If they want to make a spinoff show of nothing but Tara beating the shit out of chicks and then making out with them I'm cool with that.
The first ten minutes with the electric fireball throwing fairies/trolls was somewhat odd, like a bad acid trip. I heard the second episode was better but I'll hold off on watching it on HBO go. Need something to look forward to on Sunday nights until football starts.
^^^ All that. I was worried when I watched the 8 minute preview and it was all that stupid fairy crap. Fortunately it didn't stay like that.
Jason will finally become one of the Werepanthers and should be pretty badass once it's done. That Fairy crap was so gay, but according to old myths and legends fairies aren't the creatures that Disney likes to portray.