So is this what our Jet lockout is going to look like? A bunch of peoples opinions who I don't care about talking shit about our QB who I happen to love. Nohomo Well, fuck them. I know I say it all the time but this was the same shit Eli went through, until he proved them wrong. I can't fuckin wait for that!!
Why do people get so worked up by the opinions of some know-nothing nobody? The main objective for so many internet sports scribes is to stir the pot so they can get noticed and draw hits. Negative attention is worth a lot more than no attention and is much easier to generate than by writing positively slanted articles/reports. The best revenge against these manipulative types, be they obscure or well known, is to ignore the fools. When you give then your attention and let them get to you, they win.
His name is in the thread title and I still don't know it. I hope he enjoys his extra 500 hits on his site the next few days before he disappears back to complete obscurity.
Bad bad article. The writer seems to totally ignore the fact that it was just Sanchez's second year as QB in the pros and he has a lot of room for improvement. However, if Sanchez plays the same way 2-3 years from now, yeah, this writer would be spot on.
um, no. Sanchez did more than enough the past 2 years to get this team to the Super Bowl when it counted. It was defensive collapses plus bad playcalling that prevented this team from advancing to the Super Bowl. I would argue that Sanchez for the 2 AFC championships combined was the best Jet on the field. He didnt give you Dilfer like performances, this guys was great in the playoffs. Not good, great. So if Sanchez did exactly what he did in the post season last year and the year before and everyone else stepped the f*ck up, this team would be in the SB for the first time in almost a half century.
Sanchez was very good against the Steelers and last year against the Bengals, but that is about it. At least me being a neutral guy, I wasn't impressed with his performances against the Colts (twice), Chargers and 3 quarters against the Patriots. Obviously as a Jets fan your opinion would be different from mine. Edit: When I say I wasn't impressed, I meant by his QB'ing, rookie or not. If you want to take into account how much experience he has, it would be a different story.
THIS!!! The whole butt patting/play thing just seemed like contrived outrageousness. And I'm so tired of the Dilfer comparisons. I would think going to 2 AFC Championships in his first two years is far different than the 1 SB Dilfer won later in his career. Whatever. This off-season/no season sucks ass.
You do realize he had a 127 QB rating against the Pats, on the road? So not sure what you mean about playing poorly for 3 quarters. And I guess now we are taking quarters away? If thats the case, lets take away the first 2 quarters of the Steelers game and tell everyone we went to the SB last year. As far as his rookie year, he had a 140 qb rating against Cinci on the road, and a 93 QB rating on the road against Indy with no running game to speak of. His only real poor playoff game was against SD. but yeah, thats not really that impressive. leads NFL history in playoff road wins. not that impressive.
of course you have to take experience into acct. he has played in the league 2 YEARS and has made it to within one game of the SB both years. My point was if he gave us what he gave us these past 2 post seasons in 3 years and the defense actually showed in the AFC title game, we will be going to the SB.
The SD game was one of his best, if you look at the #s it looks like his worst but he made 3-4 huge plays on 3rd downs in that 2nd half to help us win. That is what ti is all about. I don't blame him for the title game losses but despite good #s his 2 worst postseason performances were in the title games. Vs. Indy in the WC game he was bad in the first half and good in the 2nd half. Vs. NE he started slow in the 1st qtr and was near flawless the rest of the game, he was ok in the title games. He hasn't had a bad postseason game yet which is pretty amazing for a guy w/ 6 postseason starts in his first 2 seasons.
And bottom line he improved dramatically from year 1 to year 2 and year 2 is often a tough year on QBs. Any bashing of this guys is just flat out ridiclous
^This. The Original article makes a valid point comparing Sanchez's stats to some lower tier/older QB's. The difference is Sanchez is only in his second year after a very short college career. Sanchez made a big leap from year 1 to year 2. If he makes a similar leap this season he will be around 4000 yards passing. I don't think that will happen, but I do think Sanchez will improve, and ignoring his age, and the improvement from year 1 to year 2 makes for a very one sided argument. In addition, he had 5 tds, and 1 int in the playoffs last season. He also went on a tear from week 2 to week 5 where he had 8 TD's and 0 Ints. You don't see a similar streak if you look at say...David Garrard who had more TDs. I think that streak and the playoff performance shows where Sanchez could progress to. Also, implying that Sanchez is gay is stupid. He may be a "fruitcake" in the words of Brunell, but banging 17 year old chicks isn't usually what gays do. Lets see some of asshags that Jayson Braddock is banging and compare.
lol they catch her in some nice cocktail dress and him looking like a tired caveman as he walks off the field. lol
@88toon: I was rooting so hard against the Pats, may be I was being too critical on Sanchez that game, but What I am saying is, this clown of a writer is looking at Sanchez as a plain QB, not as an amateur that is maturing. But in his way of thinking, where a QB being inexperienced or a veteran does not matter, he is right when he says that the only reason Jets are not winning Superbowl is because of Sanchez. Now choose whether you disagree with his line of thinking or with his claim that Sanchez is the only reason Jets aren't winning Superbowl. I disagree with the former and agree with latter. Yes the Jets defense did not play well against the Steelers. But that is why teams place such a premium on QBs, so they can outperform opposing offenses when required. Jets D did an outstanding job of helping out Sanchez by keeping two greatest players of all times in check and he did an adequate job. Now when the defense falters against the Steelers, Sanchez did step up, but that was not good enough. Imagine Aaron Rodgers on your team and you know what the result would have been. Yes, it is unfair to compare a veteran like Rodgers to Sanchez, but that is what the writer is doing. But if we throw the experience factor out of the window like the writer does, you would have to agree with him.
We lost in the title game each of the last 2 years b/c of the defense not b/c of the QB. Aaron Rodgers is a top 3 QB in this game, it's not fair to compare him and in 3 years as a starter he has won playoff games in ONE of those seasons- he took over a team that was in the title game the year before he took over while Sanchez took over a team that hadn't won a playoff game in 5 years. There's no way anyone who understands this game could agree w/ this "scout".
The logic is stupid. Its easy to say imagine we had Rodgers. Well imagine we had Demarcus Ware, or Ed Reed, or James Harrison, or Adrian Peterson. We don't. The fact is the reason we lost those games werent because of bad QB play. Are there better QBs in the league? Of course. But the premise of the article saying the reason we arent winning is Sanchez is so stupid.