...so you want to get specific, huh? Walter Payton never worked with Tom Moore. He also wasn't the dad on Happy Days. Peyton Manning worked with Tom Moore. I heard he injured his neck crying at Tom Bosley's funeral.
I don't think Tom Moore ever worked with Sean Payton, so his knowledge on his offense is very, very limited. The Jets don't even play the Saints in the regular season this year.
This can't really be a bad thing.. so why not? Anything they can get to help Sanchez is a positive in my mind.
Bringing Tom Moore aboard, particularly if he is on the field (or up in the booth) during games, can only be a god thing as far as I'm concerned. In so many games, I have found Shotty's playcalling and judgment to be pretty streaky and inconsistent. Our offense's problems with consistency have not by any means been entirely the fault of BC's play calling but certainly more often than I care for. In any given game, he can appear to go back and forth between calling plenty of good plays followed by drive stalling/killing bad plays. If the rumors about Moore are true, I wonder how much the FO's interest in him is based on: a.) perceived weaknesses in BC's overall and red zone play calling ability, b.) a desire to obtain more intel on the Colts, c.) purely because the opportunity to hire a top offensive mind arose, d.)all of the above, or, e.) none of the above.
That's Peyton though, we run a much different offense. I'm sure with Moore's experience he'd know all that motion would be unnecessary in most cases.
one little spelling error. By the way why did his parents spell it Peyton when it is pronouced "Pay-ton"
Yaeh, but how does it heppan? The E and A keys era close to aech other on the kayboerd, but not right next to aech other.
Unique names are a bitch as a kid and cool as grown ups. Try finding a specific Jenifer Jones on Google or facebook. It's almost impossible. But Winifred Jones is easier to find.
The RZ was a main focus for the players practice these past few days. Which is what Moore came to fix. Could the players hire Moore if they wanted since he has no job with the Jets, or a scenario like that with a unemployed coach?
well i think this started out as him having some spare time since leaving INDY. and the FO (specifically Rex) might be more on board with having him in SOME capacity. players can hire whoever they want. the guy has no job currently. Moore can find work its a question of whether or not he wants a job. i think hes fine consulting and nothing more. I mean as an OC he had the dream job.
How awesome would that have been, if Sanchez hired him to run the offensive side of the camp. Now that would've been smart.
I saw what you wrote. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you actually meant that it was a typing error as opposed to a spelling error. You have absolutely no excuse for a spelling error. Peyton Manning has been in the NFL since 1998 and is one of the most talked about and well-known players in the league. How do you not know how to spell his name by now?