You haven't even won a divison title and youah going aftah Tom Brady in youah book!?! Win a division first before you tawk!
I do not understand why people twist Rex's words of respect or a joke that he has into words of trash talking or hate.
[YOUTUBE]3VFGZalcSlc[/YOUTUBE] i know people dont understand why jets fan listen to this guy, but i think he is hilarious. he is lawst.
wow heres wad I say, I''m gonna repeed myself four dimes in 120 segunds and den heres Misdah Med what A FAT DUMB TURD
Didn't realise that 2 double digit win seasons in his first two years as a head coach with a rookie QB in addition to 4 playoff wins could be simplified down to, 'he won a couple of games'. As for going on TV and acting like a goofball...does he seriously want to start that argument? Also this notion that Brady is off limits because he's going to the HOF and has won a few Super bowls is bullshit. You do not need to equal his achievements to qualify to comment. If that were the case then there would be no 'sports journalists' like Francesa...second thought maybe he is on to something
I just love how mad Francesa gets at anyting Rex-related. The jealousy and bitterness is palpable, it's really entertaining to watch/listen to it unfold (even though I haven't been listening) over time.
it's gonna get better next week when Rex makes appearances with Kay and Lagreca, Tierney and McDonald, Mike and Mike and even Boomer and Carton and Benigno and Roberts promoting his best selling book avoiding ONLY ONE fat dumb turd loser in PM drive time on the FAN "Yangee talg today coming up ride aftah Ming wid da flash"
the fat pantload is apparently now taking credit for Yankee world series championships what an arrogant pile of lard
He RIPPED YES Network to open his show, does he realize whos paying him? ahahaha fattys lost his mind. It would be like one of us ripping our bosses. Im gunna laugh when he gets fired haha funny shit.
He's been great today. I haven't heard him say anything about the Jets, but I love him ripping the NFL constantly.
hmmm where have i heard this before... oh yeah every other post in this thread... saying it isnt going to get people to stop