Meh. I'd much rather not have the game on Christmas Eve. It would be sweet if it was to snow during the game though. See you at the game?
Was this scheduled knowing the JETS fans would not be showing up? Why? Because the NFL want this to be as big of a vaGIANTS crowd as it is a home game for us. So far almost Every JETS game with regards to the vaGIANTS has been in their favor. They got 1st Home game ever and now this head 2 head regular season is gonna be half vaGIANTS fans. Ask yourself this, of all the 8 home games, which date would be most logical for fans to sell their tickets? All I ask is that you mutherfukers not going SELL/GIVE it to JETS FANS! but, maybe it's just me.
It will be a 1PM start so I'm fine playing a game on Christmas Eve, I would have preferred to play the Giants in Oct/Nov but the Giants always seem to fade in Dec lately so maybe this will be a good thing?
nice gesture by the NFL really both NY teams get to spend Christmas day at home with their families good job
While I don't like to sell tickets, I do have to sell some of the games b/c of family/travel/work responsibilities. My goal is to make back enough money to pay for the loss on the preseason games and to contribute towards my PSL payment. Normally, the Giants game would be a premium game with the resale market ideal for sellers. With so many STH's like me who cannot go to the game, the prices are going to be lower than normal. Of course - Jets fans who can go and who aren't STH's need to step up and snap up the tickets.
I would bet they will flex the game into the 4pm time slot b/c both teams should be good. That is a nice "one finger'd" gesture to NFL STH's who don't live 10 minutes from the stadium.
There's no guarantee that the game will be a 1:00 . It could be flexed . First , they screw up Thanksgiving and now, Xmas . Last year, i had thanksgiving dinner in the parking lot (in the rain) . Now I get to have xmas dinner in the snow . THANK YOU NFL - you bastards !!!!!
Love the idea, any time we are on National TV it's a good thing. and if we are the home team, even better.
My family does jack shit on X-Mas eve anyway. Business as usual pretty much. It'll be nice to at least have football.
As a Jets fan, I love it, imagine how much NY is going to be buzzing all week long before this game. As a lover of NY, I love it because all NY'ers get to see their teams over the Christmas period, if they haven't gone somewheres else that is.
NO - after we destroy those fuckers I want no distraction from the massive amount of trash talking that will ensue. Fatcessa will be off, for example, and will have other things to discuss when he returns.
There were going to be games Christmas Eve because of how the calendar falls, so the fact that it's the Giants isn't a big deal to me. Also--the Baltimore night game works well for me, every year I'm traveling home from a business trip on that Sunday and usually miss the game.
Way to late in the season and going to have to deal with snow and cold weather. Not feeling it wish it was in Nov early and a 415 game but I do like that it is on SATURDAY!!
I don't think they're flexing games on Christmas Eve, that night is usually a dead zone for sports. Plus it's a Saturday, I'm pretty sure there is a set SNF game for Christmas night.