Welcome to the NY Jets, Scotty McKnight

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ........, Apr 30, 2011.

  1. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    The board consensus has been that Mcknight was only selected because he is Sanchez friend.

    Then there are a handful of us trying to convince everyone else the kid actually can play football. He is Colorado's all time leader in Receptions and TD's, 3rd all time in yardage. He has stickem for hands, runs crisp routes. Can develop into a solid #4 in the NFL and possibly into a #3 with those hands of his.

    Negatives, short only 5'10'' and has average at best speed 4.6. Short without elite speed drops you to the 7th no matter how good your hands and production...

    Couple the natural chemistry he has with Mark and how hard those two will work together, they will both only get better because of it.
  2. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Didn't Rex say he was one of only 10 receivers in the Country that caught a pass in every game he played?

    Welker and Chrebet were both undrafted and they're great tiny white guys. Maybe we found a upgraded tiny white guy in the 7th round. Hey you never know.... lol
  3. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    No he didn't.

    He said Scotty Mcknight is one of 10 players in NCAA history to catch a pass in every NCAA game in which they played.

    I like that stat a little better...
  4. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    You worded it better. lol
  5. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    He's a menace to society. C'mon, how can you not believe the news as reported by Fox/Murdoch:


    The Jets were heavily criticized this weekend for drafting two players with violent pasts when they picked Kenrick Ellis and Bilal Powell in the third and fourth rounds, respectively.

    But based on some violent, threatening words that Jets’ seventh-round pick Scotty McKnight wrote in a journal when he was in high school (nearly derailing his promising football career), you’d have thought the Jets drafted the next Charles Manson at receiver.

    Some chilling, gruesome passages McKnight wrote in that journal made Ellis, a Hampton nose tackle who has a July trial date for felony assault stemming from a fight he had a year ago, and Powell, a Louisville running back who was stabbed in a gang-related incident in high school, look like choirboys.


    McKnight, a former Colorado receiver and boyhood friend of Mark Sanchez, nearly got himself expelled during his senior year of high school in 2005 for penning some threatening words directed at his Tesoro (Calif.) High School English teacher in a journal that was supposed to be private, but became public.

    One of the entries McKnight and Tesoro teammate Sam Smith wrote referred to gluing the teacher naked to a wall, cutting off her feet and killing her family while she watches, according to court documents.

    "I am planning on coming in your room late one night while you’re still working," read one partial entry. "I will smother you in gasoline and light your head on fire ... "

    McKnight, reached last night in California by The Post, doesn’t deny writing those things, but vehemently said he and his friend challenged each other in a private prank, using outrageous word images.

    "It was an error in judgment that led to a huge consequence," McKnight told The Post. "I was 17 years old and had a class assignment to do some creative writing and the teacher told us for the first five minutes of class to write whatever you want, be creative and that no one was going ever to read it.

    "Me and a buddy wrote some crazy stuff, [Quentin] Tarantino-like movie type stuff and were trying to one-up each other, figuring no one was ever going to read it. It was a lack of judgment for sure, but we were 17 years old and not thinking — clearly."

    The English teacher, Alyssa Di Somma, read the journal and went to school superiors, saying she felt threatened.

    McKnight was suspended by the school while an investigation ensued and he missed the last eight games of his senior football season — drastically affecting his college career.

    "Here I am at 17 thinking I’m on top of the world and with one lack of judgment everything’s flipped," McKnight said. "Everything was going great. Schools were already talking to me, I committed to Boise State and all of a sudden there was a perception of maybe this kid is not a good character."

    Boise State eventually shied away from McKnight and his best choice was to walk on at Colorado, where he became a record-setting receiver.

    McKnight, who was with Sanchez when he was drafted on Sunday and was with him last night when he spoke to The Post, said he spoke about the incident with every team interested in drafting him, including the Jets.

    He called it "a misunderstanding," recalling that "someone in the school leaked the [story] to the media and it came out like ‘these kids made threats’ and made me sound like, ‘This guy is crazy.’ "

    "People that know me know that’s not me. I was 17 years old and had never been in trouble. I come from a family of police officers. My father is a lieutenant in Newport Beach and my grandfather and uncle are in the LAPD."

    McKnight, who is going to participate in Sanchez’ "Jets West" camp this week in California, called the entire incident "a learning experience that ultimately helped me get to where I am today."

    "You really see how one small error in judgment can affect your whole life," McKnight said.
  6. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I accidentally lit my girlfriend on fire in HS, shit happens.
  7. colleen74

    colleen74 Member

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Don't want to sound like a homer, but the kid was 17... and boys will be boys. Look at the movies that are big now (Saw... Hostile...Human Centipede etc) and the video games they are playing. The fact that kids would bring that stuff into their writing and/or drawing is not exactly shocking or indicative of a future serial killer. It's the kids that AREN'T letting that stuff out somewhere that end up in bell towers with rifles.

    That said... if the Pats drafted this kid, I have to admit that would razz the hell out of all my Pats fan friends for it.
  8. Donttasemebro

    Donttasemebro Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2008
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    don't like the pick but i'll keep an open mind.
  9. GatorGar

    GatorGar Active Member

    Nov 6, 2008
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    I am so sick of hearing about this journal entry, and it hasn't even been a week yet. The kid was 17, and he paid his dues (was suspended) etc.
  10. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Report: Jets pick wrote teacher threats

    Updated May 2, 2011 3:04 AM ET
    New York Jets seventh-round pick Scotty McKnight nearly got himself expelled during his senior year of high school in 2005 for penning threatening words directed at his Tesoro (Calif.) High School English teacher in a journal, the New York Post reported Monday.

    The words from McKnight -- a former Colorado receiver and boyhood friend of Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez -- were supposed to be private, but became public.
    One of the entries McKnight and Tesoro teammate Sam Smith wrote referred to gluing the teacher naked to a wall, cutting off her feet and killing her family while she watched, according to court documents.

    "I am planning on coming in your room late one night while you’re still working," read one partial entry. "I will smother you in gasoline and light your head on fire ... "

    McKnight, reached Sunday in California by The Post, did not deny writing those things, but vehemently said he and his friend challenged each other in a private prank, using outrageous word images.

    "It was an error in judgment that led to a huge consequence," McKnight said. "I was 17 years old and had a class assignment to do some creative writing and the teacher told us for the first five minutes of class to write whatever you want, be creative and that no one was ever going to read it.

    "Me and a buddy wrote some crazy stuff, [Quentin] Tarantino-like movie type stuff and were trying to one-up each other, figuring no one was ever going to read it. It was a lack of judgment for sure, but we were 17 years old and not thinking -- clearly."

    The English teacher, Alyssa Di Somma, read the journal and went to school superiors, saying she felt threatened.

    McKnight was suspended by the school while an investigation ensued and he missed the last eight games of his senior football season, drastically affecting his college career.

    "Here I am at 17 thinking I’m on top of the world and with one lack of judgment everything’s flipped," McKnight said. "Everything was going great. Schools were already talking to me, I committed to Boise State and all of a sudden there was a perception of maybe this kid is not a good character."
    Boise State eventually shied away from McKnight and his best choice was to walk on at Colorado, where he became a record-setting receiver.

    McKnight said he spoke about the incident with every team interested in drafting him, including the Jets.

    He called the entire incident "a learning experience that ultimately helped me get to where I am today."

    "You really see how one small error in judgment can affect your whole life," he said.
  11. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    I feel better knowing now that the Post hates white people too! LOL!

    Seriously, much ado about nothing. I just want the kid to (1) catch the damn ball and (2) not kill Rex. Schotty, if he wants to take him out, would just be a bonus!
  12. kbgreen

    kbgreen Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    At 17 I did some pretty stupid things. so I cannot hold it against a kid who did a stupid thing hinself.

    Whats weird is not one writer (that i read) wrote about giving the kid a break for something he did at 17. Ellis gets consideration for beating the guy with a bat but Mcknight got none, they just post his words from his journal. The kid did not do the horrible things he wrote so what is the big deal.

    By the way how did they get those words? is not your school work covered in privacy laws? I guess the teacher seems to still have an axe to grind and kept a copy.
  13. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    At least now they're somewhat presenting the story right. When this first happened, papers like the LA Times and OC Register portrayed him as a serious threat to this teacher's life. What they STILL don't tell you is that the students at the school were all firmly on his side, that the teacher's union rep came in to try to negotiate his expulsion, and that other teachers who supported him (which, in my understanding at the time was most of the teachers at the school) were discouraged from doing so by the union.

    He paid a lot more than his dues. For a journal entry that they were told would never be read, he didn't deserve to lose his senior season and his scholarship to Boise St, or to have his public image tarnished for the rest of his life.
  14. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    The teacher was a bitch. I didn't know her personally, but I knew several of her students. Nobody sided with her, which only made the union defend her all the more vehemently. I don't believe for one second that she truly felt her life was at risk. She used those journals as an excuse to get her kids to write freely (again, promises were made to EVERY ONE of her classes that she'd only check to make sure they were written in and would never read them) and then read their dirt. Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch. She was in 05, and I'm sure she still is today.
  15. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Hey, did you guys hear that Scotty McKnight raped and killed his high school teacher?

    Seriously though, I'm a pretty kind-hearted person, but if any teacher heard the crap we would say around the lunch table or in the locker room or after school, they would be appalled, too. I don't think I ever wrote any of the stuff Scotty did, but I'm not going to judge him. Everything else about him makes him sound like a good guy, and his quotes on the subject are right on point.
  16. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    It was in self defense, she was coming at him with a bat.
  17. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    Close. He shot her in the head and fucked the bullet wound.
  18. Johnny English

    Johnny English Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
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    She's quite cute though.


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