And yet it doesn't matter as long as they have Tom Brady. He will mask all their deficiencies, and when he retires, so will Belichick and that team will be a mess.
Seconds after the pick is made the Dolphins fans will claim that Mallett is already better than Sanchez!
HAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaa Daniel Thomas!? hhahahahahahaahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhhhahahahahhahahah
wow phins fans just lept from buildings they wanted Mallet at 15, their team trades up into round 2, they are all excited to get their franchise QB (again!) and instead they take a RB Shame, I liked Thomas out of K-state. Early for him, but he is going to be pretty good.
I need to see what's going on at finheaven.... hahahahahh!!!! Morons, Mallett would've been the right pick.