What's your Jets draft grade?

Discussion in 'Draft' started by JohnnyThaJet, Apr 30, 2011.



  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. D

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  5. F

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  1. Mavericknyc1980

    Mavericknyc1980 Active Member

    Mar 12, 2005
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    Im doing this in terms of value. You always want teams to draft a better player, and figure out away to make him succeed instead of getting a lesser player to fill a need.

    Now if these two players(the HIGHer Value) compared to (the player of need). Is close in value then you take the player of need.

    First Round – (30) Muhammed Wilkerson, DE, Temple= A. Perfecty 34 DE, yes he is from a smaller school, and yes he needs to develop but, at pick 30 its rediculous to think you are going to get a finished product. After seeing what the coaching staff has done to develop Devito, Pouha, and Coleman, I have no doubt in my that this kid will be a stud for many years to come.

    Third Round – (94) Kenrick Ellis, NT, Hampton A. Another small school prospect that has tons of talent and a HUGE need. If his head is on straight, which I believe he because this team does extensive backgrounds on players and creates a strong support system that this kill will succeed. STUD.

    Fourth Round – (126) Bilal Powell, RB, Louisville B+= I remember watching this kid destroy Cincy, and thinking man this kid is good. If the Jets did not have Shonne Greene and Joe Mcknight I would be clammoring for him. Well it does not matter the team drafted him. This kid is a Greene Clone, with better hands. The only negative is that the kid had one year production. Some people would sour on the kid because they are not sure if it was a fluke or not. If the kid had two years of good production, this kid would have been a mid to early 2nd round pick. PS people say this says the jets soured on Greene, and/or Mcknight, they havent. The value was too HUGE for them to pass up. The year of the 1 stud running back is over. We have three backs that will keep ramming it down your face until the D wears out. You guys will LOVE HIM.

    Fifth Round – (153) Jeremy Kerley, WR, TCU A. The slot was the Area of weakness last year. Yes I love Cotch as any other Jet fan but Kerley with quick cuts in and out will create havoc, he can turn a 3 yard throw, till a 20 yard gain. This kid will be a KOR and a POR. He also will do some WILD cat options.

    Seventh Round – (208) Greg McElroy, QB, Alabama B= I love the idea of taking one QB a year. The kid is super smart, and all he does is a winner, how can you go wrong. This guy is the heir apparent to Clemens(this will save money for us and possibly upgrade the position). He could develop into a Frank Reich, or a Jack Trudea QB.
    (227) Scotty McKnight, WR, Colorado B+= Question if he did not know Sanchez would people be really upset at the pick. (Hammer, im not directing it towards you IM a huge fan of yours so please do not be offended, Im just making a point). Would we be upset about a player who can play Slot as well, have hands as glue, is tough as nails, runs a 4.5 40, and is strong? Yes I wanted a safety two but we had two whole at teh WR postiion and if they felt, its easier to get a safety then a slot then take the WR. This kid could surprise.

    BTW one thing yes Kerley and Mcknight are both Slot recievers. One thing to pay attention too, Kerley will be doing POR, KOR and WIldcat, he will be worn down, Scotty can just focus on the slot.

    Overall we did really well at the draft and good job by Tanny, to not follow just one way of drafting but to be diverse. Instead of trading the whole draft, he let the board fall to him and man it worked out great in our favor.

  2. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Sure there is. The Jets let Holmes, Cromartie and most of their other FAs walk. We don't know what the cap will be or if there will even be a cap. I've seen more than one person speculate that it will probably be an uncapped year. If so, as long as Woody is willing to shell out the bucks, the Jets could sign him.

    To be clear, I'm not advocating that they do that if it is possible, but it is kind of fun to ruminate on what it would be like with Wimbley at one OLB spot and Pace at the other with the DL the Jets now have.
    #82 joeklecko, May 2, 2011
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  3. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    I don't think it's Kerley that is making Holmes look like he's on the way out but rather the fact that he has already stated that he'll sign with the highest bidder and the fact that we took two WRs in this draft.

    Most fans should easily recognize the fact that Kerley is here to replace Smith.
  4. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Kerley is a true slot guy/special teams that we drafted in the 5th round, Holmes is a big play guy known for deep balls and his YAC.

    I dont think its so obvious that hes here to replace Holmes (though Cotchery could certainly be a possibility)

    And to be fair we only drafted 1 WR, and then just some scrappy white guy to make Sanchez happy
  5. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    I'm getting so sick of this fucking argument. If you're trying to convince me that Mike Tannenbaum is going to throw away a draft pick to appease his QB, you're doing a shitty job.

    Coaches and GMs ask their players about former teammates and opponents all the fucking time. The Jets listened to Sanchez because they wanted to know more about the all-time overall and TD receptions leader at Colorado, not to appease a whining child.
  6. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Call it what you want, without Sanchez I think this guy stands no shot of making the roster.

    Im still not convinced he is going to anyway.

    This team doesnt need another Danny Woodhead.
  7. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    And look what Danny woodhead has turned into now...a stud who will be a jet killer for years to come
  8. MagillaGuerilla

    MagillaGuerilla New Member

    Jul 8, 2010
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    I wouldn't go that far, shut down the screen and he's a nonfactor.

    Not to mention they drafted Shane Vereen, who'll likely steal his time...
  9. Jetphan73

    Jetphan73 Active Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    McKnight is the most important pick because being he is Sanchez's long time ballwasher he can keep him home at nights when they have their circle jerks, thus preventing Dirty from banging some 16 year old skank who lied and said she was 17. McKnight literally keeps us from losing Dirty for 12 years minimum!!:up:
  10. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Woodhead is not a fucking stud.

    He's a young Kevin Faulk.

    What the fuck did he do in the playoff game? He fumbled.

    I so tired of Jets fans acting like we cut a pro bowl caliber RB.

    He's a fucking JAG. He's going to get 7-10 touches a game, not 20.
  11. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Holmes is the mercenary, but do think the Jets make a serious play to get him to return.

    I really think most fans believe Smith is returning to this team when he clearly isn't. That money will be used elsewhere.
  12. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    If it's the Final 4 rules for next season it means we went back to 2010 rules and Holmes is restricted. He's not getting anything that would help us to sign a UFA.
  13. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    No fans think Smith is returning to this team. There was some thought of it when they moved the kickoff up, dropping his price tag a bit, but any modicum of doubt was erased on Saturday.
  14. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Right. All white guys are the same, regardless of position. McKnight's the leading receiver for a D-I BCS school. Please explain to me why he's an instant scrub in your eyes?
  15. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    There's no reason why Holmes needs to be the receiver non-grata, nor does Kerley necessitate his departure. The point is that if we are forced to only keep one because of the contract numbers (and it doesn't seem like Holmes is going to give us a break), the way the draft broke makes it seem more likely that we keep Edwards over Holmes.

    I don't think you'll find anyone who doesn't want them both back, but tough choices will have to be made going forward. I thought heading into the offseason that we'd have an excellent shot at keeping both. I'm not so sure of that now. A shorter FA period is going to create a rush on free agents. If Holmes and Edwards are both instant free agents, Holmes vaults to the top of the FA class and commands a fat contract. It's why I was hoping to extend Edwards prior to the end of the league year. He was the only pending major FA we could sign under 2010 rules, and he'd have added a bit of certainty to the process.

    I don't know that it's fair to say that we can ONLY stay elite by keeping both Holmes and Edwards. It would sure as hell help, and the team needs to be built around Sanchez, but the Packers aren't the only elite team in the league, and they operated for much of the season without a great TE. The Steelers have two solid receivers and a mediocre developing corps. The Falcons had ONE solid receiver, one good receiver, and a developing corps. The Bears...I'm not sure I'd call any of their receivers solid yet. Our defense keeps us elite. As our QB improves, so too will our offense.

    I'd love to see Holmes and Edwards return if it can be done. I have faith in Tanny, but it takes two sides to strike a deal that looks good for the team.
  16. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    You had it pretty early in the post:

    Only white fullbacks and lineman taken in the 7th round ever make a team, silly.
  17. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Overall: B

    Rd 1: Muhammad Wilkerson

    Personally, I was hoping for a trade back into the top of round 2, where we could have picked up Reed. I fell in love with Reed after watching a few of his games before the draft. His talents to get after the QB and hustle to the football would have been put to great use in Rex's defense... but alas...

    Many are high on Wilkerson, and understandably so. He's got all the physical attributes you want in a 3-4 lineman, and his college tape shows the skill is there; however, he still seems raw to me, and will require some good coaching and a lot of reps if he is to begin making an impact by week 1. Fortunately, Rex's coaching roots are in the trenches, so I expect him to flourish in this defense, if not this season, then next.

    Rd 3: Kenrick Ellis

    Easily my favorite pick of this draft class. Putting the off-the-field issues aside for a moment, this kid can dominate under Rex's tutelage. It's been said in the media, but the vids show it even more: this is a BIG man who can MOVE. He shows great leverage, staying low, and hustles well. We keep hearing "play like a Jet"... well, this kid has the potential to do so.

    Regarding his legal issues, I don't think Rex/Tanny are dumb enough to waste a 3rd rounder on a kid they thought could possibly be behind bars instead of on the field this season. I trust this FO, they've earned it.

    Rd 4: Bilal Powell

    Like everyone else, I was outright confused by this pick. Considering RB is one of the positions we see most easily transition to the NFL, I didn't (and still don't) get why this couldn't have waited until next year's draft, especially if LT is sticking around for one more season.

    That said, I love the player. I didn't get into the draft this year so much as I have in years past, so I can't speak on the other players available at this spot, but I like what I've seen from him. He gets up the field quickly (reminds me a bit of Leon in that way) and can finish off runs. He runs a bit upright (reminds me of Michael Bennet a touch), but that doesn't seem to take away from his game. Good player, questionable pick.

    Rd 5: Jeremy Kerley

    From what I've seen, this was another solid pick and nice insurance policy should we lose Holmes and/or Edwards. I think it all but certainly ends the Brad Smith era, which is unfortunate. I would love to get all of our guys back, but that's unlikely. Good move here by the FO, and I can't wait to see Kerley and Joe McKnight competing for punt-return duties this offseason.

    Rd 7: Greg McElroy

    Can we finally dump Clemens, now?

    Rd 7: Scotty McKnight

    I wanted Deunta Williams here. There's little doubt in my mind that McKnight was only picked because of his relationship with Sanchez. But what the hell, it's at the tail-end of the draft, I'm not going to complain. Plus the kid had a lot of production in college...

    Of course, there's no way to know how things would have unfolded had we been able to trade back or had we simply taken Reed at 30, but I would have had no qualms picking Reed in round 1. He has the physical tools, edge rushing abilities and, most importantly, the motor to thrive in a Rex Ryan defense. We needed a 3-4 D-lineman badly, so I can't fault the FO for taking a high value player at a need position... but if I had known Ellis would have been there in round 3 somehow, picking Reed over Wilkerson at 30 would have made this draft an overall A- in my book.
  18. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Fair enough to want Reed, but you NEVER abandon your board to reach for a player. If Rex wanted him and they weren't willing to take him at 30, that tells you all you need to know about where he was on their board.

    Shonn Greene had that monster game against Oakland in 09 and then didn't contribute again until the end of the season. Joe McKnight had a monster game in the finale last year. This team has used rookie seasons to develop RBs over the past two seasons. This is no different, and the number of RBs we'll carry won't change. Shonn's tendency to get banged up and his numbers last year also necessitate a similar back if he gets injured. On top of that, this was Rex's guy. He wanted him; he got him.

    Forget insurance. He's the future in the slot and an instant contributor on ST. It's really not unfortunate that we're losing Smith. Getting all of our guys back isn't unlikely; it's impossible. The money required to retain Smith is needed elsewhere.

    If we are able to retain both Holmes and Edwards, Kerley gets to develop for two seasons before Cotchery's contract expires and Holmes/Edwards become our outside receivers in 3 receiver formations. If either one is let go, Kerley immediately steps into the slot.

    You can still have Deunta Williams. 31 other teams passed on him right on through Mr. Irrelevant. We KNOW he didn't get drafted; we don't know for certain what would have happened with McKnight. We seized an opportunity to get him reps with members of our team in the offseason whereas another position would have gone without team contact until the end of the lockout.

    You contradict yourself by saying we ONLY drafted him because of his relationship, then acknowledging how productive he was at Colorado. I wonder, if he weren't friends with Sanchez, would people be criticizing him as much, or would they recognize that we have need for more than one receiver this offseason and the sure-handed all time leader in receptions and receiving touchdowns for a major college program might be a good fit for depth at the position, especially underneath where we've sorely lacked good slot receivers.

    You're not going to find many supporters for the idea that Reed would have been a better pick than Wilkerson at that spot. We've made do for the past two seasons with unusual means of getting to the QB. Unbalanced fronts, mixed packages, etc. Having Grade A beef along the DL doesn't just improve the efficacy of those packages, it opens up the way for our OLBs to be more effective. It's a dual effect, whereas Reed (especially initially) would have only provided a one dimensional benefit. I'd have loved to grab a pass rusher, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to the multitudinous ways in which Wilkerson helps our defense.
  19. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I was one of Brooks Reeds fans on this or any Jets board, but I wouldn't have taken him over Wilkerson. No way. With Wilkerson there, I take Wilkerson regardless. With Heyward or Ayers there, I try my best to trade back 5 picks or so and then take Reed. If I couldn't find a trade partner, I would have taken him over Akeem Ayers, but not over Cam Heyward.
  20. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Here's one. I know of several others on another Jets board I frequent. I'm not saying Holmes isn't a great player. He obviously is, but imo that isn't the only consideration.

    First, there's the cap. Holmes will command the largest contract of any of our FAs. Second, is his mercenary attitude. He's more of a "me" player rather than a team player. He doesn't particularly want to stay here, but will go to whomever pays him the most. By contrast Edwards wants to be here. Third, is his likelihood of being suspended again. I think it's very likely, and I think he would be a bad influence on Ellis and possibly get him suspended for using weed as well.

    Third, the team seems to be re-committing itself to the "ground and pound" with the drafting of Powell and Rex's subsequent comments. Holmes would be a luxury and largely wasted if that's the case. On that other site, several posters pointed out that the offense seemed to have a better rhythm and flow before Holmes started playing last season, and that Sanchez's numbers were better. With Edwards, Cotchery, Kerley, Turner, McKnight, Keller and Cumberland, not to mention LT and Powell out of the backfield, I think they'd have more than enough targets to keep opposing Ds honest.

    Fourth, unless the Jets were to turn around and sign an equally high profile FA, chances are the Jets would get at least a 4th round compensatory pick
    in the 2012 draft, if not a 3rd round compensatory pick.

    Even though Holmes is more dangerous and flashy, Edwards is a better all-around WR, better blocker, teammate, and presents a bigger target for Sanchez' high throws. Last season at least, Edwards hands were also better than Holmes.

    With the money the Jets would have used to sign Holmes, they can easily sign Harris, Cromartie, whichever of their own FAs they want to retain, and possibly even sign an outside FA or two to shore up the OL, S or OLB positions. A poster on that other site submitted that with the drafting of Aldon Smith, the Niners might release or be willing to trade one of their OLBs: Manny Lawson, Travis Labory, Parys Haralson or Ahmad Brooks. If so, I think signing one of them would be a good move. It would improve the depth in case Pace or Thomas are injured, and if it was Lawson would improve their coverage of RBs & TEs, as well as conceivably improve the pass rush. Lawson has underachieved, but perhaps a change of scenery and with better coaching from Rex, he might begin to live up to his potential.

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