if the Chiefs put their pick in, the Pats can run up there and throw a pick in too, until the Ravens get their shit together. This is wild.
First we get the picks 3 minutes before they are announced. Now we get the picks announced three minutes after they are made.
2 picks in, no one at the podium, pandamonia ensues!! 2 guys gone, none announced and NE on the clock. What. The. Fuck????
SO pats are on the clock.. KC and BAL have both made submissions.. but i wonder .. since there hasn't been an announcement.. if they were for the same player?? and they are trying to figure shit out
haha Baltimore dropped the ball...so KC jumped and drafted quickly, but baltimore realized they fucked up and probably chose some player real fast before New england drafted this is whats going on
According to Mort: "Baltimore passes the 26th pick; KC chooses Jonathan Baldwin and Ravens Jimmy Smith with the 27th"
come on with this shit, its 0500 here in germany and i need to get some sleep before I go to work....