Unfortunately Ellis ran afoul of the law this past April when he was arrested for assault after breaking a man’s nose and jaw in a fight.
350lbs and a touch violent. Now that's not a guy you want to fight in a phone booth, which is what he'll be doing for the Jets. If the Jets can keep him off the grass, and on the field turf, it could pay off. I still wouldn't mind re-signing Jenkins to show him whats up.
Cimini must love this. He gets another opportunity to bash the team he covers and hates. Ellis may have character issues, but Cimini has serious professionalism issues. I cannot imagine ESPN hiring someone to cover the Pats with such an anti-Pats bias. Mike Reiss is practically a cheerleader for the Pats. HA! The whole conversation has been taped without them knowing!!!
In other words, Danny Woodhead better be scared for his life if he tries running up the middle. The Jets are going to be nearly impossible to run it up the middle against. This is a direct response to the Steelers, who killed them in the 1st half. Mendenhall wont do jack shit against us in the playoffs next year.
Cimini pretty much just got caught red-handed trying to stir up trouble, with a camera and mic he didn't know was on.
I'm tired of Cimini's shite. This is a new era, and i cannot fuckin stand having a negative douche speaking to our team.
all they are doing are pulling up every single negative thing about Kenrick Ellis they can find.. I hope Rex destroys them during the presser.. which seems to be starting now
And according to Cimini the person whose jaw and nose he broke was going after Ellis with a baseball bat. Self Defense?
http://www.newyorkjets.com/ So far every question is about character concern/risk. Jets had Ellis ranked 36 overall so good value
I think that Cimini is raising a valid concern. Ellis faces possibly 20 years in prison. There is little chance that he will get 20 years but if he gets any time in jail, that is just a waste of a pick for the Jets. Its not like he got a speeding ticket, he assaulted someone. This concern should not be ignored. Our 3rd round pick could be in jail during next season.
I don't think it matters why it happened. He has character problems regardless if it was self defense or not. I like his potential to be our future NT but he could very well be in jail.
Just an update to anyone not listening, Tanny has been asked about 10 times about whether he is worried about the jail time and they trial Ellis is facing. He responded each with the fact that the organization has done thorough research and has gathered as much information as possible and they felt comfortable taking him. EDIT: Bottom Line - Don't worry about it
The Jets clearly looked into it. Mike said their head of security did his research. They also probably talked with his lawyer, other lawyers, etc.. The chance of him going to jail seems like it's in the range of 0%.