17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    planning to go to the Ravens game or the Redskin game or both

    neither involve removing my shoes and going thru TSA security and Amtrak makes it even more affordable and convenient than having to fly anywhere
  2. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Wow, both great games to go to. I would prefer the Redskin game since its a day game.
  3. asbcheeks

    asbcheeks Member

    Jul 29, 2003
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    Has anyone here ever seen the Jets in Oakland? Would love to hear about your experience, considering making the trip this year.
  4. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    hearsay reports only but those are quite negative regarding the "animals" in the stands wearing silver and black costumes
  5. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Make sure you don't buy tickets in the Black hole section of the stadium, you might not make it out alive.
  6. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    there was a guy on the radio talking about how how come the players have representation and the owners have representation but he doesnt have any representation.... whining about how he paid 30k for psls for 4 seats and now they want his money and he cant even be sure that there will be a season... it was quite humorous. frandrescher told him he should sell his psl then.... silence... well i cant do that because i cant represent them right with the lockout and not knowing if there will be games next year...

    frandrescher is a moron but he does have one thing right, the prices will come down when the seats dont get sold. they have come down already, they will hopefully come down again. but not until more people show their unwillingness to buy at outrageous prices. he for once actually said a few things that made sense including that the fans have no voice because they are not organized.

    there will always be some dummy out there willing to pay far over what something is worth.
  7. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    People always say " do you miss the old neighborhood " and the answer most of the people I grew up with give is " I miss what it was not what it is now" Will I miss going to games? Not really because I will still probably attend at least half of them. The dynamics of our tailgate changed dramatically once the West side project was dumped. We still always had a pretty good showing in the new place but many guys bailed (mostly the LI crowd ) because the commute killed them,,,,,,especially nite games but I stray.
    Then many guys bailed due to the Psl's ,,,,then this year every single guy that I know that HAD uppers bailed out---believe me it's alot of people. So OUR tailgate is now down to only the guys that have psl's---12 to be exact. So regardless of all the bad things said about the stadium --- parking and the Reps blatantly lying to me and all the other crap piled on---I have become disheartened with the whole experience in general as many of the guys n gals I hung with in the past are no longer going to games-------so will I miss it ? I will give you another honest answer in the fall if there actually are games but as far as here and now----> "I miss what it was NOT WHAT IT IS NOW "
  8. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    we all made the best for us choices based on our priorities and what we could afford

    sounds like you are happy with your choice

    and that is all good
  9. JLJets

    JLJets New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    An update on where they are with the invoice process.

    I've been trying to move two of my seats in the UL, closer to the other four seats. They moved them once for me, in March, but still almost a section away. They said to check back when the invoice process was done and they would have seats freed up by people not renewing.

    I waited until they said, then I spoke with a rep yesterday. She said that they're still working the invoices for those who have not paid. They're trying to give those struggling to pay, the benefit of the doubt and to work with them.

    However, she said that they are near the end of that effort and should know by next week, what seats are available. I'm just hoping that they are fair to current STHs before they put them on the open market.

    As for my request to upgrade from an orange permit to a yellow one, she indicated that they haven't begun that process yet and that also should begin soon.

    I'll check back next week.
  10. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    JL best of luck -----------that said they have held back on better seat locations before--it's what they do and have done. If I were you I would continue to call and e-mail them because that seems to be the only way to have them respond. Go back on this thread and take a look at what 17 A posted---> he put up actually section and row locations that people gave up and should now be available. I do not know what your seniority is JL but again if the past few years mean anything ---the Jet Reps do not go by seniority---again go reread this thread . It all depends on which Rep you get , what time of day it is and which way the wind is blowing--theres no rhyme or reason how this "process " actually works. Good Luck keep everyone posted
  11. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i was told seniority is a thing of the past.but yet i am still treated slightly better than what i hear from other long time sth. i guess its al the hard work and complaining i have done.
  12. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    I wonder whats going to happen to those Psl seats that come back from default. Will people be able to move their seats if somebody with better seats defaults on them or will the Jets just try to resell them to some new comer.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    LOL... an interesting question. A PSL "upgrade?"

    Probably unlikely. "You bought it and you own it" is more likely.

    "But I know the guy in Row 9 threw in the towel. I'm only asking to move my seats from Row 34 to Row 9 for the same price. How about it?"

    Really a fucking joke. Not on your life.
  14. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Stay in contact with your rep, they'll tag your account if that does happen.

    Where I'm at now is exactly where I want to be but the people a few seats in from us moved to aisle seats a few rows back because they told their rep that's what they wanted.
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I can see the "reps" moving people if they consider it a downgrade, i.e., further from the field or further from the 50.

    But I seriously don't see that happening in reverse (an upgrade). Again, it's harder to resell that PSL in Row 34 as opposed to Row 9, and anything that makes their job harder is rejected by ticket office management. We've seen this pattern over and over again.

    The only exception (as was my case) is when you have some kind of leverage over them, i.e., "I'm walking, pal, unless you upgrade me. That's right, giving up all 8 seats." But PSLers have no leverage. None whatsoever. So it's highly unlikely they'll do anything because they know they don't have to.

    Expecting the "reps" to do anything purely out of the kindness of their hearts went out the window about... oh... let's say.... about June of 2009.
  16. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    That's exactly what happened, these guys were further in of row 2.

    So those will be easy to move.
  17. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    227 I believe that last post was on the money-----------aka "boom head shot"
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You're a bigger pain in the ass than I am, and that's saying something. And this was the right call, as it all turned out. But none of us knew it then.

    In the beginning (oh, let's say the spring of 2009) you were calling every day and bugging the shit out of the reps... perstering the living dog poop out of them I didn't think this was the way to go and especially playing hardball with them, so I patiently waited my turn without calling and took my June 16, 2009 call expecting a decent set of seats from Manny Giacobo.

    He porked me but good and it took the next two years and a real hardass attitude to get back what I should have had almost 24 months ago. So looking back in retrospect, I'm not sure the incessant phone calls did you much good, but you had the right idea from the start, which was to stay on top of them and not be complacent and accomodating.

    In the end, yours was the way to go when coupled with an all-or-nothing attitude ("Upgrade my ass or I walk, so help me God"). It took a while for me to adjust to that stance because I had had my seats for a very long time. And the thought of giving them up and actually following through on my threat was a gamble, admittedly.

    But it's a good thing that they pissed me off substantially toward the end, because it was just enough of a shove to get me the upgrade. Using your phone-calling, in-your-face technique plus the obvious fact that i was fed up and wasn't taking any more of their bullshit pushed me over the edge on the gamble, and it worked.
  19. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You are now in the best of both worlds... a real sweet spot to be in, IMO. Truth be known, there's no real reason to own Season Tickets anymore. And certainly not PSL Season Tickets, good Lord.

    You can now pick and choose whatever day or game or opponent you'd like to see and I don't care if you pay 2X face, it's still a bargain because of all the extra bullshit waste involved in Season Ticket "ownership."

    Being a Season Ticketholder is not what it was. There was enough value back then to make it worthwhile. You took the bad with the good because the balance was there... reasonable prices for the entire package gave you enough really great games to overcome the total losers trying to sell your 2 remaining seats in the rain on a Sunday night with a record of 3-10 and knowing damn well you weren't even going to get enough to buy a hot cup of coffee.

    But they've priced the tickets over market now... so much so that it makes the losers really hurt you. And you look at the good games you go to (the 1PM, sunny Sunday Patriots game) and you're in effect paying about $2,000 for 4 seats to that game. Now, if you had to pay a PSL on top of that, one can easily see waht a gigantic loser it all is. Huge.

    So there's a lot to be said for being able to sit at home in your jammies and buy a couple of seats online for Sunday's game and just go and enjoy it without worrying about the economics of it all. "Let's see, I think I'll sit in the Mezz on Sunday. And here's some poor bastard selling for a little over face not to mention what he must have shelled out for his PSL. I guess I'll help him out and buy this game from him."
  20. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    What is funny/ strange/ sad is it is 2 years later and the M.O. is still exactly the same--they are not very helpful or accomodating. Yeah occasionally you get someone that is helpful or does you right but those instances are far far apart. I mean 227 in your last post you spoke about 2009 but it might even be longer than that ? Also the last season in the old place they were giving away lower level seats to any Johnny come lately--no waitinglist no seniority , they did not ask anyone who had tix if they wanted GREAT SEATS downstairs, in fact very few people were aware they did that BUT THEY DID,and then when people like myself called they said I " HAD IT WRONG " OR "MISUNDERSTOOD' . No matter how you look at it this whole "PROCESS" has sucked-----we all love the team but the Jets made this mess and sadly it is far from being cleaned up.

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